Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM calls for logistical support to Abyei border team

November 10, 2009 (JUBA) –The Southern ruling party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, today called for more logistical support to Abyei border demarcation technical team saying scarce of logistics has delayed the ongoing demarcation process from finishing as per scheduled.

“The border demarcation process is going on well but it is encountering number of hurdles which include logistics. As I am told one of the helicopters provided by United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) developed technical problem requiring time to fix it,” said Dr. Luka Biong Deng, minister of presidential affairs in the government of Southern Sudan, and a leading SPLM member.

“Since one of the logistics is out of use, for implementation process to go on, the team requires alternate,” he adds.

However, he said the team since resumption of its activities late October never reported any serious issue hampering implementation process.

The members of the joint team have started demarcating Abyei boundaries in the east after which they will go further north, he said adding that recent security concerns in the extreme north of Abyei town are being addressed by the Joint Integrated Unit (JIU) forces in collaboration with UNMIS force.

Security of the team is no longer a concern impeding daily activities; they are being looked after by the JIU and are housed in Abyei town from where they go to field every day, he said.

Minister Biong also called on the team to closely work with local administration on issues that affects them on daily basis. He went further calling on local chiefs to extend them similar support particularly during demarcation process.

The arbitration tribunal on July 22 said that the Abyei Boundary Commission Experts had exceeded their mandate when they included Heglig and Bamboo oilfields in the territory of the nine Dinka Ngok chiefdoms transferred to Kordofan in 1905 and annexed the oil rich area to southern Kordofan state.

The two peace partner accepted the ruling and committed themselves to draw the border of the area in September under supervision of international experts.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    SPLM calls for logistical support to Abyei border team
    Who is concern about Abeyi? if we are concern about Abeyi, why not Nimule, jebel kujur and other parts of Equatoria occupied by dinkas? your problems are simpl because when you were starving you sell your land to arabs and now your claiming it back, what a jokes. Why don’t you get it by force like how Equatorian liberate South from arabs? show your braveness don’t crying to GOSS like ladies eventually you are. coward do something yourselves don’t relay on government. You as the owners of the land you know the boundaries not government, so what else.

  • Bazinguaboy

    SPLM calls for logistical support to Abyei border team
    Honourable brothers and sisters, with all this hate rhetoric that we spew over this medium between we people who are bound ogether in the geographical area known as southern Sudan, it is hard to fathom that we are on the verge of a crucial period in the country’s history. Do we realise that the fate of the whole Sudan and that of the future generations lies in our hands as we go to the polls come 2011 to decide on the country’s unity or secession? Could we just clampdown on the hate speech, rise to the occasion and try to talk some sense about how we could manage our diversity in southern Sudan ahead of the referendum. Through such hate, do we realise that we are only serving to show the world how much we hate each other and that the only thing that binds us is the desire for self-dtermination? Have we ever thought of the day after the referendum or would we be satisfied with something like a northern southern Sudanese and a southern southerner? Don’t you think it would be a good idea to use such an important forum as this one that the Sudan Tribune offers us to discuss such important issues instead of using our diversity to divide us?


    SPLM calls for logistical support to Abyei border team

    Your Excellency the Vice President of Sudan and a president of Southern Salva Kiir Miyardit.
    Your Excellency the Vice President of Southern Sudan Dr Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon.
    Your Excellency the whole Southern Sudanese Civilians whether in diaspora or within Southern Sudan.

    As a matter of concern, we Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State, we have been disturbed by the problems of border since the first time when Hague Court rule out the demarcation border of Dinka Jok of Abyei and the nomad Arabs Miseriya. Today, we Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State urged the Government of Southern Sudan in order to look and scrutinize the problem of borders of Abyei and its neighbourhood allies communities such as Dinka Ruweng of Biemnom County and Dinka Panaruu of Panrieng County.

    Last year of July 22,2008, misrepresentation of border was made by three top leaders of Dinka Jok of Abyei such as Deng Alor, Edward Lino Wuor and Luka Biong Deng. The misrepresentation include the annexation of Heglig(TOOR ALIINY) territory of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom to Abyei map. This is a big “white lie” from Deng Alor, Luka Biong Deng and Edward Lino Wuor to insert and remark Heglig(TOOR ALIINY) as Abyei area. Heglig(Toor Aliiny) in other meaning mean “NGOL DE RUWENG”. There are two types of NGOLS: One is NGOL de NGOK of Dinka Jok of Abyei and the other NGOL is NGOL de RUWENG of Dinka RUWENG COMMUNITY of BIEMNOM COUNTY in Unity State.

