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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan army minister says peace is vital for growth

December 17, 2009 (JUBA) — The South Sudan army minister Nhial Deng Nhial in an address to the newly promoted officers at SPLA General Headquarters in Bill Pham, suburb of Juba, today said peace is vital for growth as it acts as catalyst for economic development in the war recovering regions such as south Sudan.

Nhial Deng Nhial
Nhial Deng Nhial
Defense forces have a critical responsibility of preserving, protecting and defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country to safeguard citizens from internal and external aggression, the minister said.

Nhial further blatantly admitted Government cognizant of numerous challenges particularly those personnel in the defense force faces in carrying out their duties, he called on men and women in uniforms not to deviate from the cause of the SPLM.

Notwithstanding these challenges, he said does not expect them to lose sight of their primary duties in defending and protecting the nation and that as defenders of peace and security, they are expected to remain focused and disciplined.

“Because of the need to be professional army capable to defend the nation, commander in chief (Salva Kiir) formed the military command council as the body that will be dealing with issues related to developing the army,” he said.

The minister also revealed during a meeting attended by high level of army generals in charge of divisions and brigades across the south that some of the divisions have already selected some officers for training opportunities offered by sisterly countries abroad.

“The training opportunities that are being organized both internally and externals mark the beginning of your long military career ahead of you. You should strive to improve upon the skills which you have acquired and be prepared to learn new skills in the service of your country,” the minister advised.

Talking of the internal training schools from military career could be built by young officers and soldiers, he made mention of Malou Military Training School in Rumbek, Lakes State saying it has been producing high quality trained officers for last the three years and it will continuous to train more officers and men as well.

The numbers of the institution’s former students are high-ranking officers in the Southern Army while others have distinguished themselves in civil institutions. The military institution has greatly contributed to human resource development in the region and beyond.

He said the defense force should optimize the use of available resources and employ effective methods and strategies to protect the lives and property of people against adversities.

The minister finally commended the men and women in uniform for carrying out important civic duties such as in basic de-mining activities, road works, and distribution of relief food as well as their participation in distribution of voter registration materials using their military assets in the just conducted voter registration exercise for the upcoming executive and parliamentary elections in the country.

He said engaging in these activities is important for the military to remain relevant to the needs of society even in times of peace.

I expect this role to continue and that all men and women will commit themselves to making a serious contribution to our nation’s development beyond their military duties,” he said.



  • Dr.Agany

    South Sudan army minister says peace is vital for growth
    Mr. Minister!
    U haven’t told us what we need to hear exactly. U have been talking of the training centers and u haven’t exactly told us how it has been succeessful.What about the issue of salaries for these boys who are still in the bush while u are in town.Did u look into their welfare? How can an army be professional army when they are still sleeping on mats or smetimes opt into business in order to improve their lives?

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    South Sudan army minister says peace is vital for growth
    I hope this army commad was form kill the wicked evil oaf amn Raik machar and his like death to him

  • Africano

    South Sudan army minister says peace is vital for growth
    Mr. Nhail Deng have something to celebrate now. They have successfully transform SPLA into Dinka Militia. All the officers promoted from either Dinka Bor or Bahr el Ghazal. So Nhail and other Dinkas are happy that now they can control the South. Already they have the political and financial control of the South. Other SPLA officers from other tribes are being secretly arrested imprison especially in Upper Nile State.

  • Time1

    South Sudan army minister says peace is vital for growth
    Nhial Deng is the right man for this job, let him continue int he footsteps of strong man, who put all thier life nad energy to transform and protect his people and nation, southerners have to look back and remember what they have been through and where they are heading. forget this other coward traitors who only know how to make noises while they hide, they have not even manage to achieve their own missions.

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