Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes state set up counties border court

By Manyang Mayom

November 8, 2009 (RUMBEK) — The Lakes state Deputy Governor and Minister for Local Government and Law Enforcement Agency, Lt-Col David Nok Marial Buot, has issued a state order provided to create Border Court between Agaar of Rumbek East County and Atuol/Apak of Yirol West County of Lakes state.

The decision aims at bringing peace and reconciliations among the people of Lakes state by healing the wounds of inter-clan conflicts that affected the state communities.

In a writing note seen by Sudan Tribune, Col David Nok Marial Buot, the State Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement Agencies appointed the chairperson and the members of the court with effect from 4th September 2009.

Mr. Dhuor Majak Yek, from Yirol West County (YWC), is named as Chairperson, Mr. Mathiang Dut Malual, from Rumbek East County (REC), is designed as Deputy Chairperson while the ministerial decree appointed as members Mr. Kordit Marol representing REC, Mr. Malual Anuer representing YWC and Mr. Maker Malual Kau from REC.

Furthermore, Nok said the court would be based in Atiriu. He also directed the police and security forces agencies of both counties of Rumbek East and Yirol West to cooperate with them.

ThePresident of greater Bahr-El-Ghazal High Court of Appeal, John Clement Kuc, said that this border court between Agaar of Rumbek East County and Atuot/Apak of Yirol West County will end cattle thieves and confrontation.

“As part of solving insecurity in the State, we think it is better to have a border court that could settle cases of cattle theft between the aforementioned counties. And this needs people of high integrity “said Kuc.

Dhuor Majak Yek, chairperson of new court affirmed that he would fulfill his duties as chairman to control border problem.

Lakes state government was hit by inter-clan dilemma and inter-state conflict since the signing of Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005.

Furthermore, last month, Lakes state governor Daniel Awet Akot, held several security meetings resulting in arresting some and few chiefs; meanwhile cattle looted during raids by youth of Yirol East County and Yirol West County are now returning back to their rightful owners and chiefs received serious blames from the local authority.



  • Ajongtar

    Lakes state set up counties border court
    Who cares whether Lakes state set up counties border court or not.
    Let them focus on security issues particularly Rumbek, and how they can stop tribalism in the state.
    The D. Governor should think of maintaining humanity then cattle’s and Agar should stop tit for tat duologue.

  • Barry Nek
    Barry Nek

    Lakes state set up counties border court
    What a mess Awet and his deputy are doing?

    Governor has failed to settle any problem in his territory and that is why they are resorting to another problem which will erupt to terrible inter-clans conflict which only affects one payam ie Aluak aluak.The so-called Border Court has nothing to do with the problem solving than generating funds for Awendit compaign which can’t help to get a vote for him.Unless,otherwise Awendit can’t win any election than selection in Lakes State.He has failed to bring peace to YIrol community and his being in Yirol Centre has been mistaken by my brothers from Yirol East,Awendit is on his pinic ie a month in the town,30 cows slaughtered.What an era!!!.Even a hyena, a day may pass without the taste of a beef but he(AWET) can’t tolerate and if he stayed in Yirol for the rest of his life,what a diaster to the place most like by our enemies.

    May Almighty God help us from this teethless regime.

  • Truth Defender
    Truth Defender

    Lakes state set up counties border court
    Dinka Agaar never fought during the real war Arabs that is what make fighting each other now. It is an unimaginable for someone who has common enemy to kill his brother and leaves the enemy.They even do not know how to fight, let them go on performing their barbaric and brutal games.
    Truth Defender:
    South Sudanese.

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