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Sudan Tribune

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Eritrean president says CIA behind war with Ethiopia

January 4, 2010 (ADDIS ABABA) – Eritrean president, Isaias Afeworki said that intelligence agencies of the United States were the main instigators of the 1998-2000 Ethiopia-Eritrea border war which claimed the lives of 70,000 people.

In an interview with the state-run TV the President on Sunday said that CIA mainly aimed at creating a crisis situation in Africa and exposes its people to animosity among one another, and thus plunders the resources of the continent, besides imposing one’s narrow interests.

“The policy of the hegemony (US) in the Horn of Africa unfolded by end of the Cold War at the time Eritrea achieved independence, Somalia was engulfed in turmoil, Sudan entered into a new political stage and Ethiopia in particular experienced new situation,” Isaias said

“In this respect, the US intelligence agencies were the main instigators of the Eritrean- Ethiopian conflict,” he added.

Recently, the UN Security Council imposed an arms embargo against Eritrea for arming, supporting and training Somalia insurgent group. However the Eritrean president once again blasted the resolution as “illegal” and “misguided”.

“Sanctions resolution against Eritrea is a manifestation of failed adventurous policies designed to victimize the nation. The allegation has no substance at all” he said adding “Eritrea has the right to extend arms political or moral support to other forces” he said.

The President accused the US intelligence agency (CIA) being the “mastermind” of the imposed sanction which he said was aimed to isolate Eritrean nationals from their people and leadership through various ploys.

“Although Ethiopia may perhaps have something to do with the sanctions, the whole affair is not basically its handwork.”

He further stressed that the sanctions resolution has “undoubtedly been masterminded by the CIA”. The imposed UN sanctions include travel ban to top military officials and also freezes their assets.



  • Samson Shawel Ambaye
    Samson Shawel Ambaye

    Eritrean president says CIA behind war with Ethiopia
    …. Ethiopia’s secret U.S.-sponsored war (2000) against Eritrea has destabilized the border region, causing untold death and despair…. Source: ProjectCensored May 2004, Author: Keith Harmon Snow

    God be with CIA and US administration for sponsoring the destruction of Shabia. The 2000 war was the eve of the giant prison and UNSC sanction against Shabia.

    Since the destruction of Shabia by the 2000 war, Ethiopians prayed for USA and the past decade was in favor of US. US won from Afghanistan to Iraq and everywhere.

    God be with CIA. God initiated CIA against Shabia because Ethiopia is His country and Shabia is a firefly. Shabias have to be eliminated like Sadam Hussein’s Party and the ports and the Red Sea have to be under controlled by US UN or EU because Shabia is using the Sea Port and the Red Sea for terrorist purposes.

  • Issa

    Eritrean president says CIA behind war with Ethiopia
    I like to challenge the above comment. How can one prays for the Shabia death and remains a happy a slave within Woyanne hand?

    The CIA/US assistant to Ethiopia is simply counterproductive as it bolsters a dictatorial regime run by a billionaire (According to the most seripous estimate Meles Effort group worths 1,2 billion USD) who is starving 20% of its country population.

    Foreign aid has always been a source of trouble in the Horn of Africa. If there were no Soviet Union, there would have no Mengistu, Ziad Barre and alike. And if there was no US support there would have been no Meles and no Issayas as well. Ethiopia does not need aid as it an extremly rich country who can feed 800 millions people are so.

    The issue is not about the scarcity of ressources but having in place a growth friendly government: enlightened and cohesive elite, democratic system, accountable institutions. ”Dead Aid” (as the Zambian Scholar Dembissa Moyo puts) it is at the heart of the problem. So let’s the rich country government keep their tax payer money for themselves!

    In another hand I found, Issayas comments short sighted. The Erythrean dictature seems to forget that the CIA/US were giving him 500 millions dollars a year in the early 1990 to feud with Sudan. This is also one more example that Aid is always a problem!

  • Time1

    Eritrean president says CIA behind war with Ethiopia
    You cannot blame the gun for murder, you have to blame the person who pulled the trigger.

  • Gerrie Lijam
    Gerrie Lijam

    Eritrean president says CIA behind war with Ethiopia
    Mr. President Issaias Afewerki,
    Thank you for a life time services to my people & my homeland.
    IN AFRICA, Issaias Afewerki is the only man who got the guts to beat powerful mortal odds, liberate, rebuild & defend his homeland.
    Does Africa have anyone else???


    Try this one,,

    John Foster Dulles
    U.S. Secretary of State
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    John Foster Dulles, As US Secretary of State, one of his first major policy shifts towards a more aggressive posture against communism, Dulles directed the CIA at this point now under the directorship of John Foster Dulles’ brother Allen Dulles, in March 1953, to draft plans to overthrow the Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran [1]. This led directly to the Coup d’état via Operation Ajax in support of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran.

    After warII, the United Nations conducted a lengthy inquiry regarding the status of Eritrea, with the superpowers each vying for a stake in the state’s future. Britain, the last administrator at the time, put forth the suggestion to partition Eritrea between Sudan and Ethiopia, separating Christians and Muslims. The idea was instantly rejected by Eritrean political parties as well as the UN.[8] The United States point of view was expressed by its then chief foreign policy advisor John Foster Dulles who said:

    “From the point of view of justice, the opinions of the Eritrean people must receive consideration. Nevertheless, the strategic interests of the United States in the Red Sea Basin and considerations of security and world peace make it necessary that the country [Eritrea] be linked with our ally, Ethiopia.”
    John Foster Dulles, 1952
    US Secretary of State.

    A UN plebiscite voted 46 to 10 to have Eritrea be federated with Ethiopia which was later stipulated on December 2, 1950 in resolution 390 (V). Eritrea would have its own parliament and administration and would be represented in what had been the Ethiopian parliament and would become the federal parliament. In 1961 the 30-year Eritrean Struggle for Independence began, following the Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I’s dissolution of the federation and shutting down of Eritrea’s parliament. The Emperor declared Eritrea the fourteenth province of Ethiopia in 1962.

    Now, What do you have to say???

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