Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate

December 2, 2009 (WASHINGTON) – A coalition of opposition parties along with Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) may jointly nominate former prime minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi as candidate to run against president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir in the upcoming presidential elections.

Sudanese presidnt Omer Hassan Al-Bashir (L) and former prime minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi (R)
Sudanese presidnt Omer Hassan Al-Bashir (L) and former prime minister Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi (R)
The Kuwaiti news agency (KUNA) quoting unidentified opposition figures said that an agreement was reached after series of meetings that the Umma party leader should be selected to run against the National Congress Party (NCP) leader for president.

The sources said that the list of possible candidates included First Vice President and South Sudan president Salva Kiir, the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Mohammed Osman al-Mirghani, leader of the Umma Reform and Renewal Party (URRP) Mubarak al-Fadil al-Mahdi and other unidentified figures. They did not say if the Popular Congress Party (PCP) leader Hassan Al-Turabi or Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) chief Mohamed Ibrahim Nugud were considered.

They revealed that the exclusion of Kiir came at the SPLM’s request which saw there was no need for his candidacy for the post with just a few months for the 2011 referendum which ensures he would remain in his current post as first vice president of the country under the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

The technical committees excluded Mirghani for two reasons; the first is that NCP “now controls most of the historical influence of the Mirghani’s party and the second is the existence of information available to some opposition parties over confidential communications between President Bashir and Mirghani to form a coalition to contest the forthcoming elections”.

The DUP leader has refused to join other opposition parties in a conference held in South Sudan capital of Juba last September for unknown reasons and his party officials gave conflicting positions on the summit amid reports that Mirghani is seeking to forge an alliance with NCP.

Later in the day political figures rushed to deny the report saying that no decision has been made yet but confirmed that the principle of a joint candidate is a strong option.

“If we decide to participate in the elections it is most likely that we will have one person,” said Mariam al-Mahdi, Al-Sadiq’s daughter told Agence France Presse (AFP).

However, she stressed that “no decision has been taken yet” about who to back against Bashir in the election due in April next year.

The SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum said the principle of fielding a joint opposition candidate had been agreed at a congress in September.

“Yes, it is an idea that has been proposed by the secretariat of the Juba conference,” Amum told AFP in an interview.

“Al-Sadiq al-Mahdi is one of the potential candidates, but there are others,” he added.

The leaders of the opposition parties are set to meet later this month to decide on issues including boycotting the elections and the elections strategy should they decide to move ahead with competing.

Al-Mahdi was Prime Minister of Sudan on two occasions: first briefly in 1966-67, and second starting in 1986-1989 before being overthrown in a bloodless coup led by Bashir.


The URRP leader Mubarak Al-Fadil who has played a major role in bringing the opposition coalition together said that boycotting the elections “should be the last option and not the first one”.

“We are constantly evaluating the political environment and the progress of the voters’ registration process and we will then decide the course of action but we cannot simply surrender and allow the NCP to be the only candidate. Elections is the only chance to bring a change in Sudan, ” Al-Fadil told Sudan Tribune.

“There is almost five weeks before the candidates are allowed to officially declare their candidacy. Many things could happen between now and then so we should not rush in making decisions” he added.

Al-Fadil has said that their monitors have found widespread violations of the elections law including allowing people to register outside the areas where they reside and also Sudanese armed forces and their militias could register at their stations.

“Had we decided to boycott the elections, this fraud would not have been made public. We are aware of the NCP’s ill intentions to defraud the elections but at the same time people must be realize that the NCP is resorting to these tactics because they are weak and could not win in fair and free polls” he added.

The URRP leader said that elections “serve as a catalyst to change and democratic transformation per the CPA and not to maintain the status quo”.

He stressed that all opposition parties along with the SPLM are in agreement about the elections strategy.

Asked about the recent US position questioning the credibility of the April 2010 elections, Al-Fadil credited the “engagement” of the coalition in making Washington and US special envoy Scott Gration “realize the serious flaws in the process”.

“Despite all that we are pushing hard to get as many people to register to vote” he added.

Al-Fadil also noted that Bashir’s status as commander in chief of the army is a breach of the constitution which does not allow him to hold it if he is to run as candidate. He also expressed readiness to support his cousin Al-Mahdi should the other parties decide to tap him for candidacy despite long standing disputes between the two after breaking ranks with him.

