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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA deny arrest of two NCP members in Eastern Equatoria

By Manyang Mayom

October 31, 2009 (RUMBEK) — The Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) official spokesman has denied the arrest of two members belonging to the National Congress Party (NCP) in Torit the capital of Eastern Equatoria state.

SPLA Spokesman Maj. Gen. Kuol Deim Kuol
SPLA Spokesman Maj. Gen. Kuol Deim Kuol
Sudan’s dominant National Congress Party (NCP) accused on Friday the southern Sudan army Sudan people’s Liberation Army (SPLA) of arresting two of its members in Eastern Equatoria state. According to Ibrahim Gandoor, head of the NCP political secretariat, Lino Lokang and Hillary Koenig were arrested by a group of SPLA soldiers and taken to an unknown place.

SPLA spokesman Major General Kuol Deim Kuol, said he investigated the NCP allegations of the arrest of its two members in Torit and the SPLA units deployed in the area denied to be involved in this abduction.

“According information we have, from our units, there is no such arrest” said SPLA spokesperson.

Gen. Deim affirmed that Gandoor’s “accusation is completely false”. He further added “SPLA does not detaining any members of NCP in Southern Sudan, and they are no members of NCP in our custody.”

“I want to assure political parties operating in southern Sudan that SPLA is not a political party and it has nothing to do with politics” said Kuol.

He also stressed said that detention is the duty of Southern Sudan Police Service (SSPS), “we in the SPLA do not arrest any politicians; we are responsible for our military affairs.”

Southern Sudan army had been accused by opposition parties of hampering their political activities by intimidating and arresting their members. Historically, all the SPLM cadres are members of the SPLA and have military rank in the army.

Last August, unknown gunman killed the Chairperson of the Women’s Desk of National Congress Party, Mariam Biringi, in Yambio at her residential house, in the capital of western Equatoria State but the state authorities condemned the incident.

The government of Southern Sudan police was assigned to carryout intensive investigation over the incident as well on Saturday, the SPLA spokesman Kuol Deim, said that they have no idea on investigation stages reached by Police in connection with killing of Mariam Biringi.

“We don’t know anything about that and it has nothing to do with SPLA, it is work of Police” he said.

Also, he downplayed the statement made by Unity State Community which said that October 2 clashes in Bentiu between bodyguards of SPLA deputy commander in chief Gen Paulino Matip and troops under command of Governor Taban Deng Gai were politically motivated.

“I want to repeat myself once again that this Bentiu clashes were purely SPLA affairs; it has no connection with politics. I repeat it again and again that It is purely SPLA affairs” Kuol said.



  • Kur

    SPLA deny arrest of two NCP members in Eastern Equatoria
    These cowards of the NIF have been trying to tarnish the image of the SPLA. But SPLA is not like the NIF armed forces, who arrest innocent people for political reasons. When they fail to convince the people of South Sudan with their dirty politics, the NIF resorts to lies and cheating. Howver,none of these steps will work. We have waken up and the days of cheating are over. Try some thing else.


  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    SPLA deny arrest of two NCP members in Eastern Equatoria
    To hell with you Koul, just look at your images, it is horrible and perfect images of great killers who denys the facts.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLA deny arrest of two NCP members in Eastern Equatoria
    Thanks Gen Major Kuol Dim,
    I said yesterday that the message is completely false.

  • Mathiang Beny Til
    Mathiang Beny Til

    SPLA deny arrest of two NCP members in Eastern Equatoria
    Thanks Maj.Gen K,Dim for making them understand that:-

    SPLA is not a party. And it has nothing to do with politicians.
    They can only arrest army men but not civilians. Or are you calling Police in South Sudan to SPLA? So please don’t joke with SPLA name every time.

    To: Southerners,
    We need to unite and solve external problems and let’s not encourage tribalism while we literate. We are the right people to tell our fellow brothers who are still in darkness leave out tribal disputes.
    I am sorry for some of brothers who are doing encouraging tribalism in websites.

    My advice to Logic.
    Please respect yourself, this is an official website, none of your comment have ever please me. Are you really a Southerner? Do you know that Dinkas are your black brothers? Do you know Dinkas fought during 21 civil war? Do you know SPLA is comprised of different tribes form S.Sudan?
    Don’t be confused, you don’t know where you belong because you don’t SPLM and NCP.
    Let’s first get Independent and see if there is going to be problems again in South.
    Those problems occurring always are being played by our enemies.

    Southerners, we need to put aside these names (Dinka,Nuer,Equatorian(dor),Murle and many more) that is when we will move forward.

    Mathiang Man of Peace.
    Living in Blackland.

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