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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM vows no concessions in South Sudan referendum

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 13, 2009 (JUBA) –The Leadership of the Sudan People Liberation Movement, (SPLM), at an extraordinary political bureau meeting has unanimously agreed not to make any concessions on the going talks with dominant National Congress Party (NCP) over Southern referendum.

GOSS Referendum Law Review Committee meets at Riek Machar’s office Thursday in Juba to discuss on the ongoing talks on referendum law (photo Larco Lomayat)
GOSS Referendum Law Review Committee meets at Riek Machar’s office Thursday in Juba to discuss on the ongoing talks on referendum law (photo Larco Lomayat)
Following his return to Juba after twelve days in Khartoum since October 31 to discuss outstanding issues on CPA implementation, the Vice-President of South Sudan government Dr Riek Machar told the press on Thursday he would brief the party on the progress made at the level of the joint political committee that he co-chairs with Sudanese Vice-President Ali Osman Taha.

He said that the NCP’s latest proposal has come down from the two-third turnout demand but declined to state the exact figure until the party’s politburo discusses it.

The SPLM position is that the turnout be 50%. The NCP came down “a little bit from two-third but we will discuss this in the Politburo, and after that you will be informed,” Machar said.

Earlier, the two parties almost agreed on 51% of votes to declare the South an independent country as long as two-third (66%) of voter turnout is achieved.

The NCP leadership ” are showing signals towards reducing their initial positions on required percentage for voter turnout but it is still long way to concede,” said Paul Mayom Akech, the official spokesperson of the government of Southern Sudan and minister of information and broadcasting service.

Paul Mayom further added other people, he declined to name, are not giving complete attention to referendum to allow focus on other national matters.

The US special envoy to Sudan, Mr. Scott Gration during his stay in Khartoum last week held tripartite meetings with Taha and Machar to discuss the referenda and other pending issues. Gration also held talks with the Sudanese officials on Darfur peace process.

“The SPLM has always shown interest and sense of responsibilities to engage in peaceful settlement of all key sticking points but the other people always likes being rigid and obstacle to successful discussions,” he said adding that they like taking detours to arrival at conclusions.

The South Sudan government spokesperson said the two peace partners have a lot to be discussed before elections are held. Reform bills such as power of national security service to detain, cease wealth or property, investigate or hunt suspects; he adds stressing need to reach consensus also on census results.

The referendum review committee members includes GOSS minister of Legal affairs and constitutional development, Minister of foreign affairs, Minister Roads, Bridges and Transport, minister of information and broadcasting services among others.
Mr. Pagan Amum, SPLM Secretary General, said the meeting discussed number of issues relating to the forthcoming elections, ongoing voter registration, Southern referendum and popular consultation for Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states.

The meeting had also examined and discussed results of the recent concluded all-party conference held in Juba last month, and the boycott of parliamentary session by SPLM members of Parliament in the National Assembly over NCP deliberate reluctance to discuss crucial bills requiring immediate deliberations and endorsement by the house, he said.



  • Oduko

    SPLM vows no concessions in South Sudan referendum
    We must go for unity of Sudan if Dinkas and nuers tribe don’t stop bulling other small tribe so I support NCP to make unity hard and harder to SPLM thanks

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM vows no concessions in South Sudan referendum
    SPLM always support peaceful and welcoming politics.
    Some people are far away from how they should pursue politics. The good way is the peacful approach exchange. Now i am happy because we can not just show bright light to the enemy while negotaiting under CPA. We Southerners knows that we will separate,but we don,t want to sing about it other we will show our tactics to the enemy.

  • alvin ajou
    alvin ajou

    SPLM vows no concessions in South Sudan referendum
    Dear South Sudanese

    No elections, no referendum, we will declare our independence.

    Let me tell you brothers, no one is afraid of Arabs.
    Now our Army is well governed by our present chief of staff, James Hoth Mai, the former chief of staff was corrupt. SPLA will now isolate militias like Paulino Matip and defeat Arabs.

    Salva Kiir Oyeeee!!!

    James Hoth Oyeeee!!!

    South Sudanese Oyeee!!!

  • Khent

    SPLM vows no concessions in South Sudan referendum
    Our war has left the country with three armies- an army of cripples, an army of mourners, and an army of usurpers. Gatwech and his ilk resides within the army of usurpers.

    The usurpers (Gatwech) take credit for a peace and its tenants, that they had nothing to with.

    They steal the legacies of others, because they are afraid of their own shadow, afraid that if they used a little common sense, they would have to admit that their inglorious split and the subsequent collaboration with the enemy was wrong and unjustifiable!

  • Khent

    SPLM vows no concessions in South Sudan referendum
    My brothers:

    We should no longer be lenient on usurpers and historical revisionists.

    We only need to speak the truth to defeat them, however, the contest of truth vs. distortion is akin to that of good vs. evil…. it is eternal.

    If you fight the good fight, you need to enjoy the battle.

    Otherwise you tire of it, and evil begins to prevail by dumb persistence.

    Distorters such as Gatwech know the truth as mice know the cat.

    They seek to evade, distract, stall, bluff, transpose and posture – knowing well the power of the truth that stalks them, and knowing too, the rat-holes, they must cower in, if they wish to survive another day.

    It is never the objective to force them to *admit* the truth, by their very nature, they cannot.

    The objective is to learn, and then share the truth, and in doing so…. you confound, the confounders.

  • Gatwech

    SPLM vows no concessions in South Sudan referendum
    Khent and the likes,

    You made me laugh guys. You have proven that your argument is nothing but empty defense of your failure. You have not responded to the Rumbek meeting which has hard facts exposing your incompetent John Garang’s lost leadership.

  • [email protected]

    SPLM vows no concessions in South Sudan referendum
    Dear Southerners, I am really sorry to tell you this. You first need to repeatedly read the topic of discussion posted to the website before rushing to comments, suggestions and/or so forth. Also, when criticizing yourselves over the points, during the debate, base your critiques only on the topics rather than talking on your leaders’ past and forgiven backgrounds. I dont totally like that good education of Gatwech, Murlescrewed and All those you know being misuse only in bullshitting everyday. The education of pride that you Southerners have rappidly acquired during the war can help your leaders to take you across to your destination if wisely used in advising them. Not in pushing them to fight one another. AHMED

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