Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan before and after 2011

By Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth

November 21, 2009 — Sudan or “Bilaad-el-Sud”, which means in Arabic the Land of the Black, is geographically the largest country in Africa and historically has been marked with continuous conflict and turmoil.

In 1899, Sudan came under Anglo-Egyptian rule and was administered by a governor-general who was appointed by Eypgt and approved by Britain. Egypt sought to unite with Sudan, but Britain opposed and frustrated these efforts by creating divisions within Sudan’s numerous and different ethnic groups and by essentially dividing Sudan into two separate regions – the predominantly Arab Muslim North and the Christian and Animist South.

In 1956, Sudan was granted independence, however, the Africans of Sudan lost their identity as the new ruling government defined Sudan as an Arab Islamic nation. In response, war broke out between the North and the South in 1955. After 17 years of war, an agreement was reached in 1972 that allowed the South a certain level of autonomy. War reignited in 1983 with the imposition of Islamic or Sharia law on all of Sudan, including the South and the dishonoring of the 1972 agreement.

After 21 years of civil war, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was signed in 2005, which ended the war and provided for the democratic transformation of Sudan and the opportunity for Southern Sudan to vote in 2011 either to be part of Sudan or secede. Since its independence in 1956, Sudan has experienced 38 years of war in which over 2.5 millions Southern Sudanese lost their lives and over 4 millions were displaced from their homes.

The people of Southern Sudan and the people of Sudan from all the marginalized regions of Sudan, including Darfur, are crying out for the rightful recognition of their original identity, and they reject the existing totalitarian regime. They demand a system of governance that represents their diversity with equal citizenship, representation and distribution of national resources.

As stated earlier, the CPA, which ended two decades of the bloodiest civil war in Africa, was signed in January of 2005 by the Government of the Republic of the Sudan under the leadership of the National Congress Party (NCP) and the leadership of the South’s Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A).

The CPA grants Southern Sudan a semi-autonomous government and it specifically provides for two major events:

1) National elections, which have been rescheduled for April 2010; and
2) A referendum to determine if Southern Sudan can be part of Sudan or secede, which is fixed to take place on January 9, 2011.

Many obstacles must be overcome in order for successful implementation of the CPA. The border between the North and the South must be demarcated; concern about the accuracy of the census must be addressed; laws that impede the democratic process must be revised; and laws addressing the referendum and popular consultation must be enacted.

Elections are scheduled to take place in four months and the referendum in fourteen months. Needless to say, free and fair elections and referendum are very important to the people of Sudan. Thus, the Government of Southern Sudan calls upon the international community, especially signatories of the CPA including the United States, which brokered the agreement, to oversee full implementation of the remaining provisions of the CPA; to carefully monitor the registration and election processes; to provide protection and logistical support for voters; and to hold accountable all parties that obstruct the democratic process.

The CPA was structured to provide the Government of Sudan six years to make unity attractive; however, President Omar Al-Bashir and his regime, the National Congress Party (NCP), have failed to make that happen. Unless the NCP dramatically and immediately changes its policies and chooses to fully implement the CPA in good faith; to end its assault on the people of Darfur; and to provide services to the marginalized people of Sudan, the South will choose to become an independent country where freedom, justice, equality, peace, and prosperity are accessible to all. As a representative of the Government of the South Sudan, I assure you that unless there is change, 98% of the Southern Sudanese will vote for the secession because we no longer can endure being treated as “second class citizens” or “fourth class citizens” in our own country.

The people of Sudan have suffered needlessly for decades. If the people of Sudan choose to break into separate nations, it is imperative that the process is peaceful, well organized, and fully supported by the international community. Post 2011 planning must begin immediately and the international community must be involved to ensure transparency and to minimize the possibility of conflict, which is projected by several schools of thought around the world. Over the next fourteen months and beyond, the Government of Southern Sudan is calling on the international community to hold accountable any party that obstructs peace and justice; to help protect innocent lives on the ground; and to provide logistical support for the founding of a new democratic nation.

