Monday, January 6, 2025

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Southern forces opposed to SPLM holding convention in Khartoum

November 14, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese presidential assistant Nafie Ali Nafie today addressed the opening session of the South-South dialogue that is comprised mainly Southern political forces and figures opposed to the ruling party of Southern Sudan, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

Akol2.jpgThe convention is a continuation of the Kenana forum held last April in which the participants blamed the SPLM for “the continuously deteriorating administrative, security and political situation in Southern Sudan”.

The meeting includes: SANU, UDSF, United Democratic Party, SPLM-DC, Sudan National Labor Party, USAP-2, South Sudan Democratic Forum, South-Sudan Democratic Front.

Nafie in prepared remarks at the conference stressed the ruling National Congress Party’s (NCP) commitment to the 2011 referendum where Southerners will determine whether or not they want their own separate state.

He reiterated his party’s “strict” adherence to the outcome of the self-determination process.

The powerful Sudanese official urged the SPLM “to respond to the calls of Southerners in different parties for dialogue with them.”

“There is no alternative to Sudanese dialogue to resolve the country’s problems to guarantee renaissance and protect the nation from foreign interference” Nafie added.

Major General Gissimalla Abdullah Rassas, Former President of the High Executive Council for Southern Sudan, said that it is imperative for the conference to produce resolutions “that benefit all Sudanese citizens”.

Rassas was quoted by Sudan official news agency (SUNA) as saying that Sudan’s problems cannot be resolved by two parties only but rather all political forces. He revealed that the focuses of the convention are the issues of “justice and equality, security, referendum, upcoming national elections”.

He criticized what he described as “separatist voices” and called for resorting to the “voice of wisdom and work for the country”.

The controversial Southern figure who was also the former foreign minister, Lam Akol, said that the Southerners have not seen the fruits of the CPA noting that the SPLM “received $8 billion” saying that this “proves the corruption of the SPLM rule”.

Akol accused the SPLM of cracking down on opposition parties in the South including his SPLM-DC party adding that the referendum process “requires good government”.

Sudanese presidential Bona Malwal went further saying that Southerners “should free themselves politically, economically and security-wise from the SPLM rule”.

He added that the Juba conference hosted by the SPLM last summer “had a hidden agenda”. It included twenty Sudanese parties mainly the Northern opposition parties and issued an ultimatum to the NCP saying they would boycott the elections if the Sudanese parliament does not pass, before November 30, a number of laws aiming at creating an appropriate environment for the multi-party elections.

The conference drew condemnation from the ruling party which accused the SPLM of seeking to topple the government with the aid of other parties.

Malwal said that the NCP “has satisfied all its obligations under CPA and deserves all thanks from us”.

In a related development the SPLM secretary general said that his party detected violations in the voter registration process in 13 states of Northern Sudan and 4 states in the South.

Amum added that there are elections officers and officials at the National Elections Commission (NEC) who actually belong to the NCP.

Last week Sudanese opposition political party monitors told Reuters they had evidence of intimidation, buying of votes and other irregularities by the NCP.

However, NCP officials dismissed the allegations put forward by their opponents.

Sudan is facing growing political tensions due to growing rifts between the two major partners in the Government of National Unity (GoNU) primarily over the census, referendum and security law.

Some observers have pointed out that elections and referendum will have to be rescheduled, something both parties reject.



  • Mzalendo Mwema
    Mzalendo Mwema

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    You even look so silly.How can you join the same killers of your dear southerners.Take your money and keep quiet.

  • Kur

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    This is nothing more than a gang of traitors who have no place in the hearts of the People of South Sudan. Hell to all of you.


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    These Lam Akol Bona Malual(Malwal) must stop talking negative about SPLM. Nobody need you with your Parties just stay in Khartoum.

  • murlescrewed

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    The meeting of all NCP-affiliated traitors. What is new? If they really cared that much about South, they should be having this meeting in Juba. However, these mentally-enslaved, power-hungry agents of Islamists are talking among themselves and not to majority of Southerners. It will never gain any traction in South.

    Lam Akol and Bona Malwal are nothing more than political prostitutes. They are willing to sell their souls to the highest bidder. I bet their children walks with their head down because it’s pretty shameful to have a father who is willing to sell his pride for measly oil money.

    SPLM is known in every corner of the South as the party that delivered peace. Who cares about the money? It is a minor detail.

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    Democracy must be save especially in south Sudan. To those who are necked with out idea,your era has gone.People know that election is first an enemy to those who get leadership by luck without campaign. This time meny people will go back to look after cows.

