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Sudan Tribune

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Resolution of Darfur conflict implies greater commitment – UN

October 30, 2009 (UNITED NATIONS) — The resolution of Darfur conflict is hampered by the lack of greater commitment to peace process from the Sudanese parties, said the head of the UN peacekeeping department yesterday.

Alain Le Roy, the United Nation's under-secretary-general for peacekeeping operations (AP)
Alain Le Roy, the United Nation’s under-secretary-general for peacekeeping operations (AP)
Efforts by the joint AU-UN Mediator are facing “a number of seemingly intractable challenges, including and perhaps above all, the absence of a sustained commitment from the parties to discuss and then deliver progress on the issues of concern to the people of Darfur,” said Alain Le Roy in a speech at the summit meeting of the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council on Thursday.

“The result is a process that has moved at a very slow pace and justifiable impatience on all sides,” he told the gathering in Abuja, Nigeria.

The Joint Chief Mediator Djibril Bassole organized last February talks between the Sudanese government and the Justice and equality Movement (JEM) and the parties signed a goodwill agreement. However the process stalled after Sudan’s refusal to release the rebel fighters detained in Khartoum asking to sign a ceasefire first.

Also the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur who has popular support among the displaced Darfurians refuses to join the process demanding to provide security first to the IDPs. But, the government refuses his request.

Libya and the US envoy for Sudan attempt to gather the other rebel factions in one structure but their efforts are hampered by divisions among these groups.

But the mediator plans to launch within two week the peace process in Doha with the civil society representatives and to invite the rebel groups for talks with the government.

In its report on peace and Justice in the restive western Sudan region the African Union Panel on Darfur suggested a roadmap to realize peace in Darfur urging to take in consideration the place of the other components of Darfur from the civil society, native administration.

It also suggests a number of measures designed to provide security for the local population while the talks commence, and proposed the creation of hybrid courts to try those accountable of Darfur crimes during the counterinsurgency campaign by the government army and militias.

“We are confident that a number of proposals made by the report will give a boost to the efforts of the Joint Chief Mediator and his team, and their colleagues in the Qatari Government, as they continue the painstaking work of steering a peace process towards a tangible result,” stated Mr. Le Roy.

He further said that, in Darfur, concessions are necessary from the rebel movements, as well as the Government of National Unity.

“Let us work with them closely and encourage them to transcend conflict through serious confidence-building measures, and agreements that address the legitimate concerns of the people of Darfur,” said the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations.

Mr. Le Roy pointed out that a political agreement for Darfur is also necessary in light of the national elections scheduled for April 2010.

“If the conditions are put in place, the elections will provide a chance for the displaced and disenfranchised people of Darfur to articulate their needs and concerns. We must work with the people and the Government of Sudan to ensure they seize this opportunity,” he said.




    Resolution of Darfur conflict implies greater commitment – UN
    Only the fools who will join what so called the peace process while their families are still under the mercy of the Jalabas and their Arab Janjaweed mercenaries.
    How can a person sign a peace deal while he is still under threat? Only fools the position seekers will do!

  • telfajbago

    Resolution of Darfur conflict implies greater commitment – UN
    “If the conditions are put in place, the elections will provide a chance for the displaced and disenfranchised people of Darfur to articulate their needs and concerns. We must work with the people and the Government of Sudan to ensure they seize this opportunity,” he said.

    It took the above quotation,to remind all and sundry aspirants of bring a lame peace to Darfur,in order to achieve their own purposes,making such talks,that the people whom they are working to undermine their cause,have hanged their aspirations and needs on the pig of the Sudan liberation movement under the leadership of the very person the are working to bypass,and that is Mr.Wahid,the principled leader and the sole Representative of these people;Iam saying this because the seven years of suffering and displacement have matured the people of Darfur and I do not think any power on earth or person can cheat them or bluff them to pursue an elusive peace;moreover;the international community should not be part of prolonging the suffering of the people of Darfur by supporting doomed peace agreements,instead the should put pressure on the government of Sudan to implement the already signed agreements than signing and shelving peace agreements while continuing the genocide,because experiences has shown that solve the problem can only by throw the bumpy and thorny way of addressing the root causes to the problem,which includes among other things providing security on the ground,and there no short cut to the solution,lastly I do not see any logic in blaming the victims because it’s the Government of Sudan placing road blocks and killing the germs of any peace,and refusing to commit itself to any efforts aiming to bring a lasting peace ,assisting the Government to stole election or denying the South to exercise it’s right of self-determination it will surely means helping to Somalize Sudan.

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