    In fact, a lot of people within Southern Sudan do get confused when the hear Heglig. They thought that Heglig is a new area within Southern or an area of Abyei, but in reality, Heglig is Arabic word which was been transversed by the Arabs from the word NGOL de RUWENG of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County. On the other hand, NGOL de RUWENG is also call TOOR ALIINY. Question like this may arise as such; why do Heglig(TOOR ALIINY or NGOL de RUWENG COMMUNITY OF BIEMNOM COUNTY) adapted so many names like this than usual? In 1965, Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County under the Paramount Chief CAMILO KUOT KUR and Dinka Jok of Abyei County under the Paramount Chief DENG KUOL AROP BIONG use to fought with Arabs Baggara around NGOL of Dinka RUWENG of Biemnom County and Dinka Jok of Abyei County. As the war continued for a long times, Deng Kuol Arop Biong made a reconciliation with Arabs Baggara and settled some communities of Baggara to Merrem, while he moved some other community to Abamanusa and some within Abyei Town. Those communities who were been settled in Abyei town by the Chief Deng Kuol Arop Biong is the one make up what is call ABIOR which is the clan of the Chief Deng Kuol Arop Biong nowadays in the nine Sections of Dinka Jok of Abyei. The other communities of Baggara in Merrem make up what is call ACHUENG-one of the clan within the nine Sections of Dinka Jok of Abyei.

    There, the Baggara get acquainted themselves with Deng Kuol Arop Biong and some other Dinka Jok of Abyei. From there, they Baggara started building a deep relationship with Dinka Jok of Abyei whereby they allow Baggara in term to grass their animals in NGOL de Ngok of Dinka Jok of Abyei. In 1969, Arabs Baggara or Miseriya waged the war against Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom for the third times. As the war escalated, the Arabs Baggara or Miseriya were defeated by ANYAR, THOOR and ALIAP. Those three divisions within Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom are they one who were fighting with Baggara in NGOL de RUWENG of Dinka Ruweng of BIEMNOM(Abiemnom) County. Then, 1981, Arabs Baggar or Miseriya envaded RUWENG REGION of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom and killed the Paramount Chief CAMILO KUOT KUR of Dinka Ruweng. As CAMILO KUOT KUR passed away, Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County nominated KUR KUOT KUR, the son of the Late Father of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom in order to accelerate the duty of his Late father CAMILO KUOT KUR. In 1983, KUR KUOT KUR, the son the Late Paramount Chief of Dinka Ruweng of Biemnom(Abiemnom) county was killed again by the Arabs Baggara or Miseriya in Biemnom County. So there, Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom county deserted to many places when Jafaar Nimeiri launched an oppressive war in Ruweng Land of Dinka Ruweng of Biemnom. From there when Dinka Ruweng deserted and leave their land, Arabs come and occupied Dinka Ruweng land where many of majority of them come and settled in NGOL de Ruweng in which the call it nowadays as Heglig.

    Heglig is Arabic word, but Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom call it as “TOOR ALIINY”. Toor- in Dinka Ruweng of Biemnom mean a place where there are no trees or a place where trees doesn’t grow. What happen and the reason why it is call TOOR ALIINY was because that a man from Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom call Aliiny took his journey to Panaruu Land where he expected to visited his aunt. On his way as he was strolling to Panaruu land, he died in “TOOR” before he reached to his expectation destination place which is Panaruu because of thisrty and dehydration. From there, Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom call this place as “TOOR ALIINY” because ALIINY died there in Toor and Arabs Baggara or Miseriya call it as Heglig instead of TOOR ALIINY. Arabs change many things like for example, they change BIEMNOM which is the County of Dinka Ruweng Community to “Abiemnom”.

