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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Over 75 W. Equatorian injured in protest crackdown

By Richard Ruati

January 22, 2010 (YAMBIO) – At least 80 protesters were injured in a police crackdown on peaceful demonstrators in Yambio town two days after the town marked the 5th anniversary of CPA, 20 of the protesters have been carried to Yambio hospital in critical conditions.

Twice that number has been arrested and some parents are still looking for their children.

The crackdown was sparked by disgruntled students who had rioted in demand of their money promised by the state Government. The students claim to have engaged by the state government to perform carnivals and services during CPA day.

The students’ riot drew some 500 students to the soccer stadium, with rioters chanting “We want transparency and our money.”

The shootings took place as hundreds students gathered in the capital for their labor-based incentives and voice their anger at the government.

One student who spoke on conditions of anonymity said, the state Government promised to pay 200SDG (Sudanese Pounds), “to our surprise the state authorities decided to pay us 30 SDG.”

Religious Leaders, Civil Societies and Traditional Leaders have condemned what they call “brutal crack down on innocent students who demanded their rights in a constitutional manner.”

Eye witnesses say, “Children aged 7 and pregnant were beaten to coma with clubs, with more women shot on their legs, bellies and waists.

Under unknown order, the security force beat anybody whom they could see on the road and entered houses demanded for guns and forensic searches in all the beddings.

One school student was reported shot on his noise, as he tried to hide from the SPLA Camandos.

Mystery remains on who might have ordered Army to deal with civilians in such a horrible manner.

It was reported that an elderly man the victims that after being shot in the forehead at a crossroads in Yambio town centre. Many others were said to have been shot nearby at Masia areas en-route to Nzara.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune via telephone link up, Deputy Governor Col Joseph said, “the students were simply organized to perform CPA Carnivals during the CPA occasion, State Government and GOSS did not promise any money to students.”

“We as State Government [we] condemn the army crackdown and destructions caused by the Army which was not under orders of the state security apparatus.”

Ngere said that policemen and students have been injured during riots that took place in Yambio town today, adding that properties were also damaged. However, Ngere told Yambio FM that there was no official confirmation of any deaths.

The riots were prompted by students who were demanding payment in return for their performance in celebrations marking the fifth anniversary of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

Joseph Ngere said that “the students were not promised to receive incentives in return for their performance in the event”.

He furthermore said “the state authority has formed investigation committee to investigate both the cause of Students riots and the military intervention by Armed forces.”

Until now Col Joseph Ngere remains as the Chairperson of State Level Committee for the 5th anniversary held in Yambio.

However, state government loyalists are privately linking the students’ demands to have bee politically motivated.

“Where on earth a sitting government convince our sons and daughters to perform for them and in the result they shoot at our kids”? Asks Gabriel Mbiko whose son is lying in gun shots at the Yambio Civil Hospital.

However unconfirmed from eyewitness say two people have died during the anti protesters shootings.

Observers monitoring events on the ground say, the authorities are taking a risk in using lethal force against protesters as elections are at the corner, during which war and bloodshed is deemed to be politically harm, or forbidden. It raises the likelihood of a series of mourning cycles, as required by communities’ tradition.

Widespread condemnation and blame

The civil crackdown has received widespread condemnation from the general public.

“LRA have defeated these soldiers who they were supposed to be chasing after as they are doing now in every house to house, this question remains un answerable to the current leaders in WES, this also should open our eyes and we need to know who to vote at this point to avoid such incident, we have encountered a lot of death in the past year from LRA on Civilians only and there is no answer from the leaders yet they have started the same in this new year, please it is time to for those of us who have eyes to see, ears to hear and lessons to learn, do we still need to be treated the same way or we need leaders. Who can work for us rather then leaders we work for and yet they do not recognize our efforts,” said Romano.

If the information I am reading and hearing is true, then these forces lack professionalism because why on earth would they beat old women and a seven year old child? The gains and scores that the State had earned from us during the CPA have been tinted badly, said Manase Zindo.

He added that, “My heartfelt condolence goes to the bereaved family and my sympathy goes to those who have been hospitalized as a result of the beating and assault. What a brutal force the SPLA and the police in South Sudan is made of.”

“I am ashamed of the turn of events in Yambio today and demand that the State government issue satisfactory statement. The news that the deputy Governor went on radio telling people to calm down is not enough. He needs to tell us why the SPLA was allowed to quell a peaceful demonstration while the police force is there.”



  • paulos berhe
    paulos berhe

    Over 75 W. Equatorian injured in protest crackdown
    very sad who is the resposible person for the students ? why the choise the celebration day? spla why the shoot a civel people in town while a lot of LRA suffering our people in jungel. this is a heart breaking news

  • jack chuol
    jack chuol

    Over 75 W. Equatorian injured in protest crackdown
    Very bad news. May Almighty God bless those who were injured. Somebody mislead them for his/her political issuse or for his interest,I am sorry.

