Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese president receives invitation from Denmark for UN conference

November 18, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir received an invitation from Denmark to attend the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP15), the Copenhagen Post reported today.

Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir attends the opening session of the fourth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh on November 8, 2009 (AFP)
Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir attends the opening session of the fourth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh on November 8, 2009 (AFP)
A Danish official suggested that Bashir, who is a target of an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC), has been invited in his capacity as a head of state.

Thomas Winkler, head of the Danish Foreign Ministry’s legal department, said that as the climate conference is a UN event, Denmark is obliged to invite all heads of government without exception.

“But at the same time we would point out that Denmark is also obliged to comply with the Security Council’s resolution regarding Darfur,” Winkler was quoted by the Copenhagen Post.

Denmark is a state party to the founding treaty of the ICC and is obliged to arrest Bashir if he visits.

However, it is unlikely that Bashir would venture into Denmark. He has so far avoided travelling to countries that are members of the ICC.

Today the ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said that Bashir has been increasingly marginalized since being indicted.

“Even his planned trip in November to a non-state party, Turkey, was cancelled,” Ocampo told the Assembly of States Parties to the ICC.

“The process of marginalization is in process,” he said.

Ocampo said arresting a serving head of state “requires a process of marginalization both at the national and international levels”.

He cited the case of former Yugoslav strongman Slobodan Milosevic, who was surrendered to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia by his own state “after a process of marginalization”. Milosevic died mid-trial.



  • Time1

    Sudanese president receives invitation from Denmark for UN conference
    If he failed to go to Turkey for Islamic conference, do you really think he will bother to go to Denmark for talks about climate?

  • Gatjang

    Sudanese president receives invitation from Denmark for UN conference
    Bashir is digging himself into the hold and possibly might be his tomb. Like his cousin Saddam, Bashir will be hang alive.

    If he can’t go to Uganda and South Africa, where in the world will he go. Not to Denmark of course, that invitation will be turn down before dawn. Mr. Bashir you better turn yourself in.

  • AK-47

    Sudanese president receives invitation from Denmark for UN conference
    i personally dare the president Bulshit to go and surrender himself to ICC office in hague for a quick death sentence. if he is a man why not he step-off the country….
    for the ride of your life….
    this comment is dedicated to all those fools like oshxt, lojic_boy, kim deng, thielling, dinka-boy and the rest who are damp.
    sorry if i offend you…
    please contact me mob:+61404040404
    home phone:+61397979797
    address: 10000 melbourne rd, melbourne.
    vic 3000, Australia

  • Kur

    Sudanese president receives invitation from Denmark for UN conference
    Bashir fears nobody, not even the ICC. He will definitely travel to Denmark.


  • Samson Shawel Ambaye
    Samson Shawel Ambaye

    Sudanese president receives invitation from Denmark for UN conference
    God be with ICC UNSC.

    When God wanted to punish criminals thousands years ago God said to Moses I made you like God.

    Right Honorable Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo is God of the 21st Century to punish criminals Bashirs.

  • santos

    Sudanese president receives invitation from Denmark for UN conference
    I first want to see what our president will say this time,last time he had pastponed his participation and return from Egypt saying he has internal duties which collided with the conference.however this time will needs him to appear physically with out failure.

    “who knows why the hen cann’t fly”

    when the blessing was given to all birds by God during creation time, it did not turn up for the gathering and as a result,God blessed all the birds to fly.who is to blame now?
    compare to this every conference is not attended by our president who will bring our share?i hope this time he will response positively to UN conference.let me not hear 1 2 3 4………………and more.

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