Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Nuer Youth depolore unrepresentative recruitment of South Sudan diplomats

Nuer Youth Association Condemned the Deployment and Recruitment of the Ministry of Regional Cooperation.

Immediate Public Release

Nuer Youth Association in Juba

January, 27, 2010We, the representatives of the Nuer Youth Association, are dismayed and shocked by the unrepresentative deployment and recruitment of the GOSS diplomats in the Ministry of Regional Cooperation. The entire Nuer community is deeply disturbed by the anti-Nuer policies employed in the Ministry for the last five years. Our community has noted that Nuers are being discriminated against within the Ministry as follows:

1. The ministry of Regional Cooperation has, for the last five years, been underrepresenting the Nuers in its hiring and deployment in overseas offices. Although sizable qualified Nuers applied for jobs within the Ministry, less than 0.2% of those applications were accepted for reasons outside the legal requirements and rules of the Ministry. This is a blatant violation of interim constitution of Southern Sudan.

2. It is noted that, in its most recent hiring and deployment of 70 GOSS diplomats abroad, there is no single officer from the Nuer tribe, no other tribes from Western Equatoria, Western Bahr el Ghazal State, Central Equatoria and other small tribes from Greater Upper Nile.

3. The way the MRC selected diplomats in the deployment of 2010 left a lot of questions unanswered, particularly the deployment of incompetent candidates who do not have educational backgrounds to do the job as required by the rules of the Ministry. The Ministry of Regional Cooperation seems to be the only institution which practices nepotism in hiring contrary to the diplomatic practice known to the rest of the World where ethnic diversity is taken into account.

4. From the list of 2010 deployment, it appears that there is no single Nuer appointed to serve in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Congo and Egypt.

5. We also note, with concern, the mounting corruption in the Ministry of Regional Cooperation in all its forms. There is no question that dangerous form of tribalism is being practiced in the way diplomats are being recruited and this will eat away the little resources available to the people of Southern Sudan when the Ministry recruited people who cannot do the diplomatic work for South Sudan in the last year of the transitional period.

6. A diplomatic service is the backbone of any government all over the World and that is why diplomats should be recruited by taking into account qualifications, merits and ethnic diversity. It is disturbing to note that the diplomatic service in the GOSS does not observe this cardinal principle. Without a qualified and diversified diplomats, work cannot be done.

7. The 2010 deployment of diplomats revealed a shocking statistic because it is now clear that 90 % of the positions were allocated to fewer than two ethnic groups. South Sudan is a territory which has more than sixty three identifiable groups and yet the recruitment of 2010 failed to reflect the ethnic diversity of the South.

We call up on the Minister of Regional Cooperation, 1st Lt. General Oyai Deng Ajak to reverse the recent deployment and recruitment of GoSS diplomats.

We appreciate Lt. General Oyai Deng Ajak for trying his best to transform the Ministry of Regional Cooperation into a Ministry of all ethnic groups in Southern Sudan. Since his appointment as a Minister last year, he has been observed to draft rules which may change the trend of nepotism and corruption which bedevilled the Ministry for quiet a while.

For further contact:
Nuer Youth Association
Juba, South Sudan
Email:[email protected]


  • The Best Generation
    The Best Generation

    Nuer Youth depolore unrepresentative recruitment of South Sudan diplomats
    This is very good to hear from the youth,

    Fiture and posterity never forgive those who keep quite in the face of deterioting issues like this one.

    Goss seems too deformed to be reformed mainly because the people kept quite as sheep led to be slaughtered. The best case is the rejection of recruiting Nuer students to Sudan University mainly because they are the majority educated returnees from Ethiopia. Prompting the Ministry of Education,Science and Technology of Goss to issue rejection of certificates from Ethiopia while accepting unidentified certificates from Uganda, without the bearer’s photo graph on. Plus unequal distribution of international scholarships to all tribe’s young people.

    Young People have been patient beyon ken, it will be better resolve this before it is too late. What you guys are doing today will be nothing but will permeat till thousands of generations of yours. Southerners will make sure that you are repaid for what you are doing,we can’t wait for referendum,see what will happen,next recruitment,if you don’t change your tribalism policies. Every body will make sure that,they puyshed the tribalis headed individual away from the sytem.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Nuer Youth depolore unrepresentative recruitment of South Sudan diplomats
    These Nuer students must choose to obey the law or defect from SPLM.
    Shut up!

