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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law

By Ngor Arol Garang

November 22, 2009 (MALAKAL) – Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly today said intending to produce anti-tribalism law to pave way for rapid employment of qualified citizens.

The move comes amid accusations among citizens that the semi autonomous government of Southern is a tribal government, often referred to as Government of Self Service instead of being called government of Southern Sudan.

“We have seen it necessary and as alternative to tackling rampant tribal allegations against the government since its inception, said Mr. William Sebit, member of the legislative Assembly in Juba.

The Member of Parliament further added that, in the process of building the war ravaged region, ordinary citizens always expect a lot to be done immediately and any tilt or delay is linked to tribalism and other form mal- administrative functions.

“In our case, we will never succeed unless a legal frame work is established by authorities to fight against such practices,” he commented.

He stressed that without this law, corruption allegation and accusation of tribalism will always cover media headlines on daily basis. He also reiterated legislature commitment to fighting graft and other ill practices in the region.

He continued to emphasize that if such acts are not adopted promptly, it will be difficult if not impossible to combat tribalism outside rule of law, where equal opportunities are granted on the basis of human rights without discrimination.

He said that tribal practices in the region have become dangerous and destructive to the unity, harmony and peaceful coexistences hence become source of hatred and killing among southerners.

He demanded that parliament be allowed to formulate laws against tribalism because it is the source of current divisions.

However, undersecretary in the ministry of parliament affairs of the government of Southern Sudan, Dr. Julia Duany, had earlier blamed these tribal practices on former administration saying it was the one which intentionally planted seeds of tribalism.

Dr. Julia said Southern Sudan with its over sixty tribes, social, beliefs; customs and norms were very strong before colonial era.

It is the colonial administration that perpetuated negativity in the whole Sudan and considering one tribe superior to other constitutes cause of selfishness and current derogatory and discriminatory acts, the official commented.



  • thieleling

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    Dear all,

    GOSS is a tribal entity. The damage is already done. South sudan is in the state of quasi-anarchy because of tribalism. Tribalism, mal-administration cannot be blame on colonial era. What did the High-Executives(1972-1983) and Garang’s great tribalism that triggered the war among south sudanese in 1983-2009 did that stop tribalism? Garang and Abel Alier fueled tribalism in south sudan.

    The lawless Somalia would be like a heaven when the civil break-out among south sudanese. Believe it or leave it!! Political and military power is the currency of power now in south sduan. Genuine peace where tribes do not compete for political power is a joke.

    Therefore, south sudan would be in constant state of war no matter what legislature(anti-tribalism) is passed in the parliament. Tribalism is in the minds & hearts of south sduanese. They need to change their attitudes simple legislature on the paper would not do it. The rule of law did not come although there is a constitution written governing south sudan. There is anti-corruption law, it did not prevent corruptions. Peace would not come until south sudanese learn a bitter lesson, may be through their own painful civil-war.

  • maumau

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    Good step towards restoring our hope on GOSS. The undersecretary in the ministry of parliament affairs of the government of Southern Sudan, Dr. Julia Duany, said that there was no tribalism in the history of Sudan. I think her analysis is accurate because before SPLM inception, there were no many tribalist Dinkas in offices, we had many Equatorians in offices.We Equatorians are not nepotists. We recognise the right of every citizen in the country. The Dinkas were busy in cattle camps not knowing what was happening in the country. Thanks be to God the Late Dr. Garang was grown up in Equatoria and was in foreign countries on many occasions where he saw how a country should be governed and how people should co-exist.

  • longo pi
    longo pi

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    Please urgently! starting from the key ministries not to be given to one Dinka tribe by their Dinka sultan Salva Kiir.

    Dinka by their stupid tribalism, they KILL the beautiful SPLA/M slogan that is calling for JUSTICE, EQUALITY, AND FREEDOM IN SUDAN.

    50 YEARS MOST tribes migrated to the neighboring States. Now all are caming back to their respective lands.

    Dinka boy is an idiot Dinka dog and. Soon he will melt like an ice-cream, were Mr Chief Logic boy will eat him like a sweet honey.

    Dinka discreminations and segregation politics have no ROOM in Southern Sudan.



  • Pwad Achob
    Pwad Achob

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    Dear readers,

    This report has substance and sensible but in reality I do not think it will be possible at this juncture.Why is it impossible,it is because the representatives in the parliament are not elected democratically.We have to elect them officialy and thereof the rule of law strarts at the parliament.

    We do not respect our institutions. For example, A new governor of a state is appointed and the predecessor refused to leave the office and does not recognise the new appointee.A minister is found to be corrupted who,with a proven records, had embezzled public funds. He is arrested but released by his militia gangs dispising the law.

