Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

W. Equatoria State is set to train 520 Police recruits

By Richard Ruati

November 25, 2009 (YAMBIO) — The Government of Western Equatoria State has recruited 520 young men and women to undergo police training, so as protect and safeguard the security in the state, the State-owned Pineapple News has announced on Wednesday.

This is the third time for such training to take place in Yambio, since the southern Sudan region attained peace after the bitter civil war for which lasted for almost 22 years between the former rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Army and the central government in Khartoum.

Col. James Mande Maka is the State Director of Training

Col. Mande who acts as Commissioner of the police in Western Equatoria State says that, “four hundred additional recruits will be sent to Juba for further training and later will be deployed in all the ten counties of Western Equatoria state.”

“The role of recruits shall be to maintain peace, protect life, properties and to curb insecurity in the state; as the police are partner to security,” he further said.

Col. Mande pointed out that, by the time police recruits undergo the military drills, that will facilitate their full duties; adding that, their first priority is to provide security during the CPA celebration, as WES is gearing up to host the event next year.

During their first day, the recruits were signed in, provided quarters where they will live during Basic Recruit Training, and given basic information about what to expect during the three months or more training cycle.

During the course, a typical training day for the recruits includes learning basic law enforcement techniques such as weapons training, combative methods, structure-clearing skills, and first aid and defensive maneuvers against small-arms attacks. Police candidates are also given a basic understanding of democratic law enforcement and policing skills that incorporate values, ethics and human rights, as well as crime scene preservation and detention.



  • The Living Witness
    The Living Witness

    W. Equatoria State is set to train 520 Police recruits
    Good job W.E state, it’s a journey of self reliance since we have our few cadres that we budget for the outstanding north allies. I hope they shall always respect rule of law since police normally take advantage of toiling around with the citizens to cause un neccessary havoc.

  • James John
    James John

    W. Equatoria State is set to train 520 Police recruits
    I think the Government of Western Equatorian State have to train more teachers not policing. Why?, they’re training more Polices instant of Teachers.

    For me I think they’re training criming be’s all polices are criming. I think this woman should be change with real man be’s training polices doesn’t make development.

  • Time1

    W. Equatoria State is set to train 520 Police recruits
    This is what we want to see, more hard work, more police, more security personel, more army men around the states.keep up the good work WES and other southern states.

  • DabeJoseph Gale
    DabeJoseph Gale

    W. Equatoria State is set to train 520 Police recruits
    The Governor of western Equitoria State Nunu Deserve some praise from all conors of South Sudan for the excellent job she is doing. she has proven the leadership of wemen is South Sudan that, they are capable of Governing the South.than the men who are corrupted every where even inthe street they can stell public money.

    Nunu Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Akuma

    W. Equatoria State is set to train 520 Police recruits
    That could be another problem now in Western Equatoria even though Western Equatoria government was trying to bring or creat employment for young people.

    Later others will make as theirs personally, and they don’t bother. They Western Equatoria officials will select theirs blood-mate leaving up and down looking for employment until their sole of their shoes will be off.

    We don’t went any militias to operate again in Western Equatoria like in Central Equatoria Ally of NCP Gen. Clememt Wani

    Dr. Akuma, Chicago, USA

  • Equatorian_Narrator

    W. Equatoria State is set to train 520 Police recruits

    These are the urgent steps needed to be taken in the area.Should such meassures be adopted prior to the deadly incident in Yambio,we wouldn’t have been mourning today.May God bless and protect our people from all the diabolic mentality.

    Viva Equatoria_Narrator

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