Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Tribalism and corruption are not for SPLM-DC

By James Okuk

November 7, 2009 — Wait a moment before you rush to a limited-minded conclusion on the issue of the three former members of the SPLM-DC (Mr. Hassan Chuol, Mr. Malek Cook and Mr. Jiech Chuol) who went back to re-join the bush party that has been known for great tribalism and corruption with impunity since the signing of the CPA. They accused the SPLM-DC of lack of vision when it was they themselves (as selfish individuals) who failed to read, believe and practice the written vision and objectives of the SPLM-DC as passed democratically in the SPLM-DC National Delegates Conference (visit the official website: http://www.splm-dc.org for the texts of the Vision and Objectives of the SPLM-DC as stipulated within the Basic Rules).

According to the other side of the story, these defectors presented a list of secretariat nominees to the Chairman of the SPLM-DC, the ever savvy politician Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin but without passing through the Secretary-General, Eng. Charles Kisanga as required by the SPLM-DC official procedures. Mr. Hassan told the Chairman (conditionally) that he would like those names to be in the Secretariat. Not only this, but also he went very far threatening that unless he is given a position in the Secretariat, he and others from Unity State will defect from the new party. Hitherto, they ended up defecting alone without supporters or the whole state as they threatened the SPLM-DC Chairman.

Shame on them for their individualistic greediness and undemocratic behavior! The SPLM should not even welcome them back because they are not sincere. They will spoil the remaining little reputation of the SPLM if allowed to become members again. They should be told that one day when the SPLM gets back to the right track after reforms or leadership change in its current dysfunctional and contradictory internal structures and hierarchies, the SPLM-DC shall be there working hand in hand as a coalition with the SPLM in the right and good government.

To put facts into their proper pigeonholes, it is important to note that on the 29th October 2009, the SPLM-DC Secretary General Eng. Charles Kisanga presented nominations for the SPLM-DC Secretariat to the SPLM-DC National Executive Committee (NEC) for approval. But since the SPLM-DC strives to be fair to include most areas in representing the regions and the states, it happened that some of the people in Hassan’s list did not make it (including Mr. Hassan himself). The ten Secretariats and the designated secretaries appointed by the Chairman after the approval of the NEC are as follows: 1. Secretariat for Finance and Administration – Mr. Deng Bior Deng; 2. Secretariat for Political Affairs – Mr. Deng Vanag; 3. Secretariat for Organization – Dr Mohamed Abdalla Abder; 4. Secretariat for Legal Affairs – Walid Yayha; 5. Secretariat for Women Affairs – Ms Sandra Bona Malwal; 6. Secretariat for Social Affairs and Services – Mr. Mubaraka Idris Koni; 7. Secretariat for Organized Labour and Professionals – Mr. Tarig Mahdi; 8. Secretariat for Cultural Affairs – Dr. Funda Z. Dominic; 9. Secretariat for Economic Affairs – Mr. Luke Bidong/ and 10. Secretariat for Youth and Students – Mr. Akot Maley Ayuol.

The following assistants of the Secretary-General for the 8 Sectors of the Sudan were appointed too: 1. Upper Nile – Mr. Chuol Limi; 2. Bahr El Ghazal – Mr. Jekuei Marek Ayuon; 3. Equatoria – Mr. Elias Gaaniko; 4. Darfur – Mr. Juma Harouni; 5. Kordofan – Mr. Younis Abdalla Issa; 6. Central – Mr. Mohamed El Amin El Zamzami; 7. Northern – Mr. Mohamed Mahathir; 8. Eastern – Mr. Sabir Abdalla Karim.

After the announcement, immediately Mr Chuol and the two above-mentioned others (who did not get what they wanted as individuals) went on air to voice their disappointment and draw public attention to their selfishness. They were told point blank that the SPLM-DC is not interested in tribalism and corruption that they want to impose on the Chairman. A Good bitter truth to them!!!

Nonetheless, since the SPLM-DC is for better change in Sudanese party politics, whoever tries to resist this change is free to pack and go where he can practice the evils and madness of tribalism and corruption with impunity. The SPLM-DC will never accommodate such members. Forward Ever But Backward Never! Long Live SPLM-DC to its objectives and right aspirations as stipulated in the Basic Rules.

Dr. James Okuk can be reached at [email protected]


  • Martin D Ajhak
    Martin D Ajhak

    Tribalism and corruption are not for SPLM-DC
    That’s Bullshit,

    SPLM-DC defectors are welcomed in SPLM no matter what reasons they defected, their desertation implies SPLM-DC lack of vision in issues we ( Southerners) fight for.

    Wecome back pordigal sons, SPLM is the only road to freedom despite alleged tribalism and corruption that SPLM-DC selfish leaders preach against SPLM!!!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Tribalism and corruption are not for SPLM-DC
    Please stay away from South. SPLM-DC is the betrayal.
    You don,t even know that Lam Akol form this party because he loss his position in the South due to his poor management.

    He often corperate with Bashier supporting him 90% at atime. The man is just hunting for money and safty please James Okuk stay away otherwise you guys will be in the same fit.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Tribalism and corruption are not for SPLM-DC
    What “Vision and Objectives of SPLM-DC” are you talking about?

    “They say it in Jaang (Dinka) “River is killed” to mean that a lot of fish has been killed in the river today.

    It was just yesterday the SPLM-DC returnees said that; they deserted SPLM-DC because its lack of Vision, or the vision may only be known to its chief Lam Akol. But today SPLM-DC’ Promotional Secretary is talking about the existence of such vision that not is known to its leading members, what a joke?

    I think Dr Okuk is trying to say that “existence and non-existence” of SPLM-DC’ Vision is the same as “river is killed or a lot of fish were killed at today’s fishing.”

    may be you need to open a school on the ground Dr Okuk, ask those deserters to return and teach them those Vision and Objectives and give a break to the readers on this web please.

  • Deng Garang Akech
    Deng Garang Akech

    Tribalism and corruption are not for SPLM-DC
    Dear readers,
    I have nothings to say about SPLM-DC ! Why ? Because, the have no clear directions of being NCP agent or Southern Sudanese party for liberation of their own brothers and sisters,all their relatives in Southern Sudan are helpless from their friends the NCP were they are hiding themselves for self interest games!Please tell us what you are for instead of confusion? We are tired of unknow conflicts in Southern Sudan.

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