    We are being ruled by jungle laws where a strong man rule over the weaker man.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    Indeed those poeple who are always crying like babies that they have not eat enough bring all this accusation every time. they event foreget that south was in war few days back and we donot have our own wealth everything is caming from khartoum.and those accusation are other ways of going back to khartoum we know that lets them go and they will not came back death to them

  • The Living Witness
    The Living Witness

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    It’s not as easy as they may say so, but tribalism is just like any one loving his wife so much that he can always forgive when she cheats on him. If actually this body is established ,then the common tribe should abstain from being on top such that from the ranking we can have bird’s eye view. Otherwise this will only be thugs and corrupt people online. I wandered through the ministries of GOSS last week for the first time after an alarm on corruption was drilled to alert new members that could proceed with the slogan of effective corruption, and to my dismay only to find dilect conversation through out the entire office building. Meaning that the bosses, attendees are from the same anti-triblaism tribe. What is that new law? last time the presient established anti-corruption body wich ended with devastation of our meger income in our honarables bellies. even sources indicated that some officials were not paid for the corrupt services they want to offer to accelerate corruption. Is this not a mess?

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    Dear brother and Sisters,

    Where were these Dr. Julia Duany and William Sebit during the struggle. They are blaming the struggles which took our lives while they were hiding in Khartoum and Europe.

    Anyway,It is great for the GOSS to introduce the anti-tribalism law and corruption in the South.

  • Samson

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    In-fact, South Sudanese Government are well qualify in term of education but within their ministers they play game among them of who could be a leader than doing their work. Now they are played that kind of negativity that cause tribalism on their own people. The things I have learned through our revolution struggle which cause most of innocent people lives.The ministers and members of parliamentarian were root cause of the situation we have today. whoever say southern are tribal government of today than he or she may be right. Late Dr. John Garang never preached any tribal in his own revolution, his ideas was let us fight for the enemies which keep us down for many years. Those who are around him and become a ministers of today are peoples who were root cause of tribalism.

    The government of South Sudan is so weak to produced more works to the people of South.They always sit there in those luxurious chairs which have better air condition and never thought of what they may give to their people rather than development but their pocket.

    What cause tribalism in South? my answer was lack of laws and even there is a laws there is no government to guide them or implement them in the south. Why? Salva Kiir Was the one who may stop this kind of stupid behaviors and provided more jobs in states or rural areas to the nation of south. The president was very close to his ministers then keeping is eyes for those who do not provide a better jobs must be remove by law not by himself.

    Now President of South Sudan (GOSS) fail to prevent a tribal conflict that keep happened in South, while he had ten of thousand of soldier all over the country and fail to provide accurate security in his government. He also fail of given full security to governors to secure their states. whenever he ready to move you out then you are out because he was listening outside than his own decision. That is why I say Southern Sudanese were not a tribal people the lack of law and one who enforce the laws make South Sudanese be that way.

    Peace be with us.

  • Time1

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    What was the southerners waiting for all this time? It is time to criminalize tribalism and also criminalize treason,we do not need this colonial ideas created by colonials and Arabs, This two things are bad for our society development, tribalism and treason are high level sins and crimes with severe punishment.

    This is an excellent and most welcome move fromt he south sudan government, it has to be pass soon.

  • Time1

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    Is there any southerner on this website who love Arabs or want to live with dirty Arabs?

    Put your hands up let every body see it.

    There is no one, because southerners hate Arabs. thanks

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    It is good for SPLA to realised the changes that I always talk of, I think some of SPLA gangs also pay attention to our views and concern on this site. I praise those we point out the truth in the current Government of Sick Services GOSS like i said yesterday, if you cannot change your attitude, beliefs, management style, culture, values and behavours then another solution is to give up. Because failing to change will not let the SPLA achieve its goals and objectives, the failure of SPLA to achieve its goals and objectives has started by the culture of corruption and insecurity. In addition the unwillingness of citizens in the registrations, this are some of the factors that the SPLA leaders should determine in their operating system. Lack of education and professional skills in the frame system of SPLA are some of the problems that make them unable to identify their own SWOT. SPLA themselves have no KPIs to keep them on the track. SPLA is just like a car without headlights, because their death battery Mr Shareholder Kiir is nothing but head of corruptees, tribalist and looters.

    Once again don’t mess up with Equatorians because i have the nail to put on your face

  • Adam

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    I am just happy to read about the expected legislation.

    It is an step in the right direction. I know, as everybody do, that laws can only be enforced by clean-heart and goodwill people. Another important issue is that laws cannot be implemented, if the care-takers are still to be PURE and not infected!. WE need the law, but we are badly in need of tangible projects that help fighting tribalism among all the population. The concept of nationalism should replace those of the tribe.

