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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s Interior minister warns against another procession on Monday

December 12, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Minister of Interior, Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid, has issued strong statement warning against another demonstration set to take place in Khartoum by opposition parties on Monday December 14.

Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid
Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid
Following a meeting in Khartoum with Sudan’s First Vice President and Chairman of the SPLM on December 11, Sudanese opposition leaders said they are ready to demonstrate on Monday December 14 for the second time to pressurize the dominant National Congress Party to pass bill related to democratic reforms and CPA implementation as well as peaceful solution for Darfur crisis.

The meeting was attended by Mr. Sadiq Al-Mahdi, the leader of Umma party, Dr. Hassan Al-Turabi of the Popular Congress Party, Mr. Ibrahim Nugud of the Communist Party, Minni Minnawi, Senior Presidential Assistant and chairman of a SLM faction and Mubarak Al-Mahdi, the leader of Umma – Reform and Renewal.

“If people go on other processions or any demonstrations without approval or permission from the concerned authorities, it will be considered a ‘challenge to the law and sovereignty of the country,” said Minister Ibrahim.

On Monday 7 December, the Sudanese police banned a protest outside the National Assembly and arrested over 200 protesters including the SPLM Secretary General
And his deputy for northern Sudan and head of SPLM block at the Sudanese parliament.

However the opposition leaders said have notified Khartoum state authorities about the possible demonstration on Monday.

Nafi Ali Nafi, Presidential assistant and influential NCP leading member condemned the meeting and accused the opposition leaders of getting financial support from western countries to fund their electoral campaigns.

He also accused SPLM of backtracking efforts on negotiations on the controversial laws.


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