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Sudan Tribune

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Lakes nominations finalized for election – Awet not chosen for governor

By Manyang Mayom

January 12, 2010 (RUMBEK) — The Lakes State Electoral College Committee Chairman Abraham Mayen Kuc has officially announced the SPLM candidates nominated for the post of governor and for the geographical constituences in the April 2010 nationwide election. The incumbent governor, Daniel Awet Akot, was not chosen to stand for the post.

Daniel Awet Akot suprised as results of nominations process are announced in Rumbek at electoral college (photo by Manyang Mayom- ST)
Daniel Awet Akot suprised as results of nominations process are announced in Rumbek at electoral college (photo by Manyang Mayom- ST)
Nine candidates including the seated governor had been seeking the governorship. On Monday, however, the SPLM selection committee chairman announced only five candidates managed to meet the criteria required by the National Election Commission.

“We used SPLM guidelines for nominating our SPLM candidates — also popularity and the term one had spent in serving our movement were taken as factors, as well as behaviors were considered,” said Mayen Kuc.

It is now up to the SPLM Political Bureau in Juba to decide which candidate to choose to contest against the other parties in the April voting.

After the results were released at a press conferenceat Palm-tree Hotel, the present governor prevented the announcement over state government-owned Radio FM-98 and he immediately called an emergency meeting in the SPLM Secretariat Hall, whereupon all members declined to show up. Awet is SPLM chairman at the state level, elected in 2007 through formation of the SPLM congress.

The five candidates selected for consideration by the Political Bureau are:

Chol Tong Mayay – Presently the minister of Physical Infrastructure, he comes from Rumbek Central County.

David Nok Marial – Presently the deputy governor and minister of Local government and Law Enforcement Agency, he comes from Rumbek East County.

Rin Tueny Mabor – Known as Ajuong-Kuolbet, he comes from Yirol West County.

Daniel Ayual Makoi – He comes from Yirol East County.

Gordon Maper Manyiel – Presently the chairman of SPLM caucus in Lakes state parliament, he comes from Rumbek East County.

Lakes state has 29 geographical constituencies of which two are elected and one among two is made as reserve.

Maper Constituency No.1 Mr. Marik Nanga and reserve is Santion Adong

Malueth Constituency No.2 Mr. Stephen Matoc, reserve is Placido Lual Manyiny

Amongping Constituency No.3 Mr. Mading Malualyom, reserve is Peter Akuoc Ater

Jiir Constituency No.4 Mr. Zeckeria Magot, reserve is Hellena Nyibol Rin

Malek Constituency No.5 Mr. Zeckeria Puoric Matuong, reserve is Mangar Magok Mapoth

Matangai Constituency No.6 Mr. Kedit Madol Kedit, reserve is Samuel Mabor

Mayom Constituency No.7 Mr. Mabor Ater Dhal, reserve is Benjamin Makoi

Rumbek Town Constituency No.8 Mr. Abraham Makoi Bol, reserve is Agolder Alfred Mathok

Wulu Constituency No. 9 Mr. Isaac Deng Agok, reserve is Daffala Rajaf

Domoloto Constituency No. 10 Mr. Gideon Shulur, reserve is Shadrak Bol

Atiaba Constituency No. 11 Mr. Daniel Gumwel Nhomabuor, reserve is Kerthiang Machuol.

Cueicok Constituency No. 12 Mr. Samuel Mading Akol, reserve is Malou Makoi Marial

Pacong Constituency No. 13 Mr. Isaac Makur Buoc, reserve is Paul Madit Maluac

Paloc/Akot Constituency No. 14 Mr. Madhieu Makuach, reserve is Martin Mayen

Aduel Constituency No.15 Mr. Mr. Chol Kutwel Manhom, reserve is Gordon Kau Macuec.

Abang Constituency No. 16 Mr. Ater Telar Jeramiah, reserve is Thuc Deyuol Akec

Aluakluak Constituency No. 17 Mr. Marial Amuom Malek, reserve is Akec Jong Tokmac

Genggeng Constituency No. 18 Mr. Martin Mayor Acheik, reserve is Martin Anhiem Arier

Mapuordit Constituency No. 19 Mr. Andrew Acijok Yak, reserve is Joseph Maker Dit

Adior Constituency No. 20 Mr. Isaiah Alier Mashinkok, reserve is Eli Agok Ater

Pagarau Constituency No. 21 Mr. Emmanuel Deng Duop – unopposed.