As the Government of Southern Sudan works to rebuild a region that was utterly devastated by civil war, we are keenly aware of and deeply disturbed by the atrocities being committed against our brothers and sisters in Darfur and we strongly oppose the human rights abuses that plague the entire country. We find it unconscionable that the vast resources of Sudan are horded by the ruling elite while the rightful owners of the country’s resources suffer terribly due to a lack of infrastructure, medical care, clean water and inaccessibility to education and the basic necessities of life. We call on the international community to join hands with the marginalized people of Sudan to hold the perpetrators of such injustices accountable; to protect the people of Sudan as they seek to secure their rights; and to engage in developing the country in a way that promotes independence and prosperity.

Four years ago, the CPA was signed. Four years ago, Sudan’s civil war ended and the hope of a new democratic Sudan was born. Four months are left until national elections and fourteen months are left until the referendum. Although we are faced with serious and enormous obstacles, we sincerely believe that with the help of the international community, Sudan can experience free and fair elections; a peaceful referendum; and ultimately peace, prosperity, justice and equality for all.

The author is the Head of Government of Southern Sudan Mission to the United States and Member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM)National Liberation Council. This article was initially presented at Brigham Young University, David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies and Utah Valley University, International Affairs and Diplomacy on November 18, 2009.


  • Rambang Deng
    Rambang Deng

    Sudan before and after 2011

    Yaa abaech el munynuun, when did you learn Arabic to know the meaning of Bilaad-el-Sud?

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Sudan before and after 2011
    Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth wrote this:

    “We find it unconscionable that the vast resources of Sudan are horded by the ruling elite while the rightful owners of the country’s resources suffer terribly due to a lack of infrastructure, medical care, clean water and inaccessibility to education and the basic necessities of life.”

    Really!!!! This should have come from a mouth of someone else who is not corrupt and who is outside the corrupt and failed GoSS system unlike like Mr.Ezekiel Lol who is deeply involved in mismanagement of South Sudanese fund that could have been used to realize public services for the marginalized.

    How much South Sudan money does this Ethiopian Nuer represnting GoSS in USA wastes every day, every month and every year? It is millions of dollars. And what income in return of this waste does this incompetent GoSS head of Mission in USA brings to South Sudan? Nothing except spoiling the image of the Sudan including South Sudan in the face of international community!!!

    God save us from these foreign parasites like Ezekiel Lol who have sucked our rights to development for four years now. We are tired of his lies and poor analytical mind.

  • David Glenn
    David Glenn

    Sudan before and after 2011
    Dear Ezekiel Lol Gatkouth
    I read your article attentively.With all due respect I wish to point some points that you skip when you talk about the causes of the 1983 war.
    Many observers would tell you that the war in fact started earlier as a result of the discontent and disillusion of the Southern elite(notably in the diaspora),with the corruption and tribalism in the Regional Government of South Sudan then.The abuse of power ny some regional Ministers.You remember the story of the cars donated by donors,the ivory trade,the shopping trips to Nairobi,while the students from South Sudan,in African and other universities,were not getting their bursaries?That was the responsibility of the Reginal Ministry of Education.The famous scanal of the books from UNESCO,and much more,even to-day we see corruption rampant,you must have heard of Graingate,at a time when the International Agencies are warning of an imminent famine.All this while we see luxury trips to Europe and lush African capitals.
    The people you address every day,promoting seccesion as a panacea to the South,do also read these reports,they have offices in the field and they are more often than not,the ones who finance the UN Appeals.
    Secession may be coming,the enemy you portray(that is what you call the Arab North),may go,but the enemy within how do we face and fight it?

  • thieleling

    Sudan before and after 2011
    Dear brothers and sisters,

    Too bad Yasser Arman still pimping and prostituting Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth around. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth is a political prostitute of the first order in south sudan!!

    Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth is one of the reasons why Salva Kiir lost so many supporters in Nuerland & Shilluk Kingdom. Lol Gatkuoth is not only dumb and foolish, but also incompetent and primitive. He is lucky people like me decide not to expose his stupidity in the open because I do understand Lol Gatkuoth does not even a bit understands law & diplomacy.

    Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth is a very low-self esteem dude whose political prostitutions began by supporting Dr. Riek Machar, then turn around to support John Garang & Nyandeng Mabior for monetary reasons and soon after Garang’s death turn around to support Kiir for the same monetary reasons. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth never smells what SPLA military camp was or any thing SPLM until he joined with Dr. Machar’s SPDF in USA. If Salva Kiir decides to change Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth as the head mission in the USA, that would be the same day Ezekiel quits SPLM. Ezekiel Lol is after money, period.

    He is no body by principle in Nuerland after all. He is an Anuak-converted to Nuer whose father was killed by his Anuak relatives in a place called Makuei Thon met, Western Ethiopia. Ezekiel has a right to serve in sudan or Ethiopia, the problem is Ezekiel is no body when it comes to principles. Ezekiel is simply low-life, low-class or fifth-class Nuer who marauds as someone who is too much confused and has personality or identity crisis. Who is Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth? It is hard to answer this question because Ezekiel is a Twich East/Kongorist when Garang was a leader. He immediately switched to being from Gogrial when the leadership went to Salva Kiir. And before that he was Dr. Riek’s staunch supporter who dislikes Kiir & Garang. It is hard to trust Ezekiel-the money lover. Now Ezekiel is entertaining being a unionist because of Yasser Arman & Pagan’s influence on him. Kiir lost a tremendous support from Eastern Nuerland because of Ezekiel’s confused political prostitutions. People give up trusting Kiir because they know he likes only incompetent and low-self esteem, low-life primitive like Ezekiel who acts as Kiir’s fake informant. He is tremendously harming Kiir politically. But Kiir is being dumb, period!! Ezekiel cannot even write this article he claimed to be written by him. He is using others to write for him. He does not know how to write, period. Ask anyone who knows him personally.

    The GOSS representative is a naked primitive who cannot read & write well in English. I know 100% Ezekiel is a college drop-out for sure. I have nothing personal with Ezekiel Lol, but I don’t like liar marauding as leaders. He only wrote this article to campaign for his continuance to be GOSS REPS in Washington, DC. Brothers & sisters, as long as Kiir surrounds himself with people like Lol Gatkuoth whose life and contributions to SPLM based on lies, there would never be a genuine peace where tribes do not pursuit power as the basis to control others. This is because Kiir loves incompetent and low-self esteem Nuers like Ezekiel for political and tribal reasons.

    The good news is that as Kiir practices this kind of politics, the political and military power would always triumph over peace as the currencies for power among south sudanese. Dishonesty to control others through their weak elements is the norms with Kiir. let the dumb and stupid Kiir games reigns. He will be sorry at the end though. Ezekiel does not even believe whatever is on his article, but Arman is pimping and prostituting Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth around. Sick & Pathetics Lol Gatkuoth. I like to write more specific things about Ezekiel, but I do not want to expose him because my own intelligence could not let me do that. He is still an adopt Anuak-Nuer even though he is a total sell-out and a source of shame for true Nuers who know the Greater Nuers always overcome and prevail over difficult conflicts. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth is the political prostitute of the first order. I am glad I share a county with the loser Ezekiel who would never sets foot on the land as long as people like me have military hardwares & local political power in this great county. So, Kiir would belately understands what I am talking about at the end. I say it is very dumb of Kiir to support losers like Ezekiel. He is nobody in my county, period!! No one respects Ezekiel politically, socially, militarily, or culturally in his own county & that of Upper Nile State, period. Therefore, Kiir is a political dummy to support liars like Ezekiel, let Kiir reaps what he sows through the liar of the first order, Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth.

    Kiir will find this out in a hard way after it is too late. I know the guy from in and out(family, class room, room-mate perspectives) but I want to keep everything modest and private for my principle could not fail me and go low on Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth. let the lost sheep Ezekiel roams the unknown terrains. He is the one to be sorry at the end.

