Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

GOSS minister of transport inspects seven bridges on Juba-Nimule trunk road

By Richard Ruati

January 18, 2010 (JUBA) – Government of Southern Sudan Minister of Transport and Roads, Mr. Anthony Lino Makana, has toured recently constructed concrete new bridges on the Juba-Nimule road.

Minister Anthony Lino Makana, inspecting one of the  new bridges on the Juba-Nimule road (photo R. Ruati)
Minister Anthony Lino Makana, inspecting one of the new bridges on the Juba-Nimule road (photo R. Ruati)
The inspection started at the former garrison town of Nimule at the border of Uganda.

The seven newly constructed bridges have been implemented with the assistance of the American People through United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in cooperation with the Government of southern Sudan, Ministry of Transport and Roads.

The Louis Berger Group Inc, through its subcontractor Terrain Services Ltd, under the Sudan Infrastructure Services Project (SISP) implemented the project on behalf of Ministry of Transport and Roads.

Speaking at the edge of one of the bridges the minister hailed the “perfection of the seven bridges and extended his appreciation to the American people and USAID Sudan.”

“This is a significant move on the bridges/road to creating the quick economic recovery that we need — or that we’re losing now — as well as building the foundation for a strong economy” in the years to come, the minister stressed.

He added that, “[I] am marveled with the tremendous work done on the bridges, indeed the bridges (will) sustain development and trade between south Sudan and East African for 99 years life span.” No more worries of bad bridges between Nimule and Juba.

As we drove pass many the business trading centers along the Juba-Nimule road the beneficiaries hailed the concrete bridges. At nearby we could see rusted metals of the destroyed bridges that have been reconstructed.

At Mbumbu bridge the biggest just at the outskirt of Nimule, a former garrison town of then SPLA rebels, Gabriel Makur, Director of Roads and Bridges, himself a SPLA officer at rank of Major still holds the memorabilia of the bridge which witnessed the deadliest battle between north and South forces in 1994 leaving the bridge in ruins.

“I am happy that, the destroyed bridge has been given rebirth, Makur said nodding his head.

As the Sudanese people reconnects with the seven bridges, Makur reveals that, “these are few of the 375 bridges in southern Sudan assessed in 2007, and the number has increased to 400 with new feeder roads coming up.”

Consequently Kit shops are coming up, adjacent the concrete bridges a local five star hotel named after US President (Obama Pentagon) is already functioning, “for all services and refreshments”, the sign post welcomes travelers.

A local shop owner, William Nyungura whose shop faces the bridges says “the construction of Kit Bridge rivulet has transcended local business; we feed and quench the thirsty of travelers.”

“Traveling in the blistering heat, the first official business of the New Year started on a high note for the Sudanese people with the finishing of the seven bridges, the Minister said.



  • Abyei

    GOSS minister of transport inspects seven bridges on Juba-Nimule trunk road
    Hi Southern Sudanese
    bravo bravo Anthony Lino for making southern Smarter than before! Keep it up!!

  • Wed Deng
    Wed Deng

    GOSS minister of transport inspects seven bridges on Juba-Nimule trunk road
    It’s great news coming from sudan tribune since the minister is appointed.
    Now I think he will not end from there making other bridges in southgern sudan, very soon he will reach to the side going to the other states.

    Thanks Mr.minister and may God our creator keep
    you a live for numberous years.

  • Time1

    GOSS minister of transport inspects seven bridges on Juba-Nimule trunk road
    Year of development and big achievements in Sudan, everyone should join in for mitual benefits.

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