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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan says it will not permit any demonstrations by opposition

December 16, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government said it will categorically prevent any attempts to stage demonstrations saying that the conditions in the country are not suitable for this form of expression.

Sudanese presidential adviser Salah Gosh (Al-Rayaam)
Sudanese presidential adviser Salah Gosh (Al-Rayaam)
The Sudanese presidential adviser and the former director of the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) Salah Gosh told a convention for the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) that the government will crack down “on any attempts to stir up the absurdity and the destabilization of the country’s security”.

Gosh was referring to two failed attempts this month by a coalition of Northern opposition parties and Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) to stage a rally after hundreds of riot police were deployed to the streets and party headquarters to prevent the demonstrators from taking the streets.

Sudanese police said that the organizers did not get proper permission to conduct the rally but opposition parties say they have notified the authorities as required under the law.

A number of senior SPLM figures were arrested along with hundreds of other opposition supporters. The purpose of the demonstrations was to deliver a memo to the parliament demanding the adoption of pro-reform laws.

Gosh accused the opposition parties of seeking to create a popular uprising to topple the government describing that scenario as “impossible”. He added that the NCP is prepared to stop the absurdity of the opposition parties.

He challenged the opposition parties to “infiltrate” the security of the Sudanese capital even if supported by regional and international powers adding that the NISS has tight control over the security.

The former NISS director said that the NCP will teach the opposition parties “a brutal lesson during the elections” suggesting a landslide victory for the ruling party.

A political analyst speaking to Sudan Tribune from Khartoum said that Gosh is seeking to reinforce his image on the scene following his removal from the post as the spy chief last August.

“He is trying to say I am here and active on the scene. He also wants to show his loyalty to Bashir and the regime hence the strong language he used. It is quite unusual for someone who rarely made media interviews but given how shaken the NCP is after these demonstrations it is understandable” the analyst said.

The US condemned the crackdown by Sudanese authorities and called on Khartoum to allow peaceful freedom of expression without intimidation to allow for a conducive environment to hold the elections.



  • BUSTA 2
    BUSTA 2

    Sudan says it will not permit any demonstrations by opposition
    Why are Southerners disturbing our Capital city???

    We are tired with so called demonstrations by opposition who have no vision for Sudan.

    Shut up or go back to South Sudan where there is no law and order.

    Brother in Christ,

    Busta 2

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Sudan says it will not permit any demonstrations by opposition
    Those who get used of seeing civilian dieing of behalf of them and their lies are seeking ways to create violent so that they will feel good when citizens die. That is why God sometimes burn them with butane while there are between earth and sky. They should learn that no one strong than another.

  • Gatloth Gai
    Gatloth Gai

    Sudan says it will not permit any demonstrations by opposition
    What more to protest for in Kharoum?

    I believes opposition parties will not any more protest, becuase thier need is ready fulfilled.

    Violent could not be the solution for peace in this country rather than round table talk.
    Who is not awared of those yrs back when sudan was in war?
    Were there a protest like today? the answer is no.Then why peace has come and some people trying to back the country to war. Those are injustice.

  • Gatloth Gai
    Gatloth Gai

    Sudan says it will not permit any demonstrations by opposition
    Majook let me remine you;

    I am not stuppid and I am not seeing beyond my nose but beyond the country,continet and the world,that is why i like peaceful solution for every issue.I am not in the way are expected that is you,you are talking opposite my cousin.

    Majook i can not go back to school,I am a degree holder with supplemetary documents in various colleges am ful of knowldege my dear except that you don`t know me.

    Take note of this: we will never succeed in the way you are expecting that brought up by Pagan and his D/Armen that is completely injustice.

    Why don`t you learn from Dr.Garang,he determed to liberated this country by war hence he shifted in to peaceful mean the CPA that you are now tampted to bring the coutry back to war. that is what we don`t like.

    This peace is belong to all Sudanese the rest of Africa,Arab`sworld and indeed to the rest of the world.It doesnot belong to you nor Kiir,Pagan & Armen as Garang said that time.

    Shutup and distance your self or otherwise.

  • gaidit

    Sudan says it will not permit any demonstrations by opposition

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