  • Time1

    Sudan before and after 2011
    Thanks to Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth

    You are actually one of our best officials and you are doing a good job there in Washington, keep up the good job sir, southsudan need more hard working people like you who dedicate there time for the good of their people not for the good of their pocket and personal interests.

    Sudan before 2011 is one country, After 2011 will be two seperate countries, just to summarise.

  • kulea

    Sudan before and after 2011
    Ezekiel you er right
    let people of Southern Sudan know about the Arabia their characteristic in Sudan as you know Sudan is not for them at all but, because in the ways they were entrance into our country in centure ago and they got the power than the landowner that is why the majory of landowner were talking about the separation including myself,

  • Akuma

    Sudan before and after 2011
    Southern Sudan Government is confused. How come for such leaders need to be delegated as a missionary on behalf of SPLM, as he claim head of SPLM mission here in USA, what can he really tell to convince American people in order to let the USA government support government of Southern Sudan. We should be having more knowledge in appointing leaders who can represent us outside, those leaders like triputiser Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth should not be delegated again. We are tied of our who come here and says nonsenses things to USA government without good achievement, they make us to be a foolish people to White people and make our government as not organise.

    Dr. Akuma, Chicago USA

  • Time1

    Sudan before and after 2011
    Gathkuot is better than any Arabs, that is how we southerners see him.

  • J.James

    Sudan before and after 2011
    Hi guys

    That is why we need change, really change so that we sieve out all those Ethiopians, Ugandans, and Kenyans who enjoy the funds belong to the poor people of SouthSudan fraudulently out.

    Time will come when those who traded the blood of South Sudan people with money will be caught and excluded from smilling SouthSudan border. Remember, Magistu was hoisted because of things related to this.

    God bless

    The writer watches tribalists closely.

  • Al Khalafalla, Excutive DirectorVirginia Institute for Peace
    Al Khalafalla, Excutive DirectorVirginia Institute for Peace

    Sudan before and after 2011
    Hello Brothers and Sisters,

    I would like to thank the newspaper for giving me the opportunity to respond to this article and post my comments.

    First, I would like to inform your readers that Virginia Institute for Peace coordinated Mr. Ezekiel Gatkuoth’s visit to Brigham Young and Utah Valley Universities. In addition, I accompanied Mr. Ezekiel Gatkuoth in his visit to Utah.

    Second, before I make my comments, I would like to express that Virginia Institute for Peace is involved in so many diverse issues globally and awarded by Governor of Virginia recently for its efforts in Darfur.

    Third, going back to the topic, I will try my best to make a short fair assessment of Mr. Gatkuoth visit without involving the Institute in any political maneuvering. The Institute has a sincere and heart felt appreciation to the people of Sudan in General and Southern Sudan in particular.

    Finally, to make it short, I will summarize my assessment of Mr. Ezekiel Gatkuoth ‘s visit to Utah in the following points:

    I personally, accompanied tenths of dignitaries, cabinets’ ministers, parliamentarians, and scholars from over 30 countries to almost 100 visits to universities across the United States. And with all confidence I rate Mr. Ezekiel Gatkuoth as a first class politician and diplomat from the highest caliber.

    I wish if all of people of Southern Sudan were there to see what impressive, eloquent, and astonishing charisma Mr. Gatkuoth and his wife presented at those Universities. I have never seen in all previous visits such excited audience that included students, scholars, and religious leaders who attended Gatkuoth’s speeches. I note here, Utah’s universities are led by Harvard and Yale universities’ elites and scholars, what we call “The Cream of the crop” in the U.S .

    I totally and unequivocally disagree with the negative comments posted here about Mr. Gatkuoth’s intelligence and class. Since I was there and I do believe that the man who delivered those speeches before my eyes is no less than a first class politician and diplomat. I pray that all politicians of Southern of Sudan are as good as Mr. Gatkuoth. The nation of Southern of Sudan needs politicians from the highest caliber as Mr. Gatkuoth to represent them and present their case before the international community.

    Al Khalafalla,
    Executive Director, Virginia Institute for Peace
    Africa Political Affairs Commentator- Al Hurra TV

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