Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile

November 2, 2009 (JUBA) — Eight people have been killed in tribal clashes in the Upper Nile region of south Sudan, a minister has confirmed on Monday.

Last September 25 people had been killed and more dozens wounded when fighters from the Shilluk ethnic group attacked an ethnic Dinka settlement in Bony-Thiang, north of the state capital Malakal.

Southern Sudan minister of information said Monday recent fighting occurred on Sunday morning in the village of Nagdyar, east of Malakal, the state capital of Upper Nile.

“We have received reports that at least eight people died in the attack,” said Mayom. “That number might increase as we are still waiting for further confirmation from the area.”

Sudan started on Sunday voter registration operation ahead of the first free and fair general election, scheduled to take place in April 2010, in the country since more than twenty four years.

Minister Mayom reassured that the isolated incident did not disturb the ongoing registration affirmed the operation has begun calmly and in good condition.

“This was the only incident we have heard of,” said Mayom.

More than 2,000 people have died and 250,000 have been displaced in inter-tribal violence across southern Sudan since January 2009, according to the United Nations, which says the rate of violent deaths now surpasses that in the war-torn western region of Darfur.



  • Nile

    Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile
    I think these days killing is become the way of life in south sudan therefore, people are not bother by it anymore. what a bad news!! when will GoSS actually start disarming those people who are still caring fire arm in the south? I’m sick and tired of hearing of all these killings. our people must learn how to live togather otherwise we are just wasting our spare time talking about south Sudan independence and all. GoSS’s lack of responsiblility made it difficult for our people to live together. also people expectations and values are not being met by the govt as well. God will not help us if we cannot value our lives!

  • thieleling

    Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile
    Dear Readers,

    Anger over the corruption scandals ($ 2.7 billions recent & more) and ineffectiveness could lead to a military coup in south sudan. This is the only way to give a voice to the poor civilians being killed everyday by their own gov’t.

    This shows there would never be peaceful democratic transfer of power under Salva Kiir’s dictatorial leadership in south sudan. The rise of massive violence in south sudan is testament to Kiir’s failed leadership. Mr. mayom needs to tell the truth. these are not isolated killings. They are politically motivated among south sudanese. Why are they happening while carrying out election registration?

  • World Maker
    World Maker

    Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile
    What is really wrong with Dinkas brothers? They attack Nuers, Equatorians, and Shilluks. What do you think you are Dinka? We ( southerners) all tired of your arroganness, stupidity and foolishness, but what you have to know is that all eyes are on you.

    Take care

    World Maker

  • Manyok

    Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile

    Military coup is not democracy if you are advocating for democracy. Also for your information, military coup is outdated in the 21st century.

    There is no evidence also that somebody who is now in GoSS would have different way of fighting corruption than he or she has now. A government is not one person, if you are not aware of that. If somebody in the government now is telling you that he or she is not part of the problem in GoSS and you believe it, then you need to check your intellect.

    It would be a wise idea to give the current leaders ideas on how to fight corruption rather than calling for a military coup.

    We also do not need to overshadow our condolences to the bereaved families with cheap politics.

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile
    On 01/11/2009 at 4:00AM some Dinka SPLA soldiers from Akoka and Bailet attacked civilians in Anakdiar,killing 5 and injuring 1man and 1woman. Among these were one policeman from Nuer tribe,one policeman from dinka tribe whose counsin is a shilluk of Anakdiar and other is woman from equatoria whose husband is SPLA soldier. They were killed in the police station. These are some of the names of the killed residence of Anakdyar who were attached by these brutal Dinka SPLA and Police: 1/Ronyo Chan, 2/Lwegy Amum, 3/Awan Aajalong (his father from dinka),4/two others their names are not known yet[A Nuer and Equatorian woman).

    On the side of the attackers, 12 Dinka armed men were confirmed killed in the fighting 5 of whom have been identified as policemen working in Malakal, Upper Nile State(two are officers), and the rest are SPLA soldiers. The bodies of the killed plicemen were brought to Malakal hospital for invesigation. Also 5 wounded ones from them are being treated and investigated in Malakal Hospital.

    Panyikang County Commissioner, Mr. Daniel Odwok, refused to go there to see his people,except the Commissioner of Makal County Chan Alak who went there with Sudanese army[SAF],and some policemen from shilluk and Nuer tribe. (This is a report I received from Eye Witness).

    This is the second time Anakdiar has been attacked by some brutal Dinka who think that they can displace and take shilluk lands along the sobat river by force because they know the rule of law is not on their side.

