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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan opposition parties appear poised to take part in elections

December 26, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese opposition parties are preparing to name their candidates to run in the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections despite threats earlier this year that they will boycott the polls citing repressive environment by the ruling National Congress Party.

From left to the right, Ibrahim Nugud, SG of Sudanese Communist Party, Hassan Al-Turabi of the Popular Congress Party and Sadiq Al-Mahdi lof the Umma Party
From left to the right, Ibrahim Nugud, SG of Sudanese Communist Party, Hassan Al-Turabi of the Popular Congress Party and Sadiq Al-Mahdi lof the Umma Party
The leader of the largest northern opposition party Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi told the London based Al-Hayat newspaper that fair and free elections will guarantee a landslide victory for his party “on all levels”.

The former prime minister said that the Umma Party has created mechanisms by which candidates are identified to run in the parliamentary elections. He also expressed confidence that his party has accommodated the changes in the political and social landscape enabling it to achieve strong results.

On Monday the commissioner of the elections board Abel Alier met with the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) spokesperson Yen Mathew and his delegation who confirmed the participation of the ex-southern rebel group in the elections.

The SPLM along with a coalition of Northern opposition parties declared in Juba last September that they will boycott if the dominant National Congress Party (NCP) does not implement democratic reforms.

However, the Islamist opposition leader Hassan Al-Turabi and head of the Popular Congress Party (PC) said that any such decision will not be taken unilaterally and has to be decided collectively by the participants in the Juba conference which included the Umma party and the SPLM.

The Secretary General of the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) Mohamed Ibrahim Nugud ruled out the possibility of opposition parties running on one ticket saying that political powers want to find out their “true weight” among the people.

Nugud said that the SCP is a step away from naming its candidates saying he expects high turnout in the elections adding the ruling NCP will only win through forgery and deceit describing it as a party dependant on power and money.

Sudan entered into a political deadlock this month after the NCP and SPLM disagreed on a package of democratic reform laws and referendum bills. As a result the opposition parties and SPLM twice attempted to stage demonstrations that were blocked by Sudanese authorities and arrested senior opposition figures.



  • Gatwech

    Sudan opposition parties appear poised to take part in elections
    The elections is about confirming Al-Bashir as the next President, just to get over this CPA necessity called elections. Then will come the main issue, referendum in 2011. SPLM should continue its partnership with the NCP so that it maintains the post of First Vice PResidency for the next remaining months to referendum on independence. Don’t waste time with the opposition!

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Sudan opposition parties appear poised to take part in elections
    Splm must understand the intention of this opposition parties because these Arabs are always enemy inside their hearts and seem friendly out their appearance. Caution!

  • Ahmed

    Sudan opposition parties appear poised to take part in elections
    I wonder where Oshia as gone?

  • Oduck Bol
    Oduck Bol

    Sudan opposition parties appear poised to take part in elections
    Who will be the candidate? Let me suggest the better front runner for you. Salva Kiir is the best one for Candidate for both south and north. He has good style of leadership. If he won the election, he will spend his four year team traveling between Uganda, Kenya, and south and north. When it come announcement,he will go to St Antony Church in Joba and after two days or one week he can change his speech. So, he is the best four Candidate for Sudan’s presidency and south Sudan presidency too. He should get one of the above mention positions.

  • silake comba
    silake comba

    Sudan opposition parties appear poised to take part in elections
    Any one who is sincerely concerned about the future of Sudan as a country and as a nation would come to the conclusion that elections under the present situation in the country will never lead to a true change that can help in finding genuine solutions to the various problems that the nation is suffering from. In order to have genuine and credible elections, there are prerequisites which are far from being met at the present time. If people are denied the simple right to freedom of expression how can they be expected to be able to prepare for elections? If people are denied the simple and common right of assembly and free speech how can they be expected to have the opportunity to communicate their masses for education, publicizing for their programmes? Elections need campaigns of mobilization, they need debates, they need symposiums as essential tools for free and fair competition. All these are denied and aborted either by repressive laws or by the use of bare force. We are not talking about the security and humanitarian situations in Darfur and other parts of the country and the tragedies associated. The situation allover the Sudan is by no means ripe for any kind of genuine elections. Any talk about any elections under present circumstances is but hypocrisy. Yes, political parties like that of Al-Mahdi can be prepared to participate in the “play” because these traditional politicians are running after positions and not for genuine democratic change. It is a matter of giving and taking power in rotation with military regimes like the present one. Al-Mahdi will never lose whether in power or outside because in all cases the wealth and power and the destiny of the poor Sudanese are in their hands (Northerners). Every body knows that Al-Mahdi is the one who initiated the current tragedy and destruction in Darfur simply because he wanted power to be permanently monopolized in their hands. Changes in political and social landscape will never allow Al-Mahdi to have a landslide victory in any elections for ever. Let us wait and see.
    In order to have a true chance for genuine elections in the country, postponement of these elections is a must and inevitable.

    Silake Ali Comba

    [email protected]

  • jalabi

    Sudan opposition parties appear poised to take part in elections
    Well, northern opposition can select their candidate without any problem but with SPLM choosing their candidate here is the big problem!

    Who is SPLM going to candidate to run against Al-Bashir? Mr. Kiir?? I don’t believe so because Mr. Kiir has already chosen the south independence option and he wants to be the first new Sudan state president and he is not going to risk his career by falling against Al-Bashir, ok that’s fine but if not Mr. Kiir who is SPLM going to choose to be their candidate? Mr. Machar? I don’t think Mr. Machar will accept to be the loser and loose the vice president position in the south and more importantly, Machar wants to be the south president too, for how long he will be working as a bus ticket collector and bus driver assisstant (komsary – ??????) specially he feels he is more qualified and well educated than Mr. Kiir who is taking this position because he is Dinka.

    Dinka & Nuer will never go along with each other as both want to rule and dominate.

    Nuer are our historical ally and we will not hesitate to support them when ever they ask us.


    Sudan opposition parties appear poised to take part in elections
    Dear souhterners

    The champleon,Mr Tourabi & his in law sadig al mahdi have trap you they are NOT opposing the NCP but plan to make a preys.Belief me or not,it is true .They have agreed with the NCP to cheat the southerners to vote for Unite during referrendum in 2011.Thier self-fish is known world wide.

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