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Sudan Tribune

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47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state

By Manyang Mayom

November 17, 2009 (RUMBEK) – 47 people were killed and 16 others wounded on Monday as Dinka and Mundari ethnic groups renewed tribal fighting in Lakes state.

The SPLM Secretary for Awerial County, Dut Malual told the press that Mundari armed youth attacked two cattle camps including Pulok Payam headquarters in early morning.

Lual said the Mundari dawn raid on Dinka Aliab section started at about 5:00AM and the fighting continued until about 12:30PM.

“The Mundri cattle raiders killed 10 of our people and wounded least 16 other inhabitants of Awerial County. We also defended ourselves and our youth managed to killed 37 people from Mundri,” said Dut.

He added that two children and a lady were also kidnapped by the attackers.

Casualties were expected to increase after counting and confirming all the dead and wounded.

Dut Malual, further said that Mundri assault has now paralyzed the ongoing voter registration process in the county.

He also noted that this attack is the fifth to be carried out by the Mundari on the county since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January 2009

There was no body reached on the Mundari side to tell the root cause of the fighting.



  • DOOR

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    This barbaric and primitive killing should be left to Nuer.

    Please let peace prevail.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    Sad news.
    What is wrong with Mundari.
    Why the attack innocent people always.
    They did not learned from the recent fight whereby their houses were born down.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    Coward Jaang/Slaves,

    You deserve that killing like insects because you’re coward who cannot defend themselves from minority Mundary and Shilluk ethnic groups let alone Mighty Nuer Warriors.

  • Wende Yongaptheeth
    Wende Yongaptheeth

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    Shilluks Oshay, Isaiah Abraham, Logic boy and the rests of most recently graduated Shilluk Drs from Kenya. Who is this killing the Aliap Dinkas? are they Nuers or Dinka bor you favored devils and enemies?

    They are you favored thelanguri Mundari from Lake state because Mundari are not from this side of the White Nile . The Bors Dinkas have a border with Bari from Bilnyang or Mapau.

    Now that the Mundaris are attacking Aliap Dinkas, Uluu county and the rests lakes state who is responsible?

    Is it the Nuers, Bor Dinkas, Bhar el Ghazel or Bari?

  • Nile

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    without total disarmament in south Sudan nothing will change this current situation. we will always be hearing bad news. GoSS officials are busy working on fake election while innocent people are dying everyday. who do they expect really to vote for them if more than 100 people are being kill every month? Salva Kiir just left yesterday touring eroupean countries like he will find something beneficial to his corrupted govt huh!! I am sick and tired of these fake leaders in south Sudan.

  • general Achinbenchien
    general Achinbenchien

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    Dinka is working so hard to put a Southern Sudanese onto the moon, Mundari want to dismantle the craft and sell the parts in Uganda. I’m fucken sick and tired of these stone head. Let the hell break loose. Give every body in Southern Sudan guns, and let’s see who will attack who. Equatoria, and Upper Nile are a curse of Southern Sudan. All the times, crisis, crisis? What is wrong in these two regions? Look all tribes of Southern Sudan! It will not be like in the pastt. This time, we will fight back, and fight back really hard. Keep scratching the would!

    General Achinbenchien

  • oshay

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    Savage land grabbing Dinka don’t want anyone to live in peace.

  • H5N1

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    These Dinka militias have done it again!…….do you guys even feel as wariors when killing this innocent tribe? why dont u go to Nuers or Shilluk or even Murle to see who the real wariors are.
    bunches of looters who deserve nothing but death. am sick of this shitty tribe with their deformed-headed president. how dare you ambush a minority tribe like this, with your incompetent reporters coming out blaming Mundari for the fight, twisting words to suit their description. everyone knows that you carried out the attack and this death have just proven that. such a useless and cursed community.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    47 killed,

    Sorry but what should we do since it is the culture of such tribe!!!

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • J.James

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state

    Guys I am sorry to realize that Dinka has unfotunitely become the only creature in the planet without a friend or neighbor. Look Dinka fought with Moro, Taposa, Nuer, Murle, Mundari, and recently Shullik tribe, what are all these mean to the Kiir who is on power while his tribe is bitterly in odd with others across the country?

    I think everybody may rightly or mistakenly summarize and rule it simply against Dinka.

    That is sad and humiliating.

    I hope the situation is contained before widening.

    God bless

    The writer always watches closely.

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    This LUAL is wrong, he narrated what was not on ground just because he is from Dinka, that is why he told high dead number from Mundari side to the pressman.

    Shame on you Biased Man.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    Dear Kiim Deng,

    Would you mind stop talking against Dinka’s Community please? You may not know but you are lowering the dignity of Nuer community as well as yourself.We must respect each other though we have differences.

