Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Thousands demonstrate in Rumbek against NCP

By Manyang Mayom

December 7, 2009 (RUMBEK) – Over 10,000 people in Lakes state, the
capital of Rumbek, turned out into the streets demonstrating against
the national government based in Khartoum, demanding that the National
Congress Party step down or pass the Southern Sudan Referendum Law and
Sudan National Security law in a democratic manner.

Students, trade unionists, members of the Sudan People’s Liberation
Movement Secretariat and Liberation Council, and MPs were all part of
the demonstration at the SPLM party office. They voiced support for
the SPLM position in the National Assembly and demanded the immediate
release of the party’s Secretary-General Pagan Amum Okech and his
deputy Yasir Arman, who were held in police custody this morning in

MPs of Lakes state Legislative Assembly demand the abolition of the
National Security Law and the implementation of the Abyei Protocol.

The crowd of students said, “down, down, down National Congress Party
(NCP) and “No for war’s return, or no peace and war for all.”

SPLM member Cde. Andrea Abiar said that NCP would like to rule Sudan
in the darkness without law: “We need those laws to be amended and
passed into national law that shows our country is a democracy.”

Lakes state MP Hon. Manyuak Mabor affirmed that what happened in
Khartoum is unfair, arresting top politicians of Southern Sudan. “I
called upon the Government of National Unity to release them
immediately; no delay and no more diplomacy with NCP!”

However, in the protest, one Darfuri man who worked as a businessman
in Rumbek was beaten by protesters until his arm was broken. SPLM
County Secretary Mangar Matoc Machar urged the state’s people to
protest peacefully. He said also, “I strongly condemn the arrest of
SPLM Secretary-General Pagan Amum and Yasir Arman.”

The office of Sudan’s ruling party, the National Congress (NCP), was
damaged along with one an official car at the premises belonging to
the women’s desk of NCP in Rumbek. Angry protesters threw stones at it
on Monday, completely distorting it. Documents and furniture in the
office were also damaged.

A picture showing Omar Al-Bashir and Ali Osman Mohamed Taha was torn
up and protesters ordered the arrest of those pictures. Nevertheless,
it is reported that there was worse damage to the NCP office in
Western Bhar-El-Gahazal state (Wau), which was put on fire.



  • The Living Witness
    The Living Witness

    Thousands demonstrate in Rumbek against NCP
    Freedom is coming!!!!!!!!!!! SPLM/SPLA


    Thousands demonstrate in Rumbek against NCP
    It is useless if the arrestment of Pagan Amuom and Yasir Arman is true. What is not known by the Southern Sudanese Civilian is that, Khartoum Government can not give any freedom of choice to the Southern Sudanese if they are not united and follow the same thing. You can look right now that Omar Bashir, who is a president of Sudan is really happy because no one is showing the vision of the Southern Sudanese Civilian at all corners. Second, even if people show their demonstration on the street, still there is no way out where Khartoum Government should give inches to the Southern Sudanese unless Salva Kiir should leave advocating Omar Bashir and work on what will bring out his people of injustice. Demonstration will not do anything or will not help Southern Sudanese Civilian at all. SALVA KIIR need to speak out in a valor manner not in cowardic manner.

    I don’t think whether Salva Kiir Miyardit will be able to fight for the right of Southern Sudanese as a whole. The advantages in which Southern Sudanese people should benefit are already gone for good. Last year Omar Bashir was indicted by the ICC, but Salva Kiir Miyardit warned the ICC that what they are doing is against the CPA. Then again, in Summit Meeting which was done in Uganda, Omar Bashir was invited, but Mr President Kiir Miyardit wrote a letter to the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni that Omar Bashir should not be arrested. Now, what kind of democracy is Salva Kiir wants to show to his fellow citizens of Southern Sudan? What is the point of supporting Omar Bashir? One thing Salva Kiir don’t know is that, Omar Bashir whom he always support is not the one who brought CPA. CPA was implemented by the International Communities who seek to discountiue the war between Southern Sudanese Civilians and Khartoum Government. I don’t see the point why Salva Kiir always excluded himelf from his right and work on wrong element.

    After all, if Salva Kiir know that Omar Bashir is the one who will bring peace to Southern Sudan, then why Southern Sudanese leaders such as Pagan Amuom and Yasir Arman are arrested by the Khartoum Government? This show that SPLM/SPLA is floating on water. Our vision we Southern Sudanese people whether in Southern Sudan or in diaspora is lost. It is a big shame if the SG of the SPLM/SPLA is arrested just like someone who steal. “SPLM/SPLA is floating on water for real”. A justice leader should not forget about his “enemy”.

    Lord give us the righteous leader!!!!!!!!!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Thousands demonstrate in Rumbek against NCP
    The arresting of SPLM leaders in Khartoum is unfair.
    NCP must relieve them right now.
    It mean that this NCP declare the independent of South. SPLM has ight to demostrate in Khartoum because Khartoum still the capital city of Sudan. Otherwise they would have told SPLM that Khartoum is for Northerners only.
    This reveal that NCP Arabs are gone with their sharia laws.

  • Kur

    Thousands demonstrate in Rumbek against NCP
    Anybody who will try to sobatage our march to freedom will face the ultimate wrath of the people of South Sudan. We will defend our freedom with all means available to us. The evil dictator must know that there is no room for his corrupt policies anymore. He must report himself to ICC instead of creating more war crimes for himself and his dead regime.


  • Chuanga-enoor.

    Thousands demonstrate in Rumbek against NCP
    Hei i know that what would happened in my state we don’t allow anything that looks Islamic we don’t have mosque in my state all are crack down if you want to pray you must pray privately not in the centre of the markets to disturbed people.

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