Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan kills seven IDPs in Darfur camp

November 28, 2009 (PARIS) — Seven Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) were killed Friday in West Darfur following a wrangle between the residents and government troops which attempted to force them to take part in voter registration.

Burial ceremony at Kalma IDP camp (UNAMID/file)
Burial ceremony at Kalma IDP camp (UNAMID/file)
The IDPs ask the government to disarm militia and to bring to justice responsible of atrocities committed in the restive region as well as to conclude a peace deal with the rebel groups before organize elections in the country.

However, the local authorities in Darfur launched a voter registration process in the three states of the province in a bid to count IDPs that the UN estimates their number to be 2.7 million.

Many of them resisted the Sudan fifth population and housing census conducted in April year. The total number of Darfur three states is estimated at 7 501 012 according to the figures published by the Sudanese authorities.

The Sudanese regular forces and militia in West Darfur state on Friday evening — at 05:00pm – killed seven people in Deleij IDPs camp, some 280 klm from El Geneina the capital of West Darfur state. The incident took place after attempts by local officials to persuade the residents of the camp to register in electoral lists.

In a discussion with the officials who were accompanied by regular forces from the army and police besides Janjaweed militiamen the residents reiterated their rejection to the electoral operation.

“They had a hot discussion with the officials after declaring their support to (the rebel leader) Abdel Wahid Al-Nur, then the regular forces and the militia started shooting on the innocent civilians,” said Hussein Abu Sharati the spokesperson of Darfur IDPs and refugees.

He further said the peacekeepers in the area were present but did not intervene to prevent the killing.

Speaking on Saturday afternoon, the IDPs spokesperson added the regular forces had been withdrawn after the killing.

Abu Sharati also stressed that what was happened in Deleij could be repeated in two other camps in North Darfur.

According the spokesperson, the Sudanese authorities already visited Al-Maliha and Kassap camps today and threatened to arrest tomorrow those who refuse the voter registration operation.

“Today they already arrested seven local leaders (Mashaikh) from Kassap camp,” he further said.

Sudan launched a one month voter registration operation inside and outside the country, ahead of general election scheduled to be held next April. The process is extended for one week during the next month.



  • Allajabu

    Sudan kills seven IDPs in Darfur camp
    This stupid racist regime is playing with fire, how can they killed the innocent Sudanese in broad day light? A democracy carry out on duress and tanks without backing of people cannot sustain itself forever. My prayers and condelences are with innocent victims of Khartoum machination.

    Professor Allajabu Al Dinkawi

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudan kills seven IDPs in Darfur camp
    Shit to this North Arab Bashier.
    Why killing IDPs. Why the governmnet force them to vote.

  • Time1

    Sudan kills seven IDPs in Darfur camp
    Arabization of Darfur by force have started.

  • general Achinbenchien
    general Achinbenchien

    Sudan kills seven IDPs in Darfur camp
    where are those of Logic boys, Theliling, Rambang Deng, Kim Deng and James Oduk? Here is the goodnews you guys have been craving for. Seven people dead. Now laugh!

    General Achinbenchien

  • Time1

    Sudan kills seven IDPs in Darfur camp
    This is IDDI AL ADHA presents from NCP to the people of Darfur HAHAHA

  • Darfur Daily News
    Darfur Daily News

    Sudan kills seven IDPs in Darfur camp
    The people of Sudan and Darfur in particular have to come to the realization that no other alternative to re-gain their lost freedom, stability, security and peace without uniting their forces and re-inforce their capabilities to confront the harsh reality: fighting to death.

  • Diro79

    Sudan kills seven IDPs in Darfur camp
    fuck this government, whats the point even is talking with them when you have janjaweed. fuck them all to hell

  • wakou mu
    wakou mu

    Sudan kills seven IDPs in Darfur camp
    This is bulshit news, I do our bros Darfurian people who are Khartuom reacted, sa their brothers are being killed liked this. In reality, do Khartuom Government (NCP) think that those whom they killed will support them. Not at all,

    Dear Bros Darfurian, Don’t accepted their Vote even though if they killed Thousand people. however, to the leaders who have been arested because they didn’t support Bashir, Stick!!!!!, don’t changed your mind. Still supported Al-Nur though he is in Franch, he is spreading your Voices.

    About Minawi, he was broke out so that he should be employed ( to get money) but not a Darfurian freedom. Analogously, We need somebody liked John Garang who fought for freedom and not beacuse to be employed or to be a presdent.

    Furthermore, Looked what the NCP are doing in South Sudan, they have sent people to buy registration clips by $500. For this, anybody found buying a ticket will killed and not just be arested. if anybody need to die for bribe, let them come and thanks

    By Wakou Mu

  • Thorjenge

    Sudan kills seven IDPs in Darfur camp
    NCP policy of kill to win the force confident from people is a real dilema that should be looked at by these Darfurian who are so thick headed stick to NCP in Khartoum singing for money and not the lives of innocent Darfurian who are dying in every single minutes in Darfur.

    I was dismay to see them shanting Allah Wakbar, Bashir and NCP for presidency on Sudan Islamized Television yesterday. using millions of sudanese public funds to ferry thousand of people to Hajj when innocent Darfurian are dying of hunger and disease without food and medicine to treat.

    AAAHHAAA Mini Arka Minawi was also there having really turned to be Mini as his name suggest.

    what a big shame of Omar haksan min Bashir and the Darfurian who have turned to be predators and scavangers of NCP leftovers in Khartoum.

    Your days with your master Omar El Bashir are numbered.

    OOOOH, if you look at the pictures there, it tells you what those of Dr. Lam and his so called SPLM-DC are preaching, they have done it and are planning more to happen to innocent people in Malakal.


  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    Sudan kills seven IDPs in Darfur camp
    UN wants US 1.7 billion for humanitarian work 2010!

    For what?


    Sustaining such killing of innocent civilians by the government of Sudan.

    Condolences to the families of the deceased.May their lives rest in eternal peace.

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