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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM deputy sec.-general visits Wau amid nominations

January 4, 2010 (WAU) – Anne Itto, a senior official in the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), visited Western Bahr El Ghazal on Sunday to observe the nominations process that the party is undertaking in preparation for the April elections.

Anne Itto (ST)
Anne Itto (ST)
Dr. Itto, Deputy Secretary General for Southern Sudan Sector, arrived in Wau in the morning hours on Sunday and was welcomed by the electoral college term leader Cde Anisa, in the company of the governor of Warrap State, Maj-Gen Paul Malong Awan who had made a long trip to welcome Dr. Itto.

“Comrade Itto will prolong her trip to Warrap territory,” said SPLM official James Dimo.

In a five-minute press conference held in Wau airport, Dr. Itto said that she is first visiting the two states Warrap and Wau, and then will proceed to Unity State (Bentiu) so as to see “the progress of the states’ electoral colleges work over the nominations.”

Meanwhile in the brief meeting she conducted with the electoral college, she promised to work with fairness, peacefully, and democratically in order to conduct the preliminary elections.

The SPLM official also endorsed the outstanding organizing team of the electoral college which included the participation of community leaders, religious leaders, a traders representative, the women’s and youth league.

Dr. Itto pointed out that applications could be made through the state committees and any independent candidate who endorses his or her application without the powers from the state electoral college would not be recognized by the party.

She ended by noting that after January 5 it would be illegal for the electoral college to receive any incoming or outgoing candidate application forms.



  • Dr.Agany

    SPLM deputy sec.-general visits Wau amid nominations
    A very determine southern lady!! We are proud of u madam Itto!

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    SPLM deputy sec.-general visits Wau amid nominations
    You are the on the right track Dr Itto, I like that you focus far from political party criticism, it’s true that in democracy nation people should never be judge on their political party choice. It is only the votes from your people which will judge your extend of campaign and popularity. The theory conclude that, its what your country can do for you, and what you can do to your country.

    New Year Message

    Time for tribalism has gone, 2010 is not a time to generalise tribe or community instead of one person. It is time to focus on the real issue far from tribal criticism, political party criticism, leaders criticism, and very far from abuses or insults. We should also debate far from abuses of any single commenter on ST forum, to myself I want to be a man of tolerance, peace, responsbility, respect, forgiveness, love, unity and courage . It is time to get serious and work for the betterment of my nation South Sudan (New name). I didn’t change myself because of pressure or whatsoever, it could be my 2010 resolution. For now lets start new year with fresh mind and positive ideas that will improvement the managment of South Sudan, childish comments must be ignored. Some individual comment aggressively when they are defeated in debate, this spirit must be abandon. We are here to play a game ie you get defeated or you defeat others defends on the article and the extend of your debate, but don’t insult people. This is my new year message to ST viewers, contributors, pseuds, readers and editor.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLM deputy sec.-general visits Wau amid nominations
    Great Job SPLM deputy -Anne Itto.
    Is Paul Malong Awan agovernor of Warrap state?.

  • Gatwech

    SPLM deputy sec.-general visits Wau amid nominations
    Dear readers,

    The most powerful lady in the South, Dr. Ann Itto, is doing very excellent job. I hope she will always use the fair heart of ladies (some) and reject to join internal conspiracies against certain colleagues in the party. These conspiracies are always the cause of divisions in the South. She has to remain an extra-vigillant leader to keep the party united.

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