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Sudan Tribune

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Francis Deng calls for peaceful coexistence with Messeria in Abyei

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 6, 2009 (MALAKAL) — Dr. Francis Mading Deng, a son of late Dinka Ngok paramount chief Deng Majok, who for administrative purposes requested former British district commissioner during colonial period, to transfer Abyei to Kordofan, called for peaceful coexistence between Dinka Ngok and Messeriya communities in the region.

Francis Deng
Francis Deng
Deng who paid a visit to his ancestors’ home in Abyei today said resumption of ancestral ties between the two communities is an alternative to securing peace and stability in the area.

“I call upon the Nine Dinka Ngok clans and the Messeriya to work together in securing possible ways to settle differences that exists due to civil wars.”

“These differences were neither caused by Messeriya communities nor Dinka Ngok but situation of wars; he adds urging the Abyei administration to focus on peace building and reconciliation initiatives.”

Mading is reported having congratulated the two parties, the ruling National Congress Party of President Basher and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement for keeping their forces out of the town.

“I was impressed when I saw children playing, moving freely and very one else walking about in the town unlike when I first came in 2004,” he said.

He also congratulated the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) for being supportive to the local administration and for keeping open eyes on security situation in the region.

“I am told UNMIS is doing great job here, he queried while talking to chief administrator, Brigadier Arop Mayak in his Abyei office,” said Dr. Francis who is the Special Adviser of the UN Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide.

Deng was accompanied by senior government officials from government of National Unity and foreign diplomats from Khartoum.

He is said to have been received at UNMIS Abyei Camp helicopter landing zone by senior Abyei administration officials headed by chief administrator and traditional chiefs including women and youth groups.



  • Lado

    Francis Deng calls for peaceful coexistence with Messeria in Abyei
    The Nuer quest for rights is extreme:

    Listen to this:

    A Nuer was in an airplane. Other passengers got drinks in cups with uniform color. The Nuer got his in a different color by chance. The Nuer lashed at the hostess: “Am I not equal to others that you gave me a different cup? Take it away. I do not want to drink”. One passenger volunteered to exchange cups. The problem was solved. The Nuer was satisfied that his “dignity and equality” was restored. He did not care about how people thought of him. He cared about the end result. Anyway, that was the Nuer equality at its best anywhere at anytime. What remains to be seen is whether all the Nuer will ride a car and live in a house like that of Salva Kiir in order to be equal. In Gambella the Nuer said they wanted a Nuer president in the same office with the Anyuak president in order to be equal. It seems like a joking matter but it is serious for the Nuer.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Francis Deng calls for peaceful coexistence with Messeria in Abyei
    Individuals calls for coexistence here and there are not too bad to be considered. But concrete actions would speaker louder, better known as “actions speak louder than words.”

    What I mean is that; Deng Majok and Mahadi Babo Nimr Sons/Daughters must enter a closed dialogue far away from UMMA and NIF eyes to make a milestone that pave ways for Messeriah to join Warrap State together with Ngok because Messeriah’s life is attached to Bahr El Ghazal Land also because of their food consumption, animals grazing and drinking.

    But some of the key factors in coexsitence between societies are: accepting one and other values, right to share common things (Exchanging interests) especially enter-marriage. If these three key factors exist or are made to exist between Ngok Jaang and Messeriah Arabs, Abyiei land will be enough to accommodate them. But with Messeriah stick to their believing that Ngok jaang are Slaves and Infidals and therefore, no ways for them to marry their daughters will make Abyiei Land too small to commodate superiors and inferiors and therefore, Messeriah may want to migrate northward, not to Nuba Land as an alternative to Abyiei, but straight away to the far north.

  • MMEE

    Francis Deng calls for peaceful coexistence with Messeria in Abyei
    Dr. Francis Mading Deng “urging the Abyei administration to focus on peace building and reconciliation initiatives”

    why…..why….why always Abyei hase to build peace in one side which the other side don’t. The same your father had mad peace with same Messeria, “even though chief Deng Majok had been knew that it is going to be one side peace” ;but he made it, because of Abyei people to servive from compianing power of Messeria and Khartoum Government for period of time. Now you are forcing Abyei’s administration and his people to do the same “peace.” i’m wondering why….
    Just last year Abyei people have been displaced by the same people. Non-countable Abyei’s citizens have been mordered. more then 50,000 had been unshaltered in a bad weather.

    Dr. Francis Mading Deng (don’t forget, Messeria, whom have been attacking Abyei citizens since your father was preson until now)…….. You should go back to your position or your office and leave Abyei administration to work out there way if you don’t have any thing new to say or to do to your mother land.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    Francis Deng calls for peaceful coexistence with Messeria in Abyei
    Dear Logic dog

    He who fights change must be changed by change.Equatorians were nothing but Dinkas have change them and they behave now like human being though they are not completed human being.

    Mading Deng must be so serious otherwise all those problems being faced by Dinka Ngok were caused by him.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town.

  • Miakerlou

    Francis Deng calls for peaceful coexistence with Messeria in Abyei
    Mr. Francis,
    You need to advise the messeria community not to listen to the NIF regime policies first before you request peaceful coexistence between the two communities.

  • Dominic

    Francis Deng calls for peaceful coexistence with Messeria in Abyei
    Nothing left unspoken about Abyei Dr Deng, but a clear action with a positive progress is much needed to free our own people. I pour out my trillions thank to you for checking on Southern Sudanese affairs.

    let wait for separation that will bring back Abyei.

  • mijuan

    Francis Deng calls for peaceful coexistence with Messeria in Abyei
    Dr Francis Miading Deng is the first traitor politician in whole Southern Sudan. He should not suppose to thank the two parties namely: the NCP and SPLM. If Francis Miading Deng was the right leader who really know the situation of Southern Sudan as well as the problem of Abyei, then he should have to co-operate himself with the Late Dr John Garang before he died. Miading Deng was the one against SPLM/SPLA and that is why he said last time that Abyei is from the North in which he mean that Abyei people are from the North and not from the South.

    As he see now that Abyei is brought back by the SPLM/SPLA through a political dialogue, that is why he is trying to be someone supporting the move of the SPLM/SPLA, but in his heart, he doesn’t mean it. Inhumble of the heart is the one that I see from Miading Deng.

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