    SPLM/A who is in charges of that force must be arrested.

  • James John
    James John

    Over 75 W. Equatorian injured in protest crackdown
    that is why people should vote for other parties than SPLA. Ther lair, They should give respect to the citizen. SO ma Dear citizen don’t vote for Dinka government that is they’re system of talking false.

  • Daniel Hope
    Daniel Hope

    Over 75 W. Equatorian injured in protest crackdown
    It hurt me to hear young folk of tomorrow geting hurt like that. may lord heal those who injured.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Over 75 W. Equatorian injured in protest crackdown
    Failure of GOSS and their governor in WES, police force would have brought the insecurity under control. Where is the government of South Sudan in WES? I would like CES and EES governor to send more temporary police force into our devastating state of WES, they must be helped before the worse erupt. This simple issue must be brought under control if GOSS could be serious. WES people are poor like the rest of Greater Equatoria states in terms of owning weapons, they rely on arrows and bows which is very easy for police to settle the problems. Peace and unity matters. Let GOSS act before it leads to lose of lives. I also request the three identical state of EES, CES and WES itself to deal with the issue by importing more capbale police into the area.

    New Year Message continuous to inspire

    Time for tribalism has gone, its new year 2010 which is not a time to generalise tribe or community instead of one person. It is time to focus on the real issue far from tribal criticism, political party criticism, leaders criticism, and very far from abuses or insults. We should also debate far from abuses of any single commenter on ST forum, to myself I want to be a man of tolerance, peace, responsbility, respect, forgiveness, love, unity and courage . It is time to get serious and work for the betterment of my nation South Sudan Democratic Republic of Victoria, South Sudan should be call Victoria, because the long struggle is victory, CPA is victory, South Sudan liberation is victory, our insecurity will be a victory, election and referrendom are potential victories. South Sudan future source of hydro electricity power is White nile which has its source at Lake Victoria, unqestionable the name fits.

    I didn’t change myself because of pressure or whatsoever, it could be my 2010 resolution. Brave man conquers the fear like I did previously. However I come to realised that, I am not truly free if I am taking away and abusing someone else’s freedom of expression and speech, just as I am not free when my freedom is taken from me and been abused. This is why I finally come to reason that, me and the rest of concern Southerns will transformed South Sudan into a country that is not comfortable place for those who opposed to democracy, parliamentary law, parliamentary debate, independent and fair courts. For now lets start new year with fresh mind and positive ideas that will improvement the managment of South Sudan, childish comments must be ignored. Some individual comment aggressively when they are defeated in debate, this spirit must be abandon. We are here to play a game ie you get defeated or you defeat others defends on the article and the extend of your debate, but don’t insult people. This is my new year inspiring message to ST viewers, contributors, pseuds, readers and editor. Finally if you come across a mistake or opposing view, please address it with dignity.

    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

  • joseph kuir
    joseph kuir

    Over 75 W. Equatorian injured in protest crackdown
    This is bad motivation said be done to those victim children,the State Authority shoul not give forthpromise to those students which result to that consequency ,this is fisrt time in my live to hear that celeberations are payable rather than to respect your Heros grandefathers, Fathers,Brothers and Sisters whom are to been killed in 50 years of War ,it is very ashameful thinking of those who want to take over the Government or want Omer El Bashir to remain in powers so there will be no the Independent of southern sudan ,that is imposible for those ones like or not our South is coming back with 50 precent to form 100 precent that where those students will get their promise in 6th Univasery if constitutional to celiberate your enjoyment by paying your self.otherwise those people are to be investigated thoroughly with out maalesh to reveal what they have planed with Omer El Bashir who just convenced polish majority in Yambio.

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Over 75 W. Equatorian injured in protest crackdown
    This is exactly the somalization of South Sudan Dr. Lam Akol warned the Southerners to avoid by voting out the current weak SPLM government in the GoSS and all states of South Sudan. How can you moblize your own people to celebrate the CPA but at the following day you kill and injure them brutally and leave them with bitter griefs. Surely, something is greatly wrong in South Sudan under Kiir’s failed leadership.

    My the Souls of deceased rest in peace and may those who got injured get healed soon. My condolence to the bereaved families and friends. With all the tears, God shall save South Sudan from evil leaders in near future!!!!

  • Time1

    Over 75 W. Equatorian injured in protest crackdown
    I think this is a big lesson to western equatoria authorities, they have to understand that there isnothing for free, e ven volunteers get paid or offered some insentives for hteir services and time spent, you cannot expect students and singers to come and perform for free, how do you think they will get transport money, they need to eat, they need to dress and practise, how can all this effort be for free? thi is a shame the authorities failed to give something to the those who put alot of effort to make the CPA celebration a success and one of the most entertaining in CPA short history. WES government should listen to the greveiences of those who complain and give them something even if just symbolic like $100 dollar each, so they will know that the government appreciate their efforts to participate in the CPA celebration.

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