    Please Kim Deng,I have words of most destruction (W.M.D)but I have stopped talking against my beloved people.

    Bear in mind that Dinkas are not coward and they are not going to be as you normally put it.

    Dear readers and writers,I have much to tell you but remember constant dripping of water swears a stone.If you see me talking against Nuer community and Equatoria then you won’t reproach me again.

    Dinka community is not a donkey on which anybody is free to take a joy ride.We know why we fought that was to restore the right and dignity of our people.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

  • Adam

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    Dear Readers

    O ye the lovers of South Sudan Unite.

    Another sad day. Killing has become dominant and widespread – an everyday news-making. There is no reason whatsoever that this killing should be allowed. The responsibility is on the GoSS.

    It is so disturbing that SPLM/A is working for the separation of Sudan without a clear vision. Separation is not as easy as many hope. There are so many issues to be addressed – uniting the Southerners is the most important and challenging of all. There will be no South Sudan if ethnic clashed and hatred continue to rise like this.

    The whole South will burn up and the whole region will be undermined as predicted by some observers in the West. I am reading analysis and comments on famous newspapers, magazines and internet sites by well-respected writers stating that if the local (south-south) issues were not responsibly and professionally addressed, a horrible scenario is inevitable. Human resources are the key to the new state-not the natural resources. In fact, natural resources (land, pastor, water, minerals and oil) will be the main reasons for disturbances, disputes and ethnic attacks. This problem should not be taken to the new South. Tomorrow, every tribe will claim rights on natural resources in its territories. Control and ownership over oil in Greater Upper Nile will be a serious issue. This area is not a one tribe zone. Therefore, SPLM/A should be careful – very careful.

    The multi-billion Dollar investment in arming the mainly Dinka SPLA was the blunder that may shatter all dreams. Things will fall apart easily if the GoSS continues its current policies and ill-practices. It is already just about too late for SPLM to correct its mistakes. However, it should not continue committing many more horrendous errors that may make South Sudan HELL.

    The key to resolve this problem is to be wise, professional, patient, tolerant and just. SPLM should try hard to unite the Southerners. It should not be a one-tribe show. It must promote freedom of political parties and get everybody involved. Isolating others by denying them their basic rights will just create problems and set fires that can burn everything to ashes.

    There is a long way to go to realize a peaceful and prosperous South Sudan State. At this point of time, the Northerners are not a big problem on the face of the South. It is the Southerners that are the enemies of themselves.

    SPLM MUST change its ruling behavior and try to be the CRUCIBLE of all Southerners. Measures should immediately be taken to stop corruption and malpractices and promote human rights. Real development should be launched. Human Resources should be built. Democracy must be encouraged. An all that can never be realized when the Southerners are not one united body. At this turning point of history, there is no way but to work together and to tolerate each other.

    O ye Southerners Unite!

    Sincerely yours,

    Adam Milawaki, Kansas

  • Time1

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    INSECURITY, Cannot be solved by Disarmament of locals only, we have to look at the root causes of the problem, We have to know and understand, why the people are angry or what is missing? by doing this we will understand the problem and be able to prescribe an effective solution.

    SPLM need to work hard to reconcile the tribes and also bring in the political forces in one table in a south-south dailogue where all sides are treated equala nd given equal respect and consideration, that way the insecurity and rivalry between the peoplke will be reduced to minium level, then disarmament can now work after, event he political leaders and tribal leaders can be very effective in disarmament because their tribes or groups will isten to only them more than to other parties, let southerners think about this carefully.

    I blame SPLM leadership for failing to bring all southern political forces and tribes in one table under south-south dialogue. What are they waiting for? for the referendum then they will have a south-south dialogue? What about the people who are now dying and lose their lifes, will they not enjoy this peace and also benefit from the peace which they fought for? or only leaders have to benefit?

  • santos

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    sad news,

    God will let the souls of the victims rest in peace.

  • Critic_Ngueny

    47 killed in tribal fighting as Dinka clash with Mundari in Lakes state
    Dear Dongjol,

    We call a spade a spade but not a big spoon in our community please.Sorry and you have to look out with your man Kim Deng and the rests.

    I will join you in the field of politics for I have seen that people are just playing a joke on communities.

    To J.James,you may not know but a time will come for you man to seek friendship from Dinka boy and rest of the Dinkas.

    My twenty one days are coming to an end.Mr.Critic_Ngueny will be ready with words of most destruction (WMD).It is something normal and usual that if a child cries for razer blade than you have to give it to him or her.
    I have turned deaf ears to the day today comments but people don’t want to change.

    Dear Dinka boy,we must tune to the language that they understand better.

    Critic_Ngueny is on the way to reinforce Dinka boy who have been fighting with thousand of thousand of people.

    Critic_Ngueny from Bor town

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