    When the Hague Court of Arbitration decided to solve the problem of Abyei, Deng Alor, Edward Lino and Luka Biong Deng make a fraudelent of Heglig(TOOR ALIINY) of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom and put it in Abyei Map. They thought that Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom will not come back to their original native place of Ruweng land. When the Hague Court announced the ruling, Deng Alor, Luka Biong Deng and Edward Lino Wuor were shame when the heard Heglig(TOOR ALIINY) in which they expected to be their territory because of Oil was forwarded to the North and Abyei was forwarded to the South. Deng Alor, who is the foreign Minister was shameless and said in an interview that Helgig(TOOR ALIINY) is not belong to Abyei, but its belong to Unity State. In Deng Alor’s speech, he doesn’t wants to specified who are they native of Heglig(TOOR ALIINY) since he and his three fellows Edward Lino Wuor and Luka Biong Deng failed in their dream of seizing Heglig to be their territory. Teresa Nyankol Miathiang who was a singer remain silent instead of singing about the Oil in Abye. Now, where is the oil in Abyei located? There are three types of Communities within Unity State. These are: Nuer Community, Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County and Dinka Panaruu Community of Panrieng County. We Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State, we are a type of community who doesn’t benefit from other people legacies. What affected our area was war, but not Nuer, not Dinka Panaruu, not Dinka Jok of Abyei nor not Dinka Twic of Bhar-el-ghazal and so forth. It is only Arabs which affect our community. Today, we Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State, we have seen that Mr Deng Alor and the rests of the other two leaders of Dinka Jok of Abyei are working for the interest of Abyei, but not the interest of the whole communities in Southern Sudan. We acknowledge that the attempt which Deng Alor have made will remain as a mark on him. When he was interviewed, Deng Alor said that ” we have lose a very great area, but still a grab”. A leader who is fighting with his enemies can not show his weakeness in front of his enemies.

    Lastly, when Deng Alor, Luka Biong Deng and Edward Lino Wuor lost their victory on Heglig(TOOR ALIINY), Dinka Panaruu attach themselves that they are call RUWENG, while they are not call RUWENG and at the same time, they pretended themselves that they are the people who have Heglig(TOOR ALIINY). Aliiny, is an elder man from MANTEENG clan in RUWENG COMMUNITY of BIEMNOM County not Dinka Panaruu Community of Panrieng County. If one of Dinka Panaruu or one of Dinka Jok of Abyei is asked about the meaning of Aliiny, no one will bring the meaning of Aliiny. Second, Dinka Panaruu claimed themselves that they have border with Dinka Jok of Abyei. It is a big shame if certain community doesn’t know who they are. We Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County, we can not attempt to demote other community even if we have power to overcome them, but certain communty such as Dinka Panaruu assume that the more they are, the more they can demote or prevaricate the right of the other community.

    There are a lot of things that we have seen being done by Dinka Panaruu Community of Panrieng County to Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom. Like for example, when one of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom client made intensive research on computer and he found the following things written by Dinka Panaruu as follow: Ruweng East(Panrieng), Ruweng North(Panrieng), Ruweng South(Panrieng) and Ruweng West(Biemnom). It should be well understandable if they wrote it as Panaruu East(Panrieng), Panaruu South(Panrieng), Panaruu Nroth(Panrieng) and Panaruu West(Panrieng) instead of giving wrong information to the other Southern Communities. Do Dinka Panaruu believe that in Biemnom County of Dinka Ruweng, don’t we have North, South, East as well as West? According to what Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County have observed, Dinka Panaruu Community of Panrieng County are trying to copy the senerio of Aweil Community whereby they have Aweil West, Aweil East, Aweil South and Aweil North. We Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County Unity State, we have challenged those two communities namely Dinka Panaruu and Dinka Jok of Abyei who tried to lost their Identity especially Dinka Panaruu who call themselves RUWENG instead of calling themselves Panaruu. What motivated Dinka Panaruu to be call Ruweng is because of Oil.

    After all, Dinka Panaruu Community were been misleaded so badly by their representative Benjamin Mijak Dau who said in 1998 that Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State is a small community and its should not have a county. From there, all Dinka Panaruu Community started calling themselves RUWENG and reverted themselves away from being called Panaruu as their native name in which they were known. DINKA RUWENG COMMUNITY of BIEMNOM COUNTY have Six clans namely: Mijuan, Abaang, Thiyeer, Amaal, Manteeng and NgongChill. DINKA PANARUU COMMUNITY of PANRIENG COUNTY have the following clans namely: Tungdiak, Ngeer, Kuok, Miachigiiu, Kuel, Diar, Awet, Agany, Kuochghoor, Biobiok, Buga de Bol and so forth.

    Our claim we Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State is to make sure that the border of Abyei with Arabs is already over, but what left now is the border of Abyei with Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom. It is something unfortunate if the leaders of the Southern Sudanese Communities are tending themselves to be the enemies of other communities. We as Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State, we earnestly asking the government of Southern Sudan in order to review those falsification presented by Deng Alor, Luka Biong Deng, Edward Lino Wuor and Benjamin Mijak Dau who name Heglig(TOOR ALIINY) as Panthou and defined it as a “COIN”.

    If anyone want to contact me, then hear is my e-mail address: [email protected]

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