  • general Achinbenchien
    general Achinbenchien

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    Traitors, traitors, traitor, I say traitors people come on let’s sing it. Lam is a traitor, Lam Akol is a evil greedy man, a monster, a curse on Shilluk people. Lam Akol is a coward, let sing it people of Southern Sudan

    General Achinbenchien

  • ojok s. ojok
    ojok s. ojok

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    Dear somebody, please, can you stop posting nonsense on this forum. I hate to see the idiots fighting here every day.

  • Makeethy

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    Who the hell is Lam Akol to talk on behave of the Southern Sudanese people. Instead of correcting his past, he is looking foreward to create another problem. Enough with Lam!

  • Adam

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    It is very sad that the South-South convention has been organized in Khartoum. It should have been held in Juba, Abyei or anywhere in the South. The reason for holding the conference in Khartoum is obvious. It is not that the participants are paid by the Arabs or that they are tails, as few have spoken. The bitter truth is that SPLM/A is governing the South with fire and iron. SPLM failed to safeguard freedom of political organization and activities, spread security or strengthen trust among Southerners. If SPLM/A does not accept a political party registered in Khartoum, how come they will allow them to operate in the South? They even make problems for their ALLY, the NCP, to operate in the South. Readers, as most southerners, are aware of the SPLM/A bad behavior in the South and North alike.

    The SPLM/A decided to dominate the South by hook or crook. They are 100% sure that they will never convince the voters to vote for them due to the widespread corruption and elimination of contestants. SPLM is really responsible for the loss of time and money provided by the CPA. They did nothing, but dividing the Southerners on tribal lines. They fueled tribal wars, stole money and power. They furthermore, stole medicine, food, education and security of our children, the young and the elderly. They cannot tolerate any change by good people to share power with them in order to serve the people and better realize their DREAMS and VISIONS.

    The Southern parties taking part in the South-South conference should agree to a common ground. They should agree to “work together” to mobilize their supporters all over Sudan and in the world to do the following, if they want to make a real change:

    1. The outcomes of the conference have to be made crystal clear and short to the people of Sudan, UN, AU, USA, Europe, African countries and all those who are concerned. Every statement or resolution has to justified and documented with tangible evidence(s).

    2. The South of Sudan cannot be left for SPLM/A dictatorship. SPLM/A should peacefully be persuaded to change its behavior for the sake of the people. Community leaders should be involved in this effort. If we fail to be united then we should expect 2012 to be the apocalypse of the South.

    3. Have ONE nominee for the presidency of the GoSS. We should have candidates for States’ governors and assemblies. This should be announced as soon as possible, so our people in the South, all over Sudan and in the world will know whom they are supposed to vote for.

    4. The NEC will have no problem extending the voter registration period, so the conference leadership must cooperate with other parties to send a request for that. Now – not later.

    5. Hard and coordinated effort must be made at the grass-root level to register voters and mobilize them to vote for specific candidates for the forthcoming election, and also for the referendum in 2011. Extensively use of radio programs in local languages is invaluable. Civil Society organizations in the South and North, school children, churches, mosques, clinics etc should be used to send the message.

    6. Launch an Internet site for the South. This will address the educated in and outside Sudan, as well as the world at large.

    7. Personal contacts are very effective too. It should not be singled out. Let any educated to mobilize only 5 unprivileged persons for the cause.

    I hope the SPLM/A will listen to the calls for unity and make the necessary changes for the benefit of the South. Time will pass them if they fail. The Spirit of our ancestors will curse them. The soul of the Beloved Leader Dr. Garang is watching you Southerners. We MUST UNITE.

    O ye Southerners Unite!

    Sincerely yours,

    Adam Milawaki, Kansas

  • Gatwech

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    Dear readers,

    It is becoming dangerous every day that the two peace partners (SPLM and NCP) are tearing their partnership apart by dancing with opponents. They are simply playing cat and mouse game. The SPLM is partying with some northern political parties and the NCP is partying with southern political parties. This signals the move towards violence and the end of the CPA.

  • kuoldit

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    Dear readers,
    Iam happy to see and hear Dr. Nafie Ali Nafie with Dr Lam A kol, addressing Southern Sudanese Parties forum in Khartoum! Why not in Juba ? The Capital of Southen Sudan, if it is for us and our Country ? I don’t trust them all including Malual Madut,Abel Alier,Dr.Riak Gai and the rests who are residing in Kartoum shall never do good things for the South Sudan at large? For they are all curse to leaves the Southerners alone without their contributions.

