Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan executes six people for deadly attack on policemen

January 14, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese authorities hanged Thursday six people in Kober prison in northern Khartoum for a deadly attack on a police station in Soba Aradi where 13 policemen were killed during the clashes in 2005.

Residents of Soba Aradi camp for internally displaced persons in southern Khartoum clashed with the police and military personnel after an attempt to forcefully relocate them to different areas in May 2005.

At the time police arrested hundreds of the IDPs. Seven men were originally sentenced to death on 23 November 2006 for the killing of 13 policemen.

Amnesty International denounced the hanging of the six Sudanese saying the defendants may have been forced to confess to the murders under torture, after the Supreme Court ignored repeated complaints by defence lawyers that the men were tortured and instead twice confirmed the death sentences.

Six of the defendants, Paul John Kaw, Abdelrahim Ali Al Rahama Mohamed, Idris Adam Elias, Naser El Din Mohamed Ali Kadaka, Suleiman Juma’a Awad Kambal and Badawi Hassan Ibrahim, were granted a stay of execution in early December, which expired on 6 January.

The seventh defendant, Fathi Adam Mohamed Ahmed Dahab, had his sentence reduced to a five-year prison term.



  • thieleling

    Sudan executes six people for deadly attack policemen
    Sharia law reigns Supreme in Khartoum!! One reason why divorce will come between North & south in 2011.

    Sharia & islamic fanaticism are the way of life in the North. The South doesn’t have anything to do with this savagery and stone-age justice system. The defense lawyers, the jurors, the judges, all are sworn Sharia-loving bunchs.

    What a foolery!!

  • James John
    James John

    Sudan executes six people for deadly attack on policemen
    If you’re a killer you will not change, what is next for Bashir is to wait his time to be hanged like that too.

  • joseph

    Sudan executes six people for deadly attack on policemen
    For those of you trying to tribalise this issue and use it to attack one another, please DON’T.

    One of the victims of this shameful and heinous massacre was my own younger brother. Over 3000 people were arrested in those riots and only six were found guilty of murdering 13 policemen!! Is it even possible that six unarmed civilians could fight and killed heavily armed and well trained policemen? This is a crime against humanity. It’s the discriminative way Southerners are treated in Khartoum. All that is required to convict a Southerner is a lying Witness, in this case 30 policemen came and confirmed that the boys were the killers. But if the police saw the six men killing their colleagues, how comes they stood and watched as the six men went on a killing spree? Wouldn’t they have shot them on the spot?

    The SPLM was well aware of the scenario. Mr. Arman admits that 5 of the 6 were members of SPLM. Securing the release of these innocent boys would’ve boosted SPLM’s popularity, especially since most of the victims came from areas that are not SPLM Strongholds. But SPLM showed complacency in this case. Mr. Arman in BBC admits that there was no evidence of their responsibility, but it was a little too late. They (SPLM) should’ve intervened and not let Bashir and co run the country like their backyard gardens!

    May God rest the souls of these victims in peace. Blood of the innocent will redeem itself. RIP Dear Brothers! Your spirit will live on. Your innocent blood will surely avenge itself. Your names will never be forgotten, both within your families, and among your friends.

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