The NCP dismissed opposition moves to form an alliance against them in the elections saying the principle is undemocratic.

“We believe that an alliance in an election which is based solely on defeating another party is antidemocratic but we are ready for the contest,” senior NCP official Ibrahim Ghandour told Reuters.

“Parties with different political agenda, from the Muslim Shari’a agenda to the secular agenda, will not come together. If they come together it will be a disaster for the country,” he added.

Observers say that the NCP may get increasingly nervous an alliance against it in the elections despite being in control of state agencies. However, they are also equally skeptical that the opposition parties will follow through citing several parties seeking “under the table” deals with the ruling party.

Reuters said that any alliance would transform the political landscape in Sudan where the NCP, which came to power in a coup in 1989, currently controls more than half of the seats in parliament.



  • Gatjang

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    Arabs vs Arabs, this is not how we can compete. The SPLM will look like an orphan in this election. I thought we have enough to compete politically before we can weigh another war. Don’t make Arab think that Garang was the only major thread.

    SPLM oyeeeeeeeeee

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    Ha ha arab Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi running on behalf of blacks? what a joke. This is why i always assure that SPLA is going o collapse due to their retard activities. No candiate,no mission, no vision, no KPIs and almost no everything, only looting, eating, sleeping and corruption is what SPLA are the number one. Why Arab on behalf of black if we have Lam to run for Government of sick services GOSS and southern in particular. This could be something in dreams not a real signal of what is going to happen.

  • Mayom Biar
    Mayom Biar

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate

    It is a good colition but some time somethings being share not always goes smooth why do the SPLM not stand alone, they know their weakness of not passing the election.

    If he could be our full greater beloved Dr. John Garang he would have run this election of 2010 with 10% hope that to be the president of Sudan. Any way we are like orphans that why our position is expecting to be given to North don’t we have confidential people? in all the parties in the South?Why do we call our self to be a government but only single party?if such a things happen

    God Bless you all

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    That is a wonderful news!!!!!!.

    That is what you was about for 21 years in bush to become and make a coalition with Al-Sadiq Al-Mahadi and Dr Truabi? Total you give up and you can not stand on your own feet? unbelievable news. Instead making coalition with oppositions who have never talk about CPA since they were in power why not join Omar Al-Bashar who allowed you to have CPA and your people enjoying it now?

    No question at all. You lost the game already man.Good luck

    God save me from Shari Law.

  • Amir Ageeb
    Amir Ageeb

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    After a long stay; and after all this period of oppression the SPLM is polling us back to hell!

    Sudan’s History showed clearly that al-Mahdi is not suitable candidate to run Sudan as a president; likewise Salva Kirr, who proved incompetent to rum even Southern Sudan.

    Al-Bashir will remain suitable candidate provided that the NCP is no longer dominating the political arena in Sudan; otherwise there is nothing new and we are actually running towards the HELL! Sudan needs new honest bloods.

  • Gatwech

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    Dear readers,

    This is ridiculous!

    SPLM to nominate Sadig Almahdi as their candidate? Wow, wow! This clearly shows that the SPLM has failed in its project to spearhead the democratic transformation in the country. Instead of trusting the change to the party by spearheading it and maitaining partnership with the NCP, it has shifted to being a second class opposition, leaving the game to the two Jallaba first class ruling and opposition party leaders (Bashir and Al-Mahdi).

    How can they nominate a killer of South Sudanese and a democratic failure like Sadiq Almahdi. Who doesn’t know Sadiq who ruled twice in Sudan with iron fist in the name of fake democracy.

    Well, this is good news for separatists since having a SPLM candidate for presidency would have been one of the things making unity attractive. SPLM would have spearheaded the democrtic transformation of the country. Now it has retired from this vision. I hope what we all should look for from now is self-determination through the referendum and not democratic transformation of the country. This has now become a joke! But we have to watchout also because Sadig Al-Mahdi is against the right to self-determination. Blessing him by the SPLM is a sin!

    It is also good news for Salva Kiir to declare himself as candidate for the South Sudan presidency. But will he win the elections in the face of South Sudan opposition parties? This is what we need to see in the near future.

    But it is ridiculous really for SPLM to fail to nominate its party candidate for Sudan presidency. The so-called new sudan vision is finally put to final rest in a sealed coffin. Pathetic!

