Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Bona Malwal urges for inclusive government in South Sudan

December 12, 2009 (KHARTOUM)- Bona Malwal Madut Riing, Presidential advisor and leader of South Sudan Democratic Forum, has urged for inclusive government in South Sudan saying such government facilitates equitable development through decentralized policy.

Speaking to invited distinguished guests for a tea party after his returned from a trip to Southern Sudan recently, at his residence in Amarat, Khartoum on Saturday 12, he said Political inclusiveness is a core component of good governance.

“There can never be a successful government when it distances political participation of other political parties in issues pertaining to the nation,” he said.

A successful nation seeks balanced advice from people represented by civil society and private sector organizations as the key to ensuring vision of good governance, he further said.

He said while referring to the SPLM that in the South, this is not the case because the ruling party is filled with inexperienced members who know only how to aggress and seek to distant other participation of other political parties fearing objective positions to their decisions.

“Recently on December 5 in Lueny Aker, Gogrial East County, Warrap State, I was denied an honor to address a social gathering organized by the relatives and friends of late paramount Chief of Apuk section, Giir Thiik by members of the SPLM,” he said.

The incident shows lack of commitment to respecting freedom of expression and resembles to what they (SPLM) protested here in Khartoum just a day after “my return” on Monday, he adds.

Bona was referring to the protest organization by Juba parties’ coalition including the SPLM on December 7. He and the head of SPLM-DC Dr Lam Akol used to denounce intimidation and detention of their supporters.

Speaking at the start of the meeting, Manut Ayuel, an elder from Tur-Alei County, Warrap State currently in Khartoum, said government cannot be considered functioning properly unless there is strong popular participation.

He urged for strengthening of capacity building for civil society organizations and the private sector to allow them effective and full participation in the development of the region.

He went further to add that an effective participation with equitable approach allow ordinary people to interact with government at all levels saying this helps to make development planning real to ordinary people in poor countries.

People’s participation in policy-making leads to greater accountability, openness and transparency and builds up social reciprocities characterized by equity, inter-group tolerance…and active citizenship, he said.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Bona Malwal urges for inclusive government in South Sudan
    Bona you are a true spy of NCP who knows the real culture of SPLA in South. I like that you expose unknow side of the SPLA but i hate that you are some how an arab agent. If you are a freedom fighter you should stay in South and contribute to the poor government by advicing them from looting and abusing other parties. Stop two hearts otherwise the next trip to South will get you AKA-47 bullet. You are among those in the blacklist including Francis, Lier and Alor.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Bona Malwal urges for inclusive government in South Sudan
    Mr Bona Madut Riing,
    Southeners have right to prevent you from any kind of politcal move in the South.
    We people of South did not forget for the incident of our belove William Deng Nhial. In fact, people like you are the one drawing the great move of SPLM for many years.
    We can not value your political experiences in the South as you clamied. The SPLM leaders are having their capabilities that they can make to free Southeners from the mistreatment of the North(Arab).
    Please we don,t like you and we value the inexperience leaders in SPLM than you.
    Thanks to SPLM leaders who denied you for your ill expression.

  • The Sudanese Soldier/Builder
    The Sudanese Soldier/Builder

    Bona Malwal urges for inclusive government in South Sudan
    I think it is better to think over the words of this Wiseman and try to see the truth , the same way as when we go to the doctor we tell hem “Doctor my left hand is injurd, can you help me, please?” and we do not mention anything about our right arm or legs! coz our left hand cause pain so this time the doctor himself came to us, whether it’s north or south . Salute to all true Sudanese North and South East and West
    the African Gaint is claiming this natural position World!

  • The Sudanese Soldier/Builder
    The Sudanese Soldier/Builder

    Bona Malwal urges for inclusive government in South Sudan
    The african Giant people , plz do forgive me my poor english

  • Kur

    Bona Malwal urges for inclusive government in South Sudan
    Mr. Malwal, this is a complete hypocrisy on your part. Why don’t advise your boss, Mr. Bashir to do what you’re talking about, the inclusive government? Democracy is developing faster in the South but people like you cannot see it because their eyes are covered with money. Shut up. Go and rule Gogrial if they want you to be their king.


  • Time1

    Bona Malwal urges for inclusive government in South Sudan
    Bona malual has to get that Arab stamp and Arab agenda off his buttocks first if he wants any southerners to take him serious.

  • Deng Ateny Lueth
    Deng Ateny Lueth

    Bona Malwal urges for inclusive government in South Sudan
    wow, mr. Malual, if you think government of south sudan is not inclusive enough, please show us good example of the government you think of being more inclusive. you have been in the north for two decade,is that government more inclusive, proved me wrong. i think you have already justified them inclusive that is why you have been stayed in the north for all these years. if you knew that you didn’t sow, i don’t know the reason why you should be included in the listduring harvest period. whoever want recognition, being a politician or normal citizen of south sudan. most first come to south, or else don’t aid our enemy with your piontless arguement. i think this government of Salva Kiir is more closer to the people, more than any other governemt one may think of. after all, we the young generations must be given chances to prove ourselves. No country for old men any more. retirement is calling you guys. stop feet dragging, you are ruining our time OLD GUYS!!!

  • Gai Deng wei
    Gai Deng wei

    Bona Malwal urges for inclusive government in South Sudan
    people like Bowna Malual should learned how to shot up because they have been with Arab for too long and their present has not modifies the unity of the country.Its known to us that brifery is playing its role.Take your money and be silent.The inclusion of your kind is a disaster to Southern Sudan seccesion.Iam in tottal accord with those southerners who reject him in Luony Akeer to address them.there is nothing edifying could come out from that idiots lip.I hope the ministry of interior affairs of southern sudan shold banned his appearances in southern sudan territary.The blood of the innocent has flow and souls of deads in strugle liberty are on watch for justice and equality to be unveil to afflicted citizens.

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