  • thieleling

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    Dear brothers & sisters,

    I am a self-directed, self-disciplined and self-assessed thinker based on an accepted competencies in critical thinking. I urge Kiir/SPLM supporters to retrieve information and evaluate them before bashing others here. Please develop critical and independent thinking!! Don’t just be a blind lap-dog for a corrupted & undemocratic SPLM/Kiir.

    Lam Akol: SPLM “received $8 billion” saying that this “proves the corruption of the SPLM rule”. He meant SPLM ‘d stolen most of that budget with no development in south sudan.

    Bona Malual:Southerners “should free themselves politically, economically and security-wise from the SPLM rule”. He meant Kiir’s psychologically unbalanced and unstable as a leader and could not organized south sudanese(economically/politically), leave alone securing their lives.

    Which one of the above quotes from both Lam & Bona Malual is not true? If one critically and independently evaluate the two quotes above, both are true!! SPLM under Kiir is a failure!!

    SPLM is really disfunctional and that has been deteriorating in the last five years. Most people do not understand why most Dinkas celebrate Kiir’s leadership failure on this website. Kiir’s leadership has created legitimate problems that inspire legitimate criticism from south sudan’s opposition forces. Salva Kiir as a leader is NOT formidable with forward-thinking credentials. South Sudan is an apocalyptic mess of raging tribalism and corruptions because of Kiir’s unwise,weak leadership. It is disfunctional and surefire for political paralysis in south sudan. It made south sudan ungovernable. Kiir’s dramatic and incompetent acts of leadership in the last five years is a good example.

    South sudan’s future looks very, very ugly now because Kiir did not prioritized development as defense guarantee. Kiir should have spent 70% of his time looking for investors or setting up projects for development. But Kiir instead; spent 80% of his presidency on trivial south sudan politics over who is a challenge to his leadership. Therefore, Kiir is power-mad!! The rating would be barely above junk for people supporting Kiir’s leadership failure. I don’t believe there is any strategic intelligence in apreciating a failure in a leader. Some of the Dinkas’ welcoming attitude in Kiir’s failure inspired Kiir’s own pre-mature political obituary. South sudanese would rather welcome a revolution, instead of this psychologically unbalanced and unstable Kiir leadership.

    People of South Sudan are longing for a well respected statemen who is super-creative, a forward-thinker with new creative ideas to run south sudan. South sudan needs to become stable, peaceful and prosperous under new leadership. History will judge Salva Kiir’s leadership failure at this dificult transition among south sudanese from rebel to a normal, peaceful governing of themselves in the interim. The idea of multi-party democracy will not work under Kiir’s leadership. Majority of south sudanese doubt Kiir can deliver under a democratic government. This is why I think there would not be a credible presidential election in April, 2010. If there is, there would not be a peaceful transfer of power under Kiir leadership. There may be a peaceful transfer of power in Khartoum though the general presidential election would not be credible.

    Kiir’s Dinka leadership greed & rampant corruptions left south sudan penniless, powerless and lawless compares to North sudan in the last five years. Most Dinkas who support Kiir’s leadership on this website are simply losers, naive and traitors. South sudan needs a developer-in-chief and not a killer-in-chief like Salva Kiir Mayar today. Kiir supposed to be a cheerleader for south sudan economy and not a first class-looter of its resources. People do not care where Salva Kiir comes from, but they care when their leader who unfortunately is Salva Kiir is a crook. Kiir unfortunately strengthened autocracy, not democracy in south sudan today. Therefore, the south sudan opposition forces have a responsibility and right to legitimately criticize the failed SPLM leadership in south sudan.

  • pan africa
    pan africa

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM hold convention in Khartoum
    those who keep suported Lam are the those want the southern sudanese people to be with the Arabs hands all the time.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM holding convention in Khartoum
    This is a propaganda.

    It is not southern forces opposed to SPLM holding convention in khartoum,

    but Southern forces opposed to SPLM-DC(Sudan people,s liberation movement deal of corruption against south
    secession in 2011 referendum) holding convention in Khartoum

  • Augustino

    Southern forces opposed to SPLM holding convention in Khartoum
    to whom it may concern.
    I need help dear listeners, can I ask all of you? prehaps yes.
    Why is NCP always interesting in the affairs of other southern sudanese parties?
    why is it always present (NCP) in all meetings ever held by other southerners political parties?
    this prove to me that all these parties are NCP’s political wings. that is they are for the interest of Arabs and not for south sudanese.
    therefore, I strongly encorage comrede Pagan Amum and all other SPLM political members to keep eye waching on these bought and wick elements seem to assume to represent us in their own interest.
    shame on you all stupide parties who are money hungery.
    augustino in australia

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