Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA accused of arresting two NCP members

October 30, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudan’s dominant National Congress Party (NCP) accused today the southern Sudan army Sudan people’s Liberation Army (SPLA) of arresting two of its members in Eastern Equatoria state.

Ibrahim Gandoor, head of the NCP political secretariat said today that Lino Lokang and Hillary Koenig were arrested by a group of SPLA soldiers and taken to an unknown place.

He said the NCP strongly condemns this attitude of the SPLA against its membership in the south. He further asked for the release of the two people who came to the state as part of a team of the NCP Commission for the Electoral Register.

He further said the repeated arrests will shed negative effects on the overall the next electoral process, asking the SPLM to allow political freedom for all parties in the south.

He stressed that the arrests gave negative messages that could be seen as not targeting individuals only, but intending to harm the existing partnership.

Sudan will witness in April next year the first free and democratic election since more than twenty year. Many areas in the southern Sudan were deprived from participating in the electoral process since 1983 due to the war in this part of the country.

Last August gunmen killed the Chairperson of the Women’s Desk of National Congress Party, Mariam Biringi, in Yambio, the capital of western Equatoria State.

The authorities in Western Equatoria State condemned the killing and said they are investigating the incident.



  • Mzalendo Mwema
    Mzalendo Mwema

    SPLA accused of arresting two NCP members
    How did NCP know that it was the SPLA ? Why should NCP accused only the SPLA and left out LRA ? In this case NCP is not fair by pointing fingers at SPLA only. SPLA AND LRA are all in Eastern Equatoria. Aren’t they?

  • oshay

    SPLA accused of arresting two NCP members
    If the SPLM is so confident that Southerners support it, why does it arrest opposition member, it arrests SPLM-DC member and now the NCP

    Pathetic Party, Pathetic Leadership.

  • Allajabu

    SPLA accused of arresting two NCP members
    Now let the game of name calling start between the NCP accomplices and people movement. I honestly believe the SPLA should be doing this long time ago because Gabrile Tanginya and other criminals would have not dare cross Southern Sudan boundaries over to Malakal and committed war crimes there. I have preserve $1000 to celebrate the day Riek Gai, Abel Alier, Lam Akol, and Gordon Koang Nyuon are brought to justice for conspiring with Jellaba.

    1. The NCP thugs are feeling the SPLM boycott of the parliamentary general assembly.
    2. The regime problems are filing at speed of light and they need a scapegoat party to squarely blame for their own problems and failures.
    3. It is a regime of lies that was built based on half-truth and outdated Islamic chauvinism that has nothing to do with Sudanese people.
    4. In truth, the regime is on cancerous terminal stage of their demise and they ought to take with them another party.

    Professor Allajabu Al Dinkawi

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLA accused of arresting two NCP members
    “southern Sudan army Sudan people’s Liberation Army (SPLA) of arresting two of its members in Eastern Equatoria state”.

    I hate the above statement. That show that the report is false. NCP knows very well how to write SPLA/SPLM instead of the above.
    Dear brothers and Sisters from Equatoria, what benefits are going to get from NCP?. Why always supporting them.
    that is propaganda. False! False! false.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    SPLA accused of arresting two NCP members
    If there are evidences that SPLA real arrested two NCP members,then definitely these members might have broken laws of south Sudan.

    SPLA can not arrest other party members with out reason,as the case is with NCP in Khartoum which daily arrest people with trail.

    Worst of all, for example arrested party leaders like Hassan Al Traibi.

    There is nobody above the law of a country in a democratic country like south Sudan.


  • J.James

    SPLA accused of arresting two NCP members
    Hi guys

    It is normally fair for all wise men to shut their lips from commenting on such ridicules.

    God bless

    The writer watches closely.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    SPLA accused of arresting two NCP members
    Dear brothers and sisters in Southern Sudan,

    Sudan people’s liberation movement or army (SPLA/M)is not a donkey on which anybody is free to take a joy ride,SPLA/M is the Government of the people,for the people and by the people.

    So my dear barking dogs from the North,you better call a spade a spade but not a big spoon otherwise. SPLM/A is not doing that but who will take them to heel if they do it?

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • black-hope

    SPLA accused of arresting two NCP members
    It unfair for NCP to accuse peace lovers SPLM who struggle for Peace, Democracy, and freedom of speech and expression over decade. I hate alitudes of NCP toward SPLA by using southerners to weakened this SPLM party. Aparty like NCP with alot of criminal charges is struggle to take people back to war and will never happen b’se trust can prevail in darkness. Great thank to people of Eastern Equatoria and southerners who are committed to self detemination by being critically to identify this illegal NCP who are working against southerners. My dear brothers and sister let be confident toward our decision, there is nothing impossible in this world unless you don’t work toward it goals. No way arabs your wrong policies are targeted and there are solutions being put forward. Let me tell you we are not longer in darkiness nothing new from you human butchers.

  • Kur

    SPLA accused of arresting two NCP members
    This is a lie. There are no arrested members of the NIf in South Sudan. SPLM cannot be afraid of little NIF presence in the South. SPLM is a national political party who believes in democracy and the rule of law.So, these allegations were made to counter the SPLM’s success in exposing the corrupt attitudes of the NIF against the Sudanese people. It is the NIF that arrests and kills political opponents in the country.


  • junuby

    SPLA accused of arresting two NCP members
    Dear brothers and sisters I don’t think that SPLA is so stupit to arrest NCP members at this critical time, and don’t forget that criminals are also using SPLA uniform to commite their crimes, but in this situetion i think there is someone who is behine this false accusetions,

    logic boy

    Juba was like a Ghost town before 2005, there were nothing,no electricity no proper water even schools were close and turned to acommodations by useless govrnment of Equatoria state at that time, even heyAmarat the most baeutiful area in juba with its morden buildings, was like scrap yard,so I don’t understand why are you arguing about dinka building juba and make it look like a city or a capital. I know for sure if SPLA/M had chosen Rumbek or any other dinka town as capital of GOSS, they would also have a problem for chooing their town.


    You have to think about your future after 2011, because SPLM is going to be the ruling party and SPLA as you know is going to be south sudan army, national security and the police. and by the way SPLM/A is formed from all the tribes of southern sudan, so you are going to be under their regulations what so ever. and if you chose to live in khatoum than you are going to be a foreigner ( second citizin).

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