Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese police officer killed in Khartoum gun battle

October 29, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The head of a Sudanese police station in the twin capital city of Omdurman was killed after a gun battle erupted with an armed militia originally from South of the country according to news reports.

Sudan official news agency (SUNA) carried a statement by police spokesperson saying that Colonel Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Adam responded to a complaint at Al-Haj Yusuf police station regarding the kidnapping of a citizen “from a southern state”.

The statement said that this girl was previously kidnapped and returned to her family but this time the kidnapper was held by some chiefs to be handed over to the police.

However, when the suspect was handed over to the police officers at the scene they were shot add killing Adam “immediately”.

Sources say that the shooters were part of General Gabriel Tanginye’s forces with some eye witnesses saying he was personally seen in the house where shots were fired from.

It was also reported that an unspecified number of people were wounded.

The kidnapping was allegedly motivated by the man’s inability to pay the dowry to marry the girl, a major requirement in South Sudan. This tactic is generally used to negotiate a lower dowry with the girl’s family.

Tang is notorious for clashes with South Sudan army particularly in 2006 in Malakal which killed 150 people.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudanese police officer killed in Khartoum gun battle
    That is what they mstly does in the south. Nuer are always militia.Taganyang militia in the North.
    They are looters.

  • oshay

    Sudanese police officer killed in Khartoum gun battle
    Unfortunate for this to happen and the killer must be brought to justice.

  • thieleling

    Sudanese police officer killed in Khartoum gun battle

    Politically fabricated and bias News report!! I personally spoke to witness and that was a wrong report. Tanginye did not personally involve. It is a fabricated report at best. Remember? Kiir wanted Tanginye dead or alive? This is part of Kiir’s efforts to capture him. But to unavail.

  • Time1

    Sudanese police officer killed in Khartoum gun battle
    blame the NCP for distributing weapons to different groups, now the fire has started in khartoum, now this is the results of giving weapons, that has backfired on your arab behinds.

  • junuby

    Sudanese police officer killed in Khartoum gun battle
    Rambang Deng you are the most stupit hatred nuer man/boy I ever came across in my life,because you are distroying what nuer leaders like late Peter Gatkuoth, John Kong, Francis Gai and other leaders I didn’t mension have builded for years with your negative commons. please try to behieve like a juntleman and stop insulting people, if you have a problem with a Dinka man or been bitten up by a Dinka man because of your stupid behiever, then don’t enclude all the Dinka tribe in your problems.

    Rambang Deng I don’t think you are from nuer tribe,I guss you are someone who want to create tention between dinka and Nuer which use to have a good relationship for years and years, even if their is any problems they sit down solve it.

    My friend if you are doing this to distroy what SPLA/M ashieved or you are doing this to let people kill each other then you are wrong because most of them are educated know and they can smell any fishy thing going around them.

    Nuer of today are not like Nuer of yesterday who were fooled by some people who were looking after themseves,
    So forget, what happen in 1991 will never happen again even though Reik Gai is trying his best but he will never succeed.

    SPLA oyee SPLM oyee SOUTH sudan Oyee

  • Joseph Dut Gak
    Joseph Dut Gak

    Sudanese police officer killed in Khartoum gun battle
    That so called states of affairs let them start know the killing within them selves .
    within khartoum.

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