Monday, December 23, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan says disarmament is not an easy task

December 6, 2009 (JUBA) — The government of the semi autonomous region of Southern Sudan today said collection of fire arms at the hands of civilian is not an easy task.

Armed civilians and some women near the market area of the southern Sudanese village of Duk-Padiet which suffered recent attack by Lou Nuer, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009 (Timothy Mckulka-UNMIS)
Armed civilians and some women near the market area of the southern Sudanese village of Duk-Padiet which suffered recent attack by Lou Nuer, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2009 (Timothy Mckulka-UNMIS)
“Disarmament is not a task achievable over night, it is a process which requires involvement of all stakeholders for successful operation,” said General Gier Chuang Aluong, Minister of Internal affairs in the government of Southern Sudan

The influential security minister reiterated that disarmament is a process which necessitates police training and orientation of any other armed groups with permission to participate in the arm collection.

General Gier also acknowledged challenges in arms collection by saying some tribes in Southern Sudan holds advanced weapons opposed to police forces.

“This exists in some states particularly those involved in regular attacks over cattle and tribal rivalries that one sees certain tribes or group of people possessing having arms along ordinary machine guns.

Following an attack by Lou Nuer on Duk County last September, southern Sudan and UN official described the raid as an escalation in South Sudan tribal fighting saying that the well equipped and organized militia have other objectives.

Minister Gier continued to say in recent tribal clashes, attacks witnessed used of heavy machine guns against innocent civilians mostly women, children and elderly people.

“What is happening is a complete change of hearts and minds in various communities across the south because people fights in the towns and extends these fights to rural villages and vice versa,” he said.

“Because of these regularly killings, some tribes are reluctant to hand over arms as they are using them as source of survival for robbery and cattle rustling,” he pointed out.

On Thursday December 3, GOSS President General Salva Kiir Mayardit appointed Lt General Abel Makoi Wol as South Sudan Director General for Prisons and correctional service and Major General Andrew Monydeng Kuot as Deputy.

Under the same decree number 149/2009 he also appointed Lt General Achuil Tito as Southern Sudan Police inspector General

While attending swearing in ceremony of the newly appointed inspector General and Deputy Director General in the ministry of internal affairs, Kiir said training of police is an alternative to reducing crimes across the region

He is a well training police is the well organized police capable to providing adequate security to the country.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    South Sudan says disarmament is not an easy task
    Those of Lou Nuer thing disarmanet is not an easy task,but that will be like the one of 2006.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan says disarmament is not an easy task
    Go on government of sick services with your tribal tinny brains, why all appointed people are from single tribe? Accussing Lou Nuer is nothing more than taking action of disarming. Lou did their attack as a revenage because in time of danger you have rights to protect yourself just like how the Mundari in Equatoria also defend themselves from Bor. Always other communities are been expose on the media for negative reason I wonder why. Whatever the nuer, murle and mundari are doing is a sign of self protection from Bor, It is unacceptable that Kuol distribute guns to his mongrel to control others like ladies. Bor and dinkas in general must be the first community to have zero number of guns. This is the only solution that will bring a better disarming, if not starting from Bor I would like to urge every community to resist the disarming. Giving GOSS your gun will make you a breeding ground of dinkas, they will control you and abused to you ashe. I hope this process must be well POLC.

    The best and peacefull way of maintain peace, security, unity and fair go in South is only that dinkas must change the way they behavior and act toword other communities, It is unacceptable for dinkas to think they are superior or liberator. In fact if we go back to history of SOuth Sudan liberation Equatorians where the heros who resecue SPLA in eastern Equatoria. Failure of dinkas to change their way of behaving, acting and GOSS manangement at current stage will be another additional salt to our internal wounds that has already exist for years. The hatred exist in South because of unnatural behavours and attitude in the culture of GOSS. Should you keep ignoring your own problems for months and years, then no matter if we change to be like another israel or Korea of south and north.

  • Gatwech

    South Sudan says disarmament is not an easy task

    Can you see Salva Kiir tribal leadership. Read the names of the people appointed in the last paragraphs, three of them are all Dinkas.

    My cousins are messing up their history of leadership. This tribal leadership appointments will be recorded VERY, VERY well in the history so that it will be used against this tribal clique in the future when they lose leadership.

    They think it is good to put corrupt, uneducated people who were residing in refugee camps to positions to loot, but in the next few years or months this will be a disaster. There are countless qualified officers from over 60 tribes in South Sudan, yet Salva Kiir, like John Garang always puts on Dinkas on these positions. Good leadership history for you, Mr. Kiir. May be the Dinkas alone will remember you for feeding them from other people’s resources.

    This is why there is only improvement on body development of their swelling stomachs without real development in the South. GOSS is about looting, not about development by these traditional greedy parasites.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    South Sudan says disarmament is not an easy task
    Failed Government,

    Those who have visit to the North will tell how peaceful that place is and the only people who cause insecurity in the North are the Southerners.

    While talking about disarmament, don’t take that nonsense of yours to WE because without the few guns they have there, otherwise LRA would have take that place already.

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Joseph

    South Sudan says disarmament is not an easy task
    To disarm those civilian please integrate them to the army or to different forces, so they can receive their salary and our nation will be in security or stable.
    Regarding recent appointment that made by president it not fair, Dinka are many but at least he should appoint from another tribe.

  • J.James

    South Sudan says disarmament is not an easy task
    Logic Boy

    Please let Murle handle their problems with Nuer, Dinka Bor without you.

    You don’t know anything about them.

    God bless

    The writer is your inlaw.

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