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Sudan Tribune

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Special Court chairman escapes deadly Yirol ambush

By Manyang Mayom

December 19, 2009 (RUMBEK) – The chairman of the Yirol twin counties’ special court, Judge Abdulhal Gordon fell into an ambush by unknown gunmen at Karer near Shambi on Friday. Two of his bodyguards sustained severe injuries and one prisons soldier died on the spot during an exchange of gunfire.

The justice who was the principal of the convoy did not view the ambush as specifically targeted at him, saying “it is generally what is happening in this state”. Sources from among the authorities of Yirol West County accused Nuer tribesmen of having laid the ambush.

Judge Abdulhal was appointed by the chief justice in the government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) and was tasked with addressing greater Yirol’s crisis of cattle raiding and murders, in conjunction with Lakes state government. He escaped the ambush safely without any bullet hitting him, said an eyewitness. Car glass tore his skin but he is in good health.

The two wounded bodyguards were admitted in Yirol West County Civil hospital on Friday evening. Meanwhile, local authorities sent in polices forces to investigate what was behind the attack.

Rami Shiekdien, a driver of the judge, said that “I put on the brake near a small residence building. I thought there was nobody in such a building, but immediately I saw more armed men running toward us and they opened live fire on us – the gunmen wounded two defenders of Judge Abdulhal Gordon and one personnel of prisons was killed on spot – another three chiefs who were accompanying the judge are in safe hands; they were not hit by live bullets”.

Judge Abdulhal Gordon related that the attack took place at 10:30am as he traveled with eight soldiers and members of the special court. “We were going to Shambi on our normal tour and as we reached Karar; we found ourselves in an ambush. Karar is an abandoned village,” he said. “The gunfire was very heavy, and our eight soldiers opened windows of the car and responded to the attackers. One among my solider attempted to open the door and shoulder them but he was killed and his gun was taken away by the attackers. The attacker first shot at the tire of my car and really this car remained without good speed at all. The car engineer was hit. There was heavy fire behind the car. Those attackers were wearing military mixed-uniform shirts with civilian shorts.”

He affirmed that he was officially assigned here as special court chairman for Yirol Counties. “I was assigned for six month and yet I requested an additional month because there are new cases which are unsolved.”

He noted that “No, there is nobody unhappy with my ruling; this is pure attackers’ ambush. The cases that I had solved are fair and everyone feels convince – I have not favored anyone in my court session rulings – I have done everything according to law”. He also added that those guys are destroyers of peace and that is why they ambush people on the road.

The judge added that he has almost completed a fourth case. He also added that despite the attack on the road, he plans to continue his work.

Judge Gordon concluded that “Enough is enough, war is over and this is a time for peace, there is a proper court, Payam court and regional court, if you have a problem please go to court and court will give you your rights – now we are fighting ourselves over cows.” He also warned that one must not take law into one’s own hand, or fight over the engagement of girls.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Special Court chairman escaped dead as one soldier killed and two wounded in Yirol
    Mr reporter i advise u to get on properly journalist training. What is speacial court? yes you could be right because in Government of sick services we have speacial and fake ones. But killing is their way of life and that is way it is, dinkas boy and his fellow jungle brothers will realise the truth in 100 years. Supporting black SPLA party has different with supporting of insecurity and corruption. Attack on leaders become our daily game of pleasure. The attackers enjoy it like dinkas boy who look good in public but criminal around the corners.

  • Oduko

    Special Court chairman escaped dead as one soldier killed and two wounded in Yirol
    This D.K. wild Community can not solve their things without killings in it !! keep exchange your gunfire among yourself but don’t attempt to involved nuer or hell you all will face bitter of it.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Special Court chairman escaped dead as one soldier killed and two wounded in Yirol
    Those who attack South citizens on the roads are completely enemies. Why people ambush their own people on the roads?.
    That is immoral act please.

  • Jamjamez

    Special Court chairman escaped dead as one soldier killed and two wounded in Yirol
    Hello Mayang Mayom,
    I am thanking you for your best effort that you are offering in ensuring communication among the sudanese community all over the world, however you need some more editing of your writing and you will be all set.

    We do appreciate your hardwork however its time to start being smart at what we do. please look into that.Ignore those who discourage you and do your best. No body is perfect at first.

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