  • charles Riek
    charles Riek

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    Dear Southern

    I can’t believed that the our presidential candidate to be Arab. If at all SPLM fail to get the presidential candidate, let drankard kiir go home than I will declare my self as presidential candidate for the SPLM party and will be Me V Omar.
    This is shame to the leadership of SPLM. Who is Al Sadiq? Let us talk More about his orgine if he qualified to represented us in South.
    AnyanyaTwO Wayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • J.James

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    Oh My God

    I am just stun and completely astonish by this baseless attempt.

    All I have in my mind right now when Sadiq’s name come out are military songs being compose against him in 1980s and millions of Southerners who died during his administration.

    My God, how can we bring Dr. John Garang back to live? I am just stun and sick from my stomach.

    I hope Kiir didn’t meant it.

    God bless

    The writer is always peace activist.

  • Isaac

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    Dear readers

    woow woow SPLM is now going to disobey the CPA. why do they nominate Mahdi who fought them and who was not in the CPA. this man can later change everything as he doesn’t know anything about CPA. it will be like Addis Ababa agreement if Mahdi win this election. see now he was prime minister between 1966 – 1967.while 1972-1973 was Addis Ababa agreement Arabs is an Arabs.(Remeber word of Late Jafir Nimery ‘either Bible or Gurran’) if not Kiir let’s then nominate any SPLM member


  • silake comba
    silake comba

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate

    It looks like a national concensus to have most major political parties in Sudan, including the SPLM, agreeing on choosing Al-Sadig Al-Mahdi as their candidtae for the Sudan presidential position. National concensus is the only way for the wayout from Sudanese current dilema. This kind of approach will also make uinty in Sudan attractive. Democracy can highly contribute in solving our numerous problems and issues.Now people must the results and indeed are obliged to do that.we need strong and neutral nationwide securitty organs, in the forefront the police, to keep order.The National army shall be required to maintain unity ans safeguard national achievements. We don’t like the example of algeria repeated here in the Sudan.Al-Mahdi, representing opposition, and the National Congress Party should look to maaters in the context and framework of higher national interests.

  • thieleling

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    Dear south sudanese brothers & sisters,

    SPLM as a party has failed south sudanese aspirations for independence. The hegemonic assumptions from the old south sudanese -men with outdated war credentials has killed south sudan independence. The south sudanese youth have to just prepare for Anya Anya-III though the south sudanese UNITY is already ruined by these same old-white-grey hair corrruptists men on the process of achieving their so-called hegemonic assumptions of power.

    People are wrong if they think there is 2011 Referendum. There is a war in 2011, instead. The post-2010 election is the red-line for conditional peace through CPA. Lawyer(Ali Taha) and his team diplomatically and skillfully walked sudan’s NCP out of land-mine in the international trouble water. Just look at the powerful, highly diplomatically skilled NCP team running the GOS now. Simply hating NCP without creative new ideas would not do anything productive for SPLM & the south.

    We already lost a golden time to defeat the devilish NCP because the SPLM’s intelligence was clouded with the naked hatred of NCP without giving a real stubling block to NCP’s clever ploys in the last five years. Now we only hold violence card as an option come post-2010 election & supposed 2011 Referendum. How sad!!

  • J.James

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate

    Now this is not the time for us to say everything on the internet any more, this is the time to see, hear, and study everything carefully. All of us must retain some kind of secrets at this crutial moment.

    Let not panic.

    This is simply the time for us to use almost all of our wisest part of the brain in this issue and I got the solution for this and I want all of you to get there.

    God bless

    The writer is always peace activist.

  • dotcom

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    This is a complete rubbish!

    why were we in the bush for and how on earth did we oppose the northerners in the last 50 years for, if it wasn’t because we needed to have a shot on the presidency of the country? this is like giving a trust a gain to Sadig thinking that he will somehow implement some parts of the CPA that Omar didn’t want to implement! ridiculous! have we forgotten that Sadig was one of the master-minders of our 50 years suffering? is he not the same Arab as Bashir whom have killed upto 2 million of us?


