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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur rebels slam arrest of SPLM and opposition leaders

December 7, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — Darfur rebel groups condemned today the ban of peaceful demonstration in favour of democratic reforms and referendum and the arrest of SPLM leaders and opposition members.

Suleiman speaking during a SLM-Unity meeting with the former AU-UN peace envoys on  Dec 6, 2007
Suleiman speaking during a SLM-Unity meeting with the former AU-UN peace envoys on Dec 6, 2007
Sudan’s dominant party said today the number of arrested politicians and activists has reached 35 people but activists say 250, including journalists and activists are detained. The Sudanese Human Rights Organisation published a list of 42 detainees.

Statements released by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) , Sudan Liberation Movement led Abdel Wahid Al Nur (SLM-AW), SLM-Revolutionary Forces (SLM-RF), SLM-Main Stream (SLM-MS) and the United Resistance Front (URF) denounced the “barbaric method” used by the ruling National Congress Party to disperse a peaceful demonstration out sideof the National Assembly on Monday.

The opposition parties said one of the purposes of this demonstration was their rejection of government attempt to hold election without Darfur. They said wanting political solution for western Sudan crisis.

JEM called on the Sudanese opposition to boycott the elections and urged them to work for the formation of a national transitional government which is the only way to achieve peace, implement the CPA and preserve the unity of the country.

Al-Nur said he had a long conversation by telephone with the Secretary General Pagan Amum to whom he expressed his solidarity with SPLM urging to conjugate efforts for security, peace and equality for all the Sudanese within a united Sudan.

“Today’s events, which represent a clear violation of basic human rights, proved that the NCP regime is the main obstacle to a peaceful solution to the crises facing the Sudan because it closed the door to the democratic transformation, said Mukhtar Abdel Karim of SLM MS.

The SLM of Minni Minnawi, the Senior Presidential Assistant also took part in Monday’s protest besides the SPLM and opposition parties.

Mahgoub Hussein of the SLM-RF urged the release of the people arrested during the demonstration and called for an international investigation over human rights violations committed by the government against the protesters.

Reports say security agents had beaten and maltreated the political detainees.

Al-Tahir Al Rabei, an UFR information officer said they do not expect any genuine democratic reforms in the country from the NCP. He urged Sudanese to keep up the struggle in order to remove this regime.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Darfur rebels slam arrest of SPLM and opposition leaders
    That statmant mad by the Darfur rebels will encourge the freedom lover to express their right of freedom but for those who lose their IQ such as logic boy who sign the sex contrect between bashir lam and his mother will not agreed with it. i thought that modness of logic boy was dead with his mother but was still with him what a family/

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