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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese, Eritrean Presidents to meet Monday

November 15, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese President and his Eritrean counterpart will meet on Monday in eastern Sudan town, Port Sudan where they will attend cultural and touristic festivities.

Presidents Omer Al-Bashir and Isayas Afewerki will attend the third edition of Tourism and Marketing Festival of the Red Sea State. They are also expected to inaugurate the Eye Hospital, medical staff hostel and the Hospital of Maritime Port Authority.

The two presidents will also hold talks on bilateral ties.

Last month, the presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen held talks with the Eritrean president in Asmara on the need to support the strategic relationship not only bilaterally but also at the regional level, considering that this region is interconnected and problems affect each other.

The presidential adviser who is in charge of Darfur dossier and relations with the USA further said talks with Eritrean President included the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and government efforts to bring peace in Darfur region.

Asmara repeatedly said it was opposed to international interferences in the Sudanese affairs and urged the Sudanese parties to settle their differences without seeking the intervention of the international community.

Eritrea also at different occasions invited the Sudanese to work for maintaining a United Sudan. This week the official Shabait published an editorial inviting the Sudanese to seriously consider the issue of southern Sudan secession and its negative impacts.

“Although the people of South Sudan have full right to freely decide their own future, the entire Sudanese people and political forces in the country should, nonetheless, seriously ponder over the issue of secession and its possible negative consequences and lasting problems.”



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudanese, Eritrean Presidents to meet Monday
    Eriterea and Northen Sudan have been performing illegal act aganist SPLM ever since. Their meeting is purly the sabotage to the Southern goverment. The Ereterea govt captured Pacholla in 1992 and hand it over to North gv,t before and this make me suspicous for their meeting.
    Unity will not help the South by all means.

  • Samson Shawel Ambaye
    Samson Shawel Ambaye

    Sudanese, Eritrean Presidents to meet Monday
    Both are brain less creatures.

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