Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia calls for emergency food aid

November 2, 2009 (ADDIS ABABA) — Ethiopia called for emergency food aid for 6.2 million people; the crisis stems from a prolonged drought that has hit much of the Horn of Africa, including Kenya and Somalia.

Drought is especially disastrous in Ethiopia because more than 80 per cent of people live off the land. Agriculture drives the economy, accounting for half of all domestic production and most exports.

Mitiku Kassa, Ethiopia’s state minister for agriculture and rural development, appealed to donors on Thursday for more than $US121 million ($A130.2 million). In January, he had said 4.9 million of Ethiopia’s 85 million people needed emergency food aid.

However Paddy Ashdown, President of Britain’s branch of the U.N. children’s agency UNICEF said there is no reason to compare existing drought in Ethiopia with that of the 1984 famine.

“Is this situation (drought) like 1984/85? My answer is no,” he said “A number of factors are not in place that were in place then. There was a civil war, we didn’t have the institutions we have now to deal with problems, and we reacted late,” Ashdown said in a statement to Reuters last week.

Ethiopia has long struggled with cyclical droughts, which are compounded by the country’s dependence on rain-fed agriculture and archaic farming practices.

In 1984, Ethiopia’s famine drew international attention as news reports showed emaciated children and adults with limbs as thin as sticks. The crisis launched one of the biggest global charity campaigns in history, including the concert Live Aid.

This year’s drought appears to be slightly less severe than the one last year, which was exacerbated by high food prices. A year ago, Mitiku appealed for aid to feed 6.4 million people affected by drought.

But many humanitarian groups have said in recent years they believe the number of people affected by hunger is higher than government estimates.

Because of Ethiopia’s large size and poor infrastructure, independent observers have difficulty collecting data. The worst-affected areas in the country’s east are the site of a fierce insurgency and are off-limits to journalists. Aid groups say their movements in these areas are limited by military restrictions.

In a report marking 25 years since Ethiopia’s famine, the aid group Oxfam said countries must focus on preparing communities to prevent and deal with drought and other disasters before they strike, rather than relying on importing aid.

According to the UN, nearly two-thirds of Africa’s agricultural land has been degraded by erosion and misused pesticides. In Ethiopia, where bad farming practices have led to massive erosion, 85 per cent of land is damaged.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Ethiopia calls for emergency food aid
    that kind of disaster are Mr wicked oaf man Raik machar pleasure.
    death to him

  • Samson Shawel Ambaye
    Samson Shawel Ambaye

    Ethiopia calls for emergency food aid
    When woyane wants committing crimes

    26 April 2009 “Ethiopia’s Regional governor blasts ICC’s decision as “madness”” by Sudan Tribune

    When woyane wants to beg

    Ethiopia calls for emergency food aid

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