Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

National election board accepts additional countries for Sudanese Diasporas

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 12, 2009 (MALAKAL) — The National Election Commission (NEC) of Sudan today confirmed acceptance of additional countries to the previous list for registration and voting to enable Sudanese abroad to participate in the upcoming elections next year.

Following the publication of a list of countries comprised mostly the Golf countries where the members of the Sudanese Diaspora are from northern Sudan, the SPLM asked to take in consideration African countries where Southerners reside massively.

The initial list includes Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Sultanate of Oman, Bahrain, the UK, Belgium (for all Western Europe) and Washington, New York, Los Angles for the USA.

“We have allocated more registration and voting centers in Africa and Asia, said Abel Alier, NEC chairman at Malakal airport as he was en route to Khartoum after inspecting southern states voter registration centers.

Countries newly agreed upon for inclusion by the two parties in Africa includes Uganda, Kenya, and South Africa as well as and Malaysia, he said adding discussions are underway to add other neighboring countries.

Therefore, as commission, “we request Sudanese people residing in those countries to immediately establish contacts with the Sudanese embassies and other designated offices for registration,” he emphasized.

Asked why being selective with countries hosting number of Sudanese people abroad to participate in the ongoing voter registration, he said, national election commission gets approval of countries to be included in the registration process from the presidency.

“The Presidency is the highest authority which decides on issues pertaining to country affairs such as voter registration,” he commented expressing wishes all Sudanese people abroad open registration centers.

However, he was quick to say the Commission tries its best to ensure inclusion of more centers so that every Sudanese participates in the upcoming elections.

He said constitution allows participation of legally registered citizens to elect their leaders in the upcoming April 2010 elections.

“If you are not registered, it will be hard to vote for the person one sees as leader,” he said adding voter registration remains opened to the last day of November 2009.

Alier also requested local authorities to give logistical supports to voter registration teams. He also acknowledged assistance being rendered by United Nation Mission in Sudan in transportation of voter registration materials and teams in where government supports is required.

“UNMIS is greatly supporting registration process in water zones and areas without good roads mostly in the southern part of the country and transitional areas,” he stressed.



  • choldit

    National election board accepts additional countries for Sudanese Diasporas
    What happen to Ethiopia? why it is not included in the list of the countries that was newly included.

    Hoo, they are not important to consider their rightful role in a national election because most of them are not from North and not many of them come from where Abel Alier and Deng Alor come from. So, Arop is there in Addis as SPLM country Chapters chairperson just to execute protocols that work against those South Sudanese still in Ethiopia. Isn’t?

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    National election board accepts additional countries for Sudanese Diasporas
    That is good so that SPLA and their corrupt gnags can survive to continue looting the $$$$$$$$$$.

  • Allajabu

    National election board accepts additional countries for Sudanese Diasporas
    Dear Abel Alier,

    It is not completely mind boggling and surprise to see to it that you are serving your masters as usual by omitting many countries where many Southerners resided. If countries are approved by Presidency as you wanted us to believe, than we have completely lost everything here. How can the presidency in which Mayardit is second in throne allowed such a thing to happened in the first place, by omitting countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Africa, Australia, etc., from the list, yet many Southern Sudanese citizens lived in those mentioned countries? Something must be fishy here and I cannot get it all.

    Mr. Alier, you have a registered records of following what is best for the north, which feeds your belly. Now, there are three most documented crossroad events in the Sudan in which the north trusted you most and put you in charge.
    1. First, you were a team leader of the north delegates to the infamous Addis Ababa Peace Agreement in which you shamelessly claimed in your book that you did a great role but your role was in fact of spoiler and divider of Southerners.
    2. Second, you were appointed to head a committee, which investigate the death of Dr. John Garang and to this day, the results were never made public. Why the Jallaba trusted you so much that they usually run for you is something that need to be analyze and investigate.
    3. Third, you were handpicked to be the chairman of Sudan Election Commission and here we go, you are messing around with Southern Sudan in diaspora. Also, you did not heed the advice from Southern Sudan veteran politicians not to allocated the constituencies based on disputed and rigged fake census results. What is wrong with you Mr. Alier? Indeed, you are spoiling the image of Bor Dinka who sacrificed so much during war of struggle and we deserve better than that. The list of Gulf states you provided early is a repulication of Hassan Al Turabi previous list to awashed Sudan with new Islamic and Arab generations so that the population of Sudan is dynamically change forever.

    Professor Allajabu Al Dinkawi

  • J.James

    National election board accepts additional countries for Sudanese Diasporas
    Good old man

    But we still want to see Chad, all states in United States, Canada, Australia, and Congo Zaire on the list. However, the newly endorsed countries are highly appreciated. Please continue the process.

    God bless

    The writer watches closely.

  • DabeJoseph Gale
    DabeJoseph Gale

    National election board accepts additional countries for Sudanese Diasporas
    Dear Southerners, this old man so called Abel Alair is our pedemic disease or HIV in southern Sudan.he is pretending that is a Southern but,in reality this Man is black Arab, simply because he, himself hate southerners serving the interest of his coloney mater the Arab.i feel like vomiting on him when hear him talking of considering some of the Africa countries. why do they rush first to Arab conutries, living alone the africa countries where Southern Sudanese reside in.he has started rigging the elections openly.we shall order him not to step to the south again, he should remain there with his masters,so that he lik their ass to get more money for his old age to die with it.
    South Sudan oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • J.James

    National election board accepts additional countries for Sudanese Diasporas
    Mr. Deng

    Infact you are the only hero I have ever given my vote as the nationalistic person of the year. indeed I didn’t read all of your comment but the truth that you pointed out by calling Abel Alier as the weakest person is partially true, you better even level him as the weakest person in all of SouthSudan.

    Mr. Deng you are the people I want to attach myself with because I am crazy and tired of all those tribalistic comments which support individuals based on tribal line, we need to be Southerners not Dinkas, Nuer, Murle, Equotorian, or Kachipo.

    Last week I had decided to quit this web site but many people wrote to me both publically and privately asked me to stay on board, and reason why I wanted to quit this web site was simply because people seem to negotiate tribal issues rather than national problems which faces all of us.

    Mr. Deng and others, it is time to avoid calling ourselves strong, winners, or whatever names, we need to unite together, SHORT. Thanks homy.

    God bless

    The writer watches closely.

  • santos

    National election board accepts additional countries for Sudanese Diasporas
    Iam sorry to here that only kenya and uganda are approved,my big question is,what about Ethiopia, DRC, Ruanda ,Burundi and above all Tanzania???????
    pliz NEC,if there is democracy and consideration of one’s right in Sudan,don’t forget the list above otherwise your expectations in election will be like a rotten dog along the way where every one turns his/her nose aside.

  • Ali Bashir
    Ali Bashir

    National election board accepts additional countries for Sudanese Diasporas
    You Southerners are far behind the game.what we did was to first enlists the Arab countries plus a few to entice you(Southerners) and wait for the reaction.As expectected,it was just as we plan and after studying the extend with which you have gotten,we add you a few countries from what you demanded while we are busy with the registration of potential voters in the respected countries we consider pro us.At around down,when you are about to start registration,time is up as schedule and we emerge winners.the game is all about time waisting and you(sOUTHERNERS) need another century to reach that level.
    Good luck as you keep on learning.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    National election board accepts additional countries for Sudanese Diasporas
    Dear brothers and Sisters,
    Even though Abel Alier did not point guns on their people( Southerners), still he is not a proud leader who can take the ground. I don,t support him because he still working both hands and that is not acceptable.
    He should be on the side of South and after that i will give him more credits.

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