    This can be done through education (review of objectives and curriculum), theater, songs, radio programs, school extra-curricular activities, strengthening of inter-tribe relations and marriage are only few to mention. The educated from all tribes should work together to draw clear behavioral objectives that can be pretested, implemented, and evaluated at the grass-root level. The role of the educated and the learned is the corner stone, the projects are the pillars. Fighting of tribalism is a long time process. It cannot be eradicated in just few years, while it has been there for generations and even deep-rooted in the ancestors’ believes, songs and rituals. We need a conceptual framework to tackle this serious problem. Special teamwork has to be formed (from all tribes) to start a fruitful debate to diagnose the reasons and causes of the problem and make strategic recommendations for the “democratic government”.

    However, all this is unrealistic under human rights violations and dominance of one ethnic group over the others, imbalance or absence of development schemes. Wealth and power has to be distributed evenly and with great justice.

    The democratically elected government can start taking steps on the ground by resolving the big prevailing tribal disputes on territories, pasture and water use. Social studies have to be made to determine problems faced by each ethnic group and to try to solve them carefully.

    The key to our all problems is education, health and development. Education reform has to be made now. Importing textbooks from neighboring countries is wrong and not relevant to our needs. Making our people save and disease-free is a priority. Building infra-structure and implementing agricultural projects need no stress.

    This problem is just a manifestation of our big problem – IDENTITY. It would be very painful to have a separate state with the current nightmares, but we must have our peaceful and prosperous STATE.

    O ye Southerners UNITE.

    Adam. Milawaki, Kansas

  • J.James

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    Well done Job

    All those primitive Dinka who bought degree and used liberation as certificates must go back to their chanty villages and resume their grandparent gardens for survuval.

    SouthSudan is for all of us, whether you fought or not, you have full right because the war was voluntary service that means those who went to war must not used it as a tool and those who stayed in the villages must not be proud of their stay in the village.

    Unity mean what you do is what I do period.

    I support the move and it will work.

    God bless

    The writer watches tribalists closely.

  • thieleling

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law

    South sudanese are sick and tired of beautiful legislatures and pretty speeches from the ruling SPLM leaders. Everything sweet & beautiful is being said by these leaders. The only thing lacking is the implementation and practical realization of the development.

    The gov’t should have provided peaceful environment and delivered development to its citizens in south sudan. These are the best ways to fight tribalism in short-term and long-term. This is how peace is made among the warring communities. But beautiful empty legislatures, corruptions and naked tribalism are our perfect road to gloomy dooms.

    Lip-service becomes a disease in GOSS and power-greed is the cream on top. If you think strategically, there is nothing that prevents a painful civil war among our people. All the incentives of war are given by the current GOSS.

    The prophet of dooms are the leaders in GOSS who triggered & ignited tribal wars through the war-like corruptions. People are reacting to the ill-treatment of south sudanese citizens by their leaders. I think it is immoral to support a government that creates tribal conflicts among its various tribes.

    Therefore, south sudanese are at a juncture where they have to follow every other country that ever went to self-destruction/painful civil war that serves as learning lessons to its survivers. TRUST ME!!

    There would be a real peaceful environment and development after south sudan civil-war. People need to understand prejudice is the spear of ignorance. sustained civil war always serves as reality-check for ignorant leaders/supporters.

    I am not a war monger, but I am telling you what you would come to see in south sudan. Nothing will change the self-destruction that is going on now. The old-men who are running the gov’t based on war credentials are not ready to give way for the rule of law to take place. And therefore, not ready for new leadership and creative ideas either. Tell me what prevents civil-war at a war-like corruptions environment like that?

    No legislature would save south sudan now on its course to self-destruction, unless people don’t want the truth here. But the truth will come out soon than later!!

  • black-hope

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    You have failed to identified the main problems of Southern Sudan as anation which is power struggle among the top leaders,In asociety were people work as enemies will never bear success. its become aprincple to many peoples that the goverment is dominated by Dinkas which i proved today from the speeches of hon. Sebit but Dinkas will still dominate the goverment either apresident being Equatoria or Nuer because our power sharing is on regionality. There is no laws with out aforce as many assumed.various commissions were formed like Anti-corruption but nothing has change. The only solution is to establish astrong judiciary which will be responsible to prosecute all kinds of evils and put aforce to implement laws.

  • Time1

    Southern Sudan parliament intends to produce anti tribalism law
    Arabs can go to hell with their divide and rule old game. southerners need to unite and get their independence.

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