Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Warrap State Assembly passes motion of no confidence against speaker

By Ngor Arol Garang

November, 2009 (MALAKAL) — Members from Warrap State Legislative Assembly today said passed a vote of no confidence against Speaker of the house Hon. Ayuok Deng who dismissed the statement accuse MPs of conspiracy.

In a letter seen by Sudan Tribune, 33 members of the state house charged the speaker of funds mismanagement, superciliousness, favoritism, nepotism, pride, lack of consultation with the members on parliamentary affairs as well acting as accountant to the house among others.

However speaker Ayuok, dismissed the charges saying they are made by individuals after power. He also said surprised by allegations from media that 33 members of the assembly have passed vote of no confidence while they are still on recess.

Where this motion was passed because Assembly has not yet been opened till voter registration is concluded, he told Sudan Tribune today, accusing some of the MPs of conspiring against his leadership.

“Some of the members hardly come to the house and are the ones sabotaging all legislatures,” he further said.

The speaker added that some of the members refused to go to their constituencies for voter registration enlightenment demanding allowances to be paid first prior to traveling.

“Until last week, I could still see most of those who refused to go to their constituencies for voter registration wandering about between Wau and Kwajok while some of their colleagues including myself went to our constituencies to abet registration process with mobilization,” he said.



  • The Living Witness
    The Living Witness

    Warrap State Assembly passes motion of no confidence against speaker
    We are weakened by these states that frequent violence in the south just squabling over silly stuff. Check the series of charges such as pride! oh God we are now where on earth if pride is another vice introduced among us after the common charges our temporary leaders are bearing.

  • job mayen
    job mayen

    Warrap State Assembly passes motion of no confidence against speaker
    This is not what i don’t understand with southern Sudan leardership. it seems to me that no code of ethics to the government of states,and its very unethnical to come across such issues relating to speakers all the times.
    Speakers who had been fired wih vote of no confidence since the inceptions of states government includes Eastern equatoria, Lakes,Northern Bar El Gazel,Jongeli and now Warrap so it needs people to look into these cases carefully.

  • J.James

    Warrap State Assembly passes motion of no confidence against speaker

    Warrap state is always better than other states where everything belong to the self proclaimed majority.

    Warrap state tried its mighty best and it will be better than others.

    God bless

    The writer watches tribalists closely.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Warrap State Assembly passes motion of no confidence against speaker
    Warrap State issue is shit.

    People are tired with the history or news of Warrap why can’t we keep quite and see what is happening there with our necket eyes???

    Brohte in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Abraham Chol Marial
    Abraham Chol Marial

    Warrap State Assembly passes motion of no confidence against speaker
    Dear readers,
    I am here commencing about the vote of no confidence the MP have passed against the speaker,My simple question is that why all the speakers are alway charge of uniform charges like the speaker of Northern Bhar El ghazel,Jongeli and many others.There must be something behind the passing of vote of no confidence because not every body can do the same through Southern region.
    I suggest southern Sudan Government should put closed eye on the MP in every state because some time the State ministers and other government official bribes the MP’s to pass vote of no confidence against the speakers to achieve their enterest.I should not mention which state did it but the leadership of Southern Sudan and that particular state knowth it.Please Southern Sudan Assemble keep close look on the MPS and carry out serious investigation against charges level on speakers through out Southern Sudan otherwise this will be common practice which can also include the president of South Sudan if care is not taken.
    Please whatch out for double dealers.

  • Achuil Manyuat Tong
    Achuil Manyuat Tong

    Warrap State Assembly passes motion of no confidence against speaker
    listen to the right statement

    All this members seem to be interested in figure not the really work of the assembly . I could see them ever morning rashing to their tents what ever way the call them incardinal normally when it comes to days when there are allowance.
    The should accuse speaker of other charges other than financial issue.
    When u go to their houses you find every electronic materials in their compounds but if look at where this speaker is staying u will never believe that it is really his house not because he can not embezzle like other assembly members but his using his salary to educate his children and live and very confident of what he is having and where he is living.
    Now that the are talking about finance does it mean the legislative assembly does not have a body which deal with finance issues ??????????
    it is shamefull to see this members trying to creat adebate when the have not been debating anything in their tents for some years now .
    i don’t really understand upto now why this members have not been asking why their office (the state legislative assembly) has not been build up to now ? certainly some one will just say funds but where are the other ministries getting their money to build atleast a office if not avery aluxurious like the state ministry of agriculture,animal and fisheries.
    The finance issue should not be addressed only in the assembly .it should cover all the departments in the state government.
    An other point that need to be stressed here is how can a speaker be handling the assembly money for such a long time with out complain from the members of the assembly for such long time .
    From my observation the members of the assembly are trying to re-trying their last failed attempt to throughout the speaker.
    those who are making such a points should consider thier own management first be4 jumpimg to other issues.most of the assembly members are only there to enjoy traveling in thier luxuriose cars not tabling the real issues faceing the people in Warrap state
    The state legislative assembly has not been upto it stage the should just keep quiet or reform themselves slowly other than jumping to those hot spots
    The should know that if this speaker tries to open his mouth to answer those statements he frustrate this members who are trying to publicise themselves through his name.
    The should know what it mean to a member of the assembly.

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