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Sudan Tribune

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US envoy condemns detention of Sudanese protesters

December 9, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The US special envoy for Sudan Scott Gration, condemned today the use of violence and detention of protesters who attempted to demonstrate in favor of democratic reforms and referendum on Monday.

The Sudanese police arrested yesterday the SPLM Secretary General and his deputy for northern Sudan as well as other opponents and activists. Sudanese press reported today that the demonstration was part of plot to overthrow the government.

“I am deeply concerned about these developments and urge all parties to exercise restraint. Negotiations on issues of urgent importance to all of the Sudanese people cannot proceed in an atmosphere of intimidation,” said Gration in a statement released on Tuesday.

The statement called for self restraint and dialogue among the Sudanese parties. Further, it urged all parties to create an atmosphere conducive to credible elections.

“Freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, and protection from against arbitrary arrest and detention are fundamental human rights that must be respected.”



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    US envoy condemns detention of Sudanese protesters
    Mr Scott,
    The Khartoum government act restlessly since ever since.
    This govt can not serve the interest of all Sudanese perhaps those Northerners.
    Obviously, SPLM melted their aggression for about 95%.
    If this was the past years, those protesters would have been fire with guns or even might be jailed for years.
    They fear SPLM,and we hate their aggression.
    We need to be their neighboring country.
    It is ugly and sad act that they did to SPLM leaders.
    Let Bashier come to South other he will be chained like dog under the tree.

  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    US envoy condemns detention of Sudanese protesters
    Stay way from Sudan affair,

    No one is above the law so leave Sudanese to deal with those who want to break the law.

    In South Sudan there are many wrong doer there so US shut up and mind your business.

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    US envoy condemns detention of Sudanese protesters
    This is a message to SPM members who kept leader of UDP party for many months in jail, while they protesting for the same thing in Khartoum.

    How come you complain for democracy and you are the boss of dictator. You should apply democracy to yourself first then ask other.

  • Time1

    US envoy condemns detention of Sudanese protesters
    The Sudan government thinks it can go back to its old ways that is the problem, it thinks the peace is now signed so it can go back to being the dictatoship it use to be, intimidating, arresting and taking away freedom of speech express and assembly, they need to be warned and told they will not be allowed to do that.

  • Time1

    US envoy condemns detention of Sudanese protesters

    you are actually right that NCP has been decieving the masses meanwhile only serving its own selfish interests of trying to remain in power at the expense of the Sudanese people, they have destroyed everything inside Sudan including the reputation of Sudan outside the Sudan but still they want to force the population to support them on empty tickets, Sudan has many capable people who can rebuild Sudan bring democracy and even improve Sudan image domestically and also internationally, Omer bashir and NCP are not the only people qualified to rule Sudan considering the damages they have already done to Sudan, genocide and war crimes in Darfur, lack of freedom and democracy,arbituray arrests and beating of women, oppression of opposition, also pushing south sudan to the limits of seprations, bad relationship with neighbouring countries including chad, supporting rebels and terrorist groups like LRA, and their ill relations with the UN and international aid organization which they expelts from Darfur and the country, all this is not helping Sudan.

    So omer bashir is not qualify to rule Sudan based on all this factors, The reality is that Sudan and its people will not benefit anything from Omer bashirs party of NCP, Sudan is only setting itself to loose alot from this dictatorship regime.

  • junuby

    US envoy condemns detention of Sudanese protesters
    Buata 2

    Don’t make full of yourself, you don’t know what you are talking about,you better read THE INTERIM NATIONAL CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE SUDAN 2005 properly and than make your common.

    My friend the 2005 constitution allows freedom of assembly which saye in part two; (Freedom of Assembly and Association
    40 (1)The right to peaceful assembly shall be guaranteed; every
    person shall have the right to freedom of association with
    others, including the right to form or join political parties,
    associations and trade or professional unions for the
    protection of his/her interests) which exactly SPLM leaders were doing,they wanted to protret the CPA. So Busta 2 NCP the one who is breaking the law.

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