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Sudan Tribune

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Joint units defuse ethnic tension in Upper Nile

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 4, 2009 (MALAKAL) — State security organs in collaboration with Joint Integrated units (JIUs) and Sudan People’s Liberation Army in the area today said have managed to defuse ethnic tension over tribal boundaries in the area.

JIU’s Lt Hassan Abduallah briefing Ngor Arol Garang at Anak Diar Market on Wednesday November 4, 2009 (ST)
JIU’s Lt Hassan Abduallah briefing Ngor Arol Garang at Anak Diar Market on Wednesday November 4, 2009 (ST)
At least eight people were killed during clashes between Shilluk and Dinka ethnic groups over tribal boundaries in the area on Sunday. The violence also displaced many others who fled in search of security in neighboring communities.

On Tuesday, Thon Mum Kejok, official spokesperson and minister of information and communications in the state government, said security forces have been dispatched to the area for immediate restoration of peace and order.

He also said intellectuals from the two communities were dispatched the same day to defuse tension from escalating further.

The minister further stated that his government was determined to find lasting settlement to repeated tribal clashes across the state over tribal boundaries particularly in Anakdiar.

JIUs officer in charge of operation at Anakadiar, Lt Hassan Abdullah, said, “although it is hard to talk about complete return of security situation to normal, since residents are still on move, we have managed to stop the fight from escalating into large scale.”

He further said since their arrival on Sunday night, the security situation remains calm but unpredictable, as tension is still looming in the area.

“Since Sunday night, we have never witnessed a fight involving these two communities again though there are allegations of preparations for attack each other,” he said.

He further said that they are tasked with prevention of new escalation of violence in the area. “We are here to stop fighting between these communities by all means possible,” he added.

He also ensured that since their presence people move freely and expressed hope that the situation would return to normal quickly stressing they would not leave behind culprits identified with the help of local police or local chiefs.



  • like dinka
    like dinka

    Joint units defuse ethnic tension in Upper Nile
    Shilluk are seem to be one the good trible in Southern Sudan, but why are they disliking a such a good tribe of all times ” Dinka”. There are things they don’t understand; cities don’t belong to anyone and every individuals of any tribal in south has a right of accommodates in Malakal.secondly, Dinka aidn’t aiming to get rid of Shilluk, they just wanna share the living because of the fact that they has been living there many years of their life and its home to them.Everything will be under the government controlling’ therefor there will no more space for any tribal to forward their egotistic believe over the lands.

    Truly, rest of the south’s tribes except Dinka they are all mania and they are always looks forward to get advantages of the conflict. It will be big pleasure if they united together and focus on wining in 2011 and self conflict will be after.

  • James John
    James John

    Joint units defuse ethnic tension in Upper Nile
    I was wondering why people doesn’t like Dinka? lololol
    very funny. I think Dinka need some training from real people sa da they will learn how to live in good community.

    lol…lol….lol… sorry for poor Dinkas.

  • Africano

    Joint units defuse ethnic tension in Upper Nile
    Dinkas will remain problematic to the rest of the south. They do not advise themselves when they are wrong. They want to occupy everybody land in the south. That will be big mistake for them. If there are tribes in SPLA then soon SPLA will be come tribal militias because of Dinkas.

  • Khent

    Joint units defuse ethnic tension in Upper Nile
    black man:

    I’m glad that you enjoy reading my posts, brother. We should NO longer be indulgent with historical revisionist.

    It’s always those who lack the discipline to educate their minds and think critically, who are forever wandering the Internet from website to website in order to distort.

    Their discourse is driven by fear, and this is why relating factual information has a tremendous affect on them.

    One approach is to use such discussants as an excuse for relating factual information.

    We have to be as crafty as they are loony.

    If they want to be taken seriously via their bogus claims, they ultimately have no choice but to address factual information.

    Take care and God bless.

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