    God have mercy on those who lost their dear life and give healing to those who are under treatment from bullets wounds in Malakal hospital now. Console their families and save Southern Sudan from the evils of tribal clashes. This is not good at all for our pursuit of separation and independece of South Sudan in near future.

    It was a good news for H.E. Salva Kiir to tell the people of Southern Sudan to vote for First Class Citizenship by opting for Separation of the South from the North in the 2011 referendum for self-determination. But what will be the use of a first class citizen in the South who suffers from time to time from insecurity and brutal death from the very SPLA and police of South Sudan who are supposed to be protectors of people’s lives and properties?

    Surely, something is not going right with our government and this might spoil the dignity of the First Class Citizens of South Sudan country when they liberate themselves from being Second Class Citizens in the United Sudan.

    Dialogue, Reconciliation, Legal Pursuit, and Peaceful Neighbourhood is the best way to go if Padang Dinka want a Secure South Sudan in Upper Nile State. Otherwise, with their current bad behavior, all will regret if the hell get loose from the Shilluk side. The padang Dinka graves shall never get empty if the Shilluk run out of patience sooner or later.

    Please Padang Dinka get to your right senses for peace and development in our dear Upper Nile state. Don’t provoke the Shilluk with your repeated evil deeds.

  • Time1

    Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile
    This is unfortunate, the government just need to train more and more police, increased police presence in towns and neighborhoods is very important,this will help to reduce crimes or attempt to commit crimes. Police should be recruited in towns and villages to take care of security and protect, Meanwhile the Army deploys at borders of states from main areas, major cross roads, and international boundaries, the security monitors situations and gather informations on threats, all of then work together to share information and coordinate activities. If we put this structures in place properly, insecurity will be reduce to a very low lebel.

  • Ajawuk Juma
    Ajawuk Juma

    Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile
    The poor politicians like Dr Lam Akol will never understand nor do his tribal supporters will come to their senses and know what is mean by having peace in the country unless the Monyjang army themselves and behave in the ways

  • kush Man
    kush Man

    Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile
    Non-Gallants thinking people, you are still killing the people while the fact voting election (referendum) is on your door, what will be the performance for you? Please let me bestowing my small quick-witted advice, if you don’t want to be self independent, keep on killing the people.

    For my critical thinking, those who were given an amount of worth by Arab; they are the people who back warded the 2010 upcoming election and they want to reined it up so that they would be permanently beggers of Al-Bashir.

    I can’t talk so mush since nothings made me happy.

    By Kush Man

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile

    The GoSS failed to bring the peace and stability to the region through disarmament process and as such, this ruthless trend will never end in the South as long as every ethnic group armed itself to teeth. But at the end of the day, only coward and defenseless communities will suffer more.

    The politicking strategy of GoSS concerning South issues agitating the masses and force some folks to point fingers to the wrong direction leaving the right target on their doors. Is it the arabized Nubian gov’t/NIF that prevent the GoSS to order its army South Sudan army/SPLA to conduct the so called “Disarmament” across South Sudan? What about other incidents, such as killing of a SPLA officer in Mading Bor? Killing a child and a woman in Bentiu by using Tanks? You can name them.

    Those who suffer from inferiority complex can even go beyond our expectation and blame the same arabized Nubian gov’ts for what went wrong within the South during “NUER CONQUEST” when people were slaughtering themselves like insects and/or sold to slavery as slaves in 1800s forgeting that those gov’ts were not there at the time.

  • John Boy
    John Boy

    Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    You are dog with no tail,please read the article understand ,reason it and analyze it like any human being what is the connection now with Riek Machar and Lam Akol in this topic you are dominated SPLA for not thing

  • southerns

    Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile
    Why all this are happening now? trible conflict should been left behind, until when we are going to build our trust as one nation? blieve in just who we are.This time we need to plan a head of what our people need not developing hatric in between tribs we have to come to understand that God wants as to be that way as tribs and no one of us can say no.South nation its time for us to face this disease called triblsim and move a head for better future.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    Eight people killed during fresh tribal clashes in Upper Nile
    Dear brothers and Sisters from Shulliuk or whatever they called themselves.

    It is really bad to invite a problem when it is not looking for you.You have to harvest what you plant.Dinkas are the majority in Sudan,if you are not aware of that please then you have to take it into your account otherwise,we must make revenge like other communities do.

    It has never happened since for Dinkas to attack and community but they must do it,because when they child cries for razer blade then you have to give it to him or her.

    If we (Dinkas) have our own militias;it would be better and I hope we shall try by all means to have our own if those thick headed people don’t want a change.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

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