    our governing party is playing with our life here. what the party have in mind for this decision is based on these two facts:
    1) they want to set up an Arab against another thinking that the CPA will be immune from their fight and its outcome and therefore, that will keep us with this autonomy till we declare our independence comes 2011
    (REMEMBER THIS SAYING: when two bulls fight, its the grass that suffers!)
    2) our president(Kiir)thought that he would somehow lost the election to Bashir and if he does, he won’t be allowed to comeback and assume his position as a president of the southern Sudan as per SPLM constitution, that’s why you see it takes this long for the party to decide what to do, thus ending with this decision to nominate Sadig so that he remain the president ( which is a very wrong calculation).

    the presidential and other posts in the coming electoral contest have a detrimental effect on the health of the CPA. all the decisions on issues such as the negotiation on the percentages to declare south Sudan as independent state or the demarcation of the borders are carried out by those with electoral posts not just by anyone. the reason why we are involved now in negotiation is because, we signed the CPA and that all our negotiators come through nomination by the party not by election. do you think that they will carry-on with their negotiation or foreign duties after the election? i doubt so because we deliberately killed the CPA by not involving in the electoral process as stipulated by this document. NCP will have a right on the face of the world to say: “SPLM didn’t take part in the election and therefore, they are the one dragging their feet on the CPA, not us” . who will we blame after all? reporting the NCP to the world power (s)? how many times have we done this and yet non of our Arab leaders have been hanged for what the have done to us?
    the party had a plenty of time to organise for the elections, (and i’m so surprised by the reason they have stated as the main factor for their decision of withdrawal) so they intentionally wanted to keep disorganised till the last minute so that they declare to the public that there is no enough time to compete with the NCP! only a year 1 pupil can understand this argument!
    this is lack of competency on the side of our leader. I don’t think Dr. Garang would have wasted this electoral opportunity this way as Kiir, had he been alive! because he wouldn’t want a CPA brought in and I quote “in golden plates” to be surrendered to the enemy cheaply like that.

    if there is a power struggle going on within the party (as rumoured), i think the best way would have been to postpone elections to some months and resolve that issue. if Salva doesnt want to compete with Bashir, the SPLM as a party should nominate someone whom they think is capable of carrying south Sudanese agenda and leave Kiir in his post.

    my friends,
    I’m so certain that WE WILL NOT vote for the referendum in 2011 if this path the SPLM took is the only path they think is the best for our salvation! mark my words for it. CPA is just a paper and doesnt guarantee any successes. the ruling party (NCP)can decide to dishonour the documents like they previously did by highlighting our weaknesses such as this and they can still walk away unharmed, no world power can come to our rescue and dont believe on our-then acquired might from our military because they have long built-up before us.
    i strongly urge the party to revert this decision and nominate someone they think can handle the job for them and for the interest of the South Sudanese because no matter what the election outcome is in 2010, we still going to secede. and the only easiest path to secession is to have a president and policy makers who will decide our fate.

  • Time1

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    Sadiq Mahdi is the best challenge for the dictator Omer Bashir.NCP is afraid of democracy because they know they will loose power.

    Time for Sudanese to unite and take out the NCP dictatorship from Sudan for good, they have destroyed the country and divided the people and are stealing money from oil, they are not working for the interest of a single Sudanese, Sudanese are suffering in all corners of Sudan but eh NCP dictatorship is only busy with its own agenda of staying in power but not concern with solving the problems of Sudan, there is no democracy or even human rights in Sudan just look around you if you are from north or south, so northern opposition need to be serious and campaign hard to challenge the NCP, we will mobilize for them in the south but it is the northern opposition job to mobilize in the north and east, we also want Darfur people to be fully involved in this election not like NCP want to marginalize Darfur from this elections, also messerieya people have been deceived and mislead and betrayed by NCP just for the interests of NCP, let them vote against this lairs of NCP, what development have we seen in Messerieya area when most of oil they only see on TV or hear about it in meetings in Khartoum but they never see a penny, NCP serves the interests of only a few individuals not Sudan as a whole.

    This is the best and the last opportunity to save Sudan’s Unity, northern opposition should hold this chance very carefully and work to brining chance just like Obama did in America, Sudan need change, NCP is not fit for Sudan, If NCP continue to rule Sudan soon Sudan will be divided first into north and south separate country then Darfur.

    This is the best chance and the last chance before 2011 for northerners and Sudanese in general who want to work for the good unity of Sudan to take this opportunity.

  • Samson

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    In fact it will not surprise me that decision that came from SPLM party to nominated Al-mahdi. Most people in southern “politician” as well as a chairman of Southern as fail to go forward. Because he does know, he going to fail anyway.

