Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

The alliance between SPLM/A and Abdul Wahid was a public demand

By Abdellatif Abdelrahman

December 8, 2009 — The unprecedented shocking event of arresting the General Secretary of the SPLM/A Pagan Amum and his deputy for the north sector Yasir Arman as well as the leading opposition figures from the political parties, students, numerous masses from the grassroots and supporters of the long-waited democracy proves beyond doubt that, the International Community who witnesses the signing of Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) have completely turned their backs to exercise the necessary pressure on the NCP to implement the agreement to the letter and spirit. And regrettably, instead it’s the genocide regime of Khartoum doing every thing in it’s power to derail the International Community to it’s doomed course; by doing whatever it can to rig the election seeking for legitimacy and recognition. However; such steps for sure will lead the Country into a new cycle of vicious war.

So until when the radical Islamists will be allowed to continue tormenting the Sudanese masses, sucking the resources of the country dry and burdening the International Community to pay the never-ending receipts of their dictatorship iron handed policies. The indicators to the pre mentioned claim is that; the NCP has fought upheaval diplomatic and political battles, in the International arena using every thing within it’s disposal and power, including the financial resources of the country and it’s relations with friendly and neighbouring countries, in addition to pro-Government lobbyists groups in Arab Countries ,Europe ,U.S and every where to keep the status quo. One of the undeniable indicator is the recently briefing of the U.S special envoy to Sudan, Scott Gration before the U.S house committee on foreign relations, hearing for the review of U.S Sudan policy. I as a victim to the ongoing genocide followed up the testimony, with keen interest and to my dismay I saw how the U.S envoy was giving evasive answers and refusing to admit the very genocide his President Administration has acknowledged. Dear readers please follow up the cross examination of

Senator Sam Brownback to the Envoy Jonathan Scot Gration: “You are dealing with a government that is conducting an ongoing genocide, is that correct?”
“I am dealing with a government,” said Gration. After a brief back and forth, Gration repeated, “I am dealing with the government in Khartoum of Sudan.” “Which is currently conducting a genocide in Sudan, is that correct?” said Brownback. “That is correct,” Gration conceded.

Such meek answers of US Envoy shows how the National Congress succeeded to influence even the Envoys sent by their countries to help the mass suffering people of Sudan.

Moreover, I was totally amazed to the claims and baseless pretensions of the U.S envoy that, the NCP is implementing the peace agreements and working well to conduct fair and credible elections while the realities on the ground tells the opposite. The regime Gration is supporting is fighting hard to hamper the democratic political transformation not to take place by lifting the restricting security laws and freedom of expression and press.

However, the arrest, humiliation and beating of the SPLM/A leaders, proves that the enemies of peace and stability within the Islamic regime had completely made up their minds to dishonour the CPA. Therefore; they are testing the patience of the SPLM/A through putting blocks to the implementation of the signed peace deal through resorting to arresting, humiliating, provoking and maltreatment.

Therefore; we believe that the only viable way with which the SPLM/A can protect and maintain the hardly- gained peace fruits which the radical Islamists are now regretting and dying to usurp; is to forge formidable alliance, namely with the SLM/A under the leadership of Abdul Wahid, which enjoys massive popular support, not only in Darfur but the country wide. It’s undeniable fact that, the popular support of the SLM/A chairman Abdul Wahid and his Movement was created due to the credible leadership, together with late Dr. John Garang De Mabior. The people’s type of leadership with ever-increasing popularity and support, that resists the international, regional and local pressure; instead increases more power and stood firm to achieve the noble liberation goals and will definitely put an end to the tyrant regime in Khartoum . It is not open secret that what made the SLM/AW to survive and swiftly resist all the pressures and temptations; is due to the fact that; behind it stood ardent persistence and unconquerable masses, such as the victimised IDPs and Refuges, Students, women, civil society and reputable politicians and dignitaries around Sudan, besides it’s military might that knows how.

So let the two parties engage hot to save the Sudanese masses from the grip of the Islamic fundamentalists of Khartoum who not only tortured and humiliated the masses but also changed the demography of the entire country.
Lastly, alliance between these tow strong bodies will serve the general interest of the liberation and the Sudanese masses, and also make the NCP bows to the demands of the masses. Such alliances of struggle, will not only threaten the regime, but also shift it’s focus on inciting it’s militias to create havoc and destablise the communities within the South Sudan.That is why the U.S.A and the alliances are fighting terrorism not within their countries but far away in Afaganistan and Iraq.

SPLM/A and SLM/A; depending on someone else to resolve all your problems is a fatal mistake. Now it’s a time to start searching the solutions for our problems the way we think is right.

The author is based in Nairobi, he can be reached at
[email protected]

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