Yali Constituency No. 22 Mr. Joseph Manyuat Mabor, reserve is Athian Majak Malou

Dor Constituency No.23 Mr. Nhial Enock Chahoc, reserve is Alfred Abiar Wol

Bunagok Constituency No. 24 Mr. Gabriel Mayom Garang, reserve is Lino Alony Muon.

Ngap Constituency No. 25 Mr. Jok Ayom Majak – unopposed.

Abiriu Constituency No. 26 Mr. Malek Machut Padai, reserve is Mario Deng Bol

Citcok Constituency No. 27 Mr. William Manyuon Wantok, reserve is Daniel
Machar Kuol

Pagoor Constituency No. 28 Mr. Baipath Majuice Rielpou, reserve is Joseph Maker Mathiang

Malou Pec Constituency No. 29 Mr. Martin Mayen Chutpec, reserve is Peter Mabor Dheeng.

List of provisional candidates and reserve for Legislative Assembly seats (GOSS Party List):

Mrs. Rebecca Atuet, Yirol East County

Abuk Malual, Rumbek centre

Mr. George Maker Benjamin, Rumbek East County.
Mrs. Agad Chol Mabuong, Rumbek Centre County.

List of provisional candidates and reserves for Geographical Constituency of Lakes state (GONU):

Yirol West Constituency No. 1 Mr. Johnson Jongkuc Kulang, reserve is Dr. Deng Dongrin

Rumbek Central and Rumbek North Constituency No. 2 Mr. Monyping Cheer, reserve is Simon Majur Mayuom

Yirol East and Awerial Constituency No. 3 Mr. Bullent Kot Beny – unopposed

Rumbek East and Wulu Constituency No. 4 Mr. Daniel Dhieu Matuet, reserve is Dr. Priscilla Nyanyang Kuc

Cueibet Constituency No. 5 Mr. Alembeny Maliet Riak – unopposed.

List of provisional candidates and reserve for Legislative Assembly seats (GOSS party Women List):

Monica Nyachuot, Yirol West County

Monica Ayen Maguat, Rumbek Centre County

Emelia Aluel, Cueibet County

Adhel Jok Dau, Rumbek East County

Marina Legge Martin, Rumbek East County

Agum Joseph, Yirol West County

Arieir Moranyar, Rumbek North County

List of provisional candidates and reserve for Geographical Constituency (GOSS):
Cueibet Constituency NO.1 Mr. James Aguek Dut, reserve is Dr. Amon Wantok

Rumbek North Constituency No. 2 Mr. Daniel Deng Monydit, reserve is Peter Muoranyar

Rumbek Center Constituency No. 3 Mr. Zakria Matur Makuer, reserve is Marco Chol Machech

Wulu Constituency No. 4 Mr. Simon Malual Deng, reserve is Nelson Mambolo

Rumbek East Constituency No. 5 Mr. Paul Mayom Akec, reserve is Eli Magok Manyol

Yirol West Constituency No. 6 Mr. David Deng Athorbei, reserve is Andrew

Makur Thou

Yirol East Constituency No. 7 Mr. Gordon Martot Tut, reserve is Nikernora Mager Achiek

Awerial Constituency No. 8 Mr. Paramena Awerial, reserve isaac Kon Anok

List of provisional candidates and reserve for Legislative Assembly seats part list and women list (GONU women list):

Rebecca Aluel Mayor

Susan Salomon

Debora Gordon

List of provisional candidates and reserve for Legislative Assembly seats (state women’s list)

Mrs. Mary Barnaba Akech, Yirol East County

Mrs. Mariam Paul Jibi, Awerial County

Ayen Meen Ador, Cueibet County

Veronica Umjuma Philip, Cueibet County

Angelina Nyabiliny, Yirol West County

Elizabeth Amou Paul, Rumbek East County

Adiel Maker Manhom, Rumbek Centre.

Rachael Yar Ater, Rumbek East County

Martha Atiriu Mamer, Rumbek North County

Rebecca Michael, Wulu County

Priscilla Ayor Paul, Yirol West

Victoria Deng Monydit, Rumbek Centre


Tabith Akuoc, Rumbek East County

Adak Dhieu, Rumbek East County

Angelina Mario, Awerial County

Adak Costa, Rumbek Centre County

Agum Isaac, Rumbek Centre County

Achuai Bol


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