    The fact is that they are so weakest in politic which mean they have choose to other partner who where outside during the revolution. Second their leader who was Salva Kiir had fail his political post.

  • Time1

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    Now this is the moments of truth in Sudan history, NCP and Omer bashir has been making loud noises about how they want to bring Democracy to Sudan and how they want to transform Sudan into a democratic nation, now let them prepare for the Democracy they have been afraid of, Bashir and his NCP should get ready to evacuate the presidency seat to Al Mahdi. There is nothing mentioned in CPA which stops Al Mahdi from running as opposition leader, NCP cannot complain about this, let them be ready for the elections they have been complaining about.

    But we all know if NCP loose they will not leave the power, they will refuse to leave because they controle every thing and if they loose that mean death to NCP memebers, so to remain in power now is an issue of survival for Omer bashir and his NCP, it is not about democracy for them, it is about death or alife for NCP.

    Omer Bashir is a war criminal and wanted by the ICC , if Sudanese elect him this will bring more problems for Sudanese people, so let the people elect Mahdi is better than the trouble maker Omer Bashir.

  • Akuma

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    SPLM leaders are now ready for Unity if they nominate they same Arabs who killed our Anya-Anya I

    Are we all fastrated to us Affairs as Southern Sudan?
    I we think like the way our Political Leaders think by nominating their enemies to contest on their behalf, then why do you led some people lose their relatives in this treks of civil war in Sudan

    Arabs have the same philosophy even though Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi please you Southeners.

    Thanks for Southerners for accepting defeat, If you nominate Sadiq Al- Mahdi; then you have forget Arabs policies.

    Dr. Akuma, Chicago USA

  • Gatnyatuach

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    Why Mr Kiir must not run for the presidency??

    According to the CPA, Kiir must run and also must resign from his current position as the pres of GoSS, any attempt from him to avoid the expected humiliated defeat in election by president Al-Basheir will be considered as a violation of CPA and that will to his removal by force!!!!!

    Everyone in southerner is aware of incompetence of Mr Kiir to run for presidency, Mr Kiir himself is aware of the fact that he will be defeated in the election if he tries to run, this will also make him to lose his position as the president of the GoSS.

    I suppose Dr Riek Machar and other Southern Sudanese should refuse Kiir’s avoidance of presidential candidacy, otherwise he must retire and allow others to run the GoSS.

    SPLM under Mr Kiir and Pagan leadership is becoming incompetent, look at how ridicules these idiots are trying to alliance with those Northern parties that were killing millions of Southerners during the war and that were refusing to acknowledge the just cause of marginalised people of Sudan! why they refused to make peace with us, what is their use now, aren’t they trying to use us to come to power? if God didn’t bring us NCP that is willing to sit down and talk peace with us, can Sadiq or Turabi or Mergani OR SHIT do that to make those idiot leaders in southern Sudan enjoying themselves like this? think CPA CPA CPA who give you this chance of peace, who stop the blood shed?

    Who will elect Sadiq Al Mahdi even me as an SPLM member I will just cast my vote to Mr Omer AlBashier of NCP who gave peace a cahnce in Sudan, the man who is being blamed even by Sadiq for his courage to give Southern Sudan a chance for self determination? Whole Arab world, specially Egypt is happy with El Basheir because they think he made a mistake when he signed the CPA that will grantee us our chance to vote for either unity of Sudan or separation, who has ever given us a chance like this before in the story of Sudan?????

    Why are those northern parties or old houses as Al Basheir calls them angry with NCP not because of the CPA! Are trying to distroy CPA, what if the NCP decides to violate the CPA? are we ready to reverse to war? is that how we say thank you to our partner in peace?

    Shame on those mindless Southern Sudanese who are being used by northern parties! Dulls, what are you looking for, a Somaliasation of Southern Sudan? Let us try! once you distroy the CPA, you will leave us with no many options only to declare the Federation states of the Nuerlands, with Malakal city as its capital city beware!!!!!!!!

    Gatyatuach, UK

  • Gatnyatuach

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate

    Why Mr Kiir must not run for the presidency??

    According to the CPA, Kiir must run and also must resign from his current position as the president of GoSS, any attempt from him to avoid the expected humiliated defeat in election by president Al-Basheir will be considered as a violation of CPA and that will lead to his removal even by force if needed!!!!

