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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM, southern parties call to demonstrate on Monday

December 26, 2009 (JUBA) — The Southern Sudan ruling party and six other political parties called today to hold demonstrations inside and outside the country in support of the implementation of 2005 peace agreement.

SPLM supporters take part in a pro-democracy rally in Khartoum's twin city of Omdurman on Monday Dec 14, 2009 (AFP)
SPLM supporters take part in a pro-democracy rally in Khartoum’s twin city of Omdurman on Monday Dec 14, 2009 (AFP)
The appeal is launched ahead of the review of a law on self-determination referendum for southern Sudan by the national parliament next Monday.

On Tuesday December 22, the NCP legislators modified the referendum bill after it was agreed on in the Council of Ministers and also in the Presidency. The approved bill cancelled an article stipulating that southerners who reside outside the region will have to register and vote only in South Sudan.

But twenty four hour later the NCP accepted to remove any amendments made to the controversial referendum bill as it had been demanded by the SPLM, and to pass it as it had been approved by the joint political committee.

“We the undersigned political parties hereby united and call upon our supporters; in the Sudan and diaspora, for a peaceful march for public briefing by our joint leaderships on Monday, December 28th, 2009,” said a statement released today.

The call is signed by ANC- Sudan, SANU, SPLM, SSDF (Front), UDSF, USAP, and USAP-2.

The seven political parties pledged to continue “this peaceful march not allowing the spoilers of CPA to derail the process of peace, referendum, popular consultation, freedom and democratic transformation of our country.”

They also called to respect life and property of all the communities hosted in South Sudan.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    SPLM, southern parties call to demonstrate on Monday
    Waste of time, cry 100 times but arabs islamic government will never implement the Corrupt Peace Agreement CPA or CPA ash, the indication is separation from islamic group, then what is the point of looking back to rotten CPA. All those who sign the protest are making fool of thier image if not because they want to maintin their popularity within black SPLA party. SPLA is evil, party of killer, corrupt, looters, tribalism and weak managers. I pity those parties should distance themselves from the devil of SPLA. Biggest problem within SPLA is its reputation of being loser and failure in every step. SPLA under dinkas has never ever achieve any inch without the help of Equatorians experts. Time to realise their mistakes before it is too late to chase ash.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM, southern parties call to demonstrate on Monday
    The world must be the witness of the immoral act that NCP made this month.They have manipulated the agreed bill in this own interest.
    Indeed,i want SPLM party to make their own remark in their own ten states and to the world by forwarding their letters and the first bill that NCP try to modified to the human right activists and to the CPA delegation mantors.
    Consequently,this is one of the reasons why South is not going to blieved the North Arab in their leadership.
    Finally, i encouraged SPLM to engaged NCP on the bill,and if they refuse on this bill then 2010 election is dead.

  • oshay

    SPLM, southern parties call to demonstrate on Monday
    I call on the police to use live fire to disperse these savages and anyother dinka criminal. Go and protest in the South about criminal cowboy kiir not Khartoum.

  • Gatwech

    SPLM, southern parties call to demonstrate on Monday
    Dear readers,

    What is the point of staging another provocative demonstration, which the NCP’s security apparatus will term as illegal and may cause violence? The referendum bill will be passed on Monday as it was agreed in the SPLM joint committee and council of ministers.

    So why not give that day a good atmosphere in which the nation could debate freely without having the police chasing people in the streets of Khartoum. The so-called demonstrators should wait until Tuesday or Wednesday so that people know first the outcome of the Monday passage of the law. Provoking a situation on Monday that may turn violent and co-incide with the passage of the law is not a wise tactic. It may be counter-productive!!! Salva Kiir should tell the SPLM organizers to focus on the passage of the referendum bills and not stir up a situation on Monday!!!

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    SPLM, southern parties call to demonstrate on Monday
    I think, demonstration is okay by way they(SPLM) said it,but SPLM must make sure that there will be no looting properties of civilians. People do not want their properties to be damage or looted like what happened at the death of John Garang in 2005,when innocence people last their lives and their properties for no reason.

  • Deng

    SPLM, southern parties call to demonstrate on Monday
    I really support coming Monday demonstration,
    I wish all the Sudanese should come out for demonstration peacefully by demanding MPs in National Assembly to look critically on CPA and pass the bill of Referendum, Abyei, Northern Blue Nile and South Kordofan consultation bill.

  • Thyinka

    SPLM, southern parties call to demonstrate on Monday
    The Arab enemies will never concede anything. They will continue to use their old tactics of dishonesty and tricks to keep milking Southern Sudan of its resources. Southern Sudanese must be ready to fight for what is rightfully theirs. It is a pity that there are people who are still being colonized in this era. The greatest obstacle to development in Southern Sudan and the rest of the marginalized is the threat of social unrest and imminent state of war created by the National Islamic Front. This fanatic Islamists are the worst thing that ever happened to the Sudanese people.
    patria o muerte!!! La victoria Siempre!!!

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