Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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UNAMID urges Sudan to intensify effort to release its abducted members

October 29 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Darfur hybrid peacekeeping force urged the Sudanese government to increase its efforts to secure a save release of two civilians staffers abducted since August and other aid workers.

The abduction of UNAMID personnel occurred in Zalingei, 100 klm southeast of El-Geneina the capital of West Darfur state, on Saturday August 29. The two staff members, one woman and one man, were taken at gunpoint by four or five gunmen from their residence to an unknown destination.

Also, last week, a staff member of the International Red Cross (ICRC), French-British national Gauthier Lefevre, was snatched by gunmen while returning to El Geneina, capital of West Darfur state, from a field mission to help local communities obtain clean drinking water.

UNAMID Acting Joint Special Representative, Henry Anyidoho, discussed the issue of the abduction with the Sudanese Minister of Interior, Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid, and the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Al Samani Al Wasila on 27 October in Khartoum.

He also discussed the security situation and strategies to reduce banditry and criminality in Darfur with the two ministers, thanked them for their cooperation with UNAMID and sought continued and enhanced cooperation in executing the mission’s mandate, the UNAMID said.

The Sudanese officials assured him of Sudanese Government’s full commitment to upcoming talks with Darfur rebel movements aimed at bringing peace to a region where at least 300,000 people are estimated to have died and another 2.7 million more have been driven from their homes in over six years of fighting between the Government, its militia allies and various armed groups.




    UNAMID urges Sudan to intensify effort to release its abducted members
    If you don’t give up the reports of Mbeki they will not release them. Its a dirty strategy of the ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISTS in Sudan they will keep on abducting until all of you pull out, unless you threaten them all to fight; and that is what they believe in.They are happy that they have LRA and Al-qaida groups from Arabs countries who are ready to fight for them.

  • telfajbago

    UNAMID urges Sudan to intensify effort to release its abducted members
    It is absolutely comic,if not shame that UNAMID can not protect it’s staff members and squandering the donors resources ,that they are doing something in Darfur,these forces are there whoring and eating what they have not tasted in their countries especially chicken with honey, and assisting Khartoum’s Government to continue their crimes,and until writing my comments several incidents were reported by the IDPs in the camps,that local tea -makers were drugged by the peace-keepers to where a long queue of security personnel of Khartoum waiting ready to attack the pray,to say the very least.the UNAMID expatriate forces should pact up their things and leave,than burdening our people and making survival on their mess,enough is enough,if you can not even protect yourself,so what are you waiting,is it honey moon?.imagine a soldier making passionate plea to free his colleague,it’s affront to the spirit of soldiering,peace -keeping mission is not writing reports , sites viewing and socializing with the locals,it includes,among other things, protecting at least your comrades and yourself,if you failed to protect the innocent civilians.

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