    Everyone southerner is aware of incompetence of Mr Kiir to run for presidency, Mr Kiir himself is aware of the fact that he will be defeated in the election if he tries to run, this will also make him to lose his position as the president of the GoSS.

    I suppose Dr Riek Machar and other Southern Sudanese should refuse Kiir’s avoidance of presidential candidacy, otherwise he must retire and allow others to run the GoSS.

    SPLM under Mr Kiir and Pagan leadership is becoming incompetent, look at how ridicules these idiots are trying to alliance with those Northern parties that were killing millions of Southerners during the war and that were refusing to acknowledge the just cause of marginalised people of Sudan! why they refused to make peace with us, what is their use now, aren’t they trying to use us to come to power? if God didn’t bring us NCP that is willing to sit down and talk peace with us, can Sadiq or Turabi or Mergani OR SHIT do that to make those idiot leaders in southern Sudan enjoying themselves like this? think CPA CPA CPA who give you this chance of peace, who stop the blood shed?

    Who will elect Sadiq Al Mahdi even me as an SPLM member I will just cast my vote to Mr Omer AlBashier of NCP who gave peace a cahnce in Sudan, the man who is being blamed even by Sadiq for his courage to give Southern Sudan a chance for self determination? Whole Arab world, specially Egypt is happy with El Basheir because they think he made a mistake when he signed the CPA that will grantee us our chance to vote for either unity of Sudan or separation, who has ever given us a chance like this before in the story of Sudan?????

    Why are those northern parties or old houses as Al Basheir calls them angry with NCP not because of the CPA! Are trying to distroy CPA, what if the NCP decides to violate the CPA? are we ready to reverse to war? is that how we say thank you to our partner in peace?

    Shame on those mindless Southern Sudanese who are being used by northern parties! Dulls, what are you looking for, a Somaliasation of Southern Sudan? Let us try! once you distroy the CPA, you will leave us with no many options only to declare the Federation states of the Nuerlands, with Malakal city as its capital city beware!!!!!!!!

    Gatyatuach, UK

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    The idea of a great Autonomy for the south was sadig Al madi,s then the NCP grabbed it when it came into power and are struggling implementing it. If sadig el madi is elected president I asume he will take the race to the finish line as that was his idea.It makes sense for the SPLM and Salva Kiir in particular not to go for this election ,but to wait for 2011 to declare the independent of south sudan on january 9,2011 if the government that will come into power will not make unity attractive as it is now.Be patient it is only less than 14 months to take as to the Canaan.

  • Butrus Ajak.
    Butrus Ajak.

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    I support those of Gatwech and James though they are traitors as well. SPLA is proving its weakness beyond doubt. It is something very clear to all of us (Southerners). It is absolutely ridicules for the SPLA to behave like that! So this is what our loving movement is coming to be? Supporting Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi is worst of all.

    As per se, it is sheerly better supporting Al bashir than him. Bashir signed an accord with us (Southerners) something not done by Sadiq during his reign in power. I wonder what triggered my people to take such dangerous move? What did he say he will do differently this time? He is just deceiving us. These are the people Dr. Garang termed as “a hyena in sheep’s clothing” There is nothing new about him.

    Few months a way for our independent to be, should not be a legitimate reason to side with this dangerous character. We (SPLA) still need to have our candidate though. SPLA leaders may sit down and review this decision please. You also need to value and read again the letter written by Bona Malual Madut about him; he must not sugar-coat himself and deceives us this time. He is a worst Jallaba of all time.

  • Othogomoi

    SPLM, opposition parties may nominate Sudan ex-PM as presidential candidate
    The most stupid leader in the worldis salva Kiir,How can you deny your right and give your enenmy another chance to control you.is it during the time of Al bashir, or Sadiq when Garang went to Bush,how stupid you salva?loog at you?
    if you know you are capable, resigned, and let somebody take over.if you dont know Arab, then ask those who have been in khartoum during the time of war, they will give full informations.
    It is even shame ful to sit and talk with this man(saddiq) who kill many Southerners, again you give him another chance?
    Salva, please step down, beause you dont know anything, you dont know history, revolution,governance,leadership,politic and you are nothing at all.
    No southerners will trust you again and your party(SPLM/A) because you are betray, better Lam form you.
    you and your frien saddiq go to hell.
    resign please

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