  • Oliha Charles Dickens
    Oliha Charles Dickens

    Nuer Youth depolore unrepresentative recruitment of South Sudan diplomats
    My beloved countrymen (Nuer), bravo for saying it out! The press has been always an adventure in the recent years and has made it for each one of us to become analyst[s] of events as they shone/ exposed per se “the Ministry of Regional Cooperation”, among other government ministries witnesses this year what your community labelled perhaps “The unrepresentative deployment and recruitment of the GOSS diplomats in the Ministry of Regional Cooperation”, and mission abroad”

    As a fellow Sudanese, I believe in what you said, but with a diverse opinion, it’s ridiculous or maiming to jump into conclusion of not having your diplomats on board as far as overseas’ deployment is concerned.

    I would love to have the Nuer Community to identify from the list below whether their tribe -mates.

    List of Deployed Staff
    S/N Name Title Country
    1 John Andruka Duku PLO Uganda
    2 Mary Francis Babodo D/PLO/Admin & Fin. DRC
    3 Ruben Marial Benjamin D/PLO Egypt & AL
    4 Akol Kong Monyjok Political Affairs Egypt
    5 Kuel Aguer Kuel Political Affairs Eritea
    6 Aker Deng Majok Information/Doc Egypt
    7 Akobo John Nyibil Protocol & PR Ethiopia
    8 Gaak Garang de Mabior Information & Doc Kenya
    9 Sisto Paulino Lado Information Eritrea
    10 Teresa Peter Lul Lem Protocol & PR Eritrea

    S/N Name Title Country
    1 Michael Majok Ayom PLO Kenya
    2 Hamilton Michael Lugor D/PLO/Admin & Fin. Kenya
    3 Sara Victor Bol D/PLO/Admin & Fin. Uganda
    4 Doris Makur Athorbi Political Affairs Ethiopia
    5 Josephine Naumba Political Affairs Kenya
    6 Linda Joseph Bol Protocol & PR Ethiopia
    7 Yel Kameg Boul Protocol & PR Egypt & AL
    8 Ador Akok Athuai Political Affairs Uganda
    9 William Wani Ruben Cult/Com Affairs Uganda
    10 Pamela Albert Bambu Protocol & PR Uganda

    S/N Name Title Country

    1 Jago Arop Yor D/PLO South Africa
    2 John Jongjok Atem Anyar Information Uganda
    3 John Jongkuc Atem Information & Docu. Uganda
    4 Simon Ngor Ngor Protocol & PR DRC
    5 Stella Brenda Lorika Information/Doc DRC
    6 Dut Gabriel Madit Protocol and PR DRC
    7 Mark Oliga Yanga Information & PR DRC
    8 Ajing Deng Ajing Protocol & PR South Africa
    9 Simon Pecch Biliw Cult/Comm. Affairs South Africa
    10 Boutros Thok Deng Political Affairs Zimbabwe
    11 Enoch D. Awejok Protocol & PR

    S/N Name Title Country
    1 Garang Granag Diing D/PLO. Admin & Fin Zimbabwe
    2 Amot Frncis Wol Cult/Comm. Affairs Zimbabwe
    3 Fiona A. Jimmy Wongo Protocol & PR Zimbabwe
    4 Anthonio Dak Mayeny Information/Doc Zimbabwe
    5 Savia Minga Henry Information/Doc Nigeria
    6 Lucia Lawrance Ojwok Protocol and PR Nigeria
    7 Akok Manyuot Political Affairs Nigeria
    8 Chol Garang de Mabior Protocol & PR Nigeria
    9 Linda Akuot Martin Information/Doc UK
    10 Adhieu Elizabeth Yaak Protocol & PR UK
    11 Agnes A. O. Oswaha Cult. Com Affairs USA
    S/N Name Title Country
    1 Daniel Akwoch Diing D/PLO Nigeria
    2 Ayen Chol Dau Protocol & PR Belgium & EU
    3 Rebeccah Andrew Information & Docu. Belgium & EU
    4 Awor Michael Deng Protocol & PR Norway
    5 Regina N. Nathaniel D/PLO/Admin & Fin. Norway
    6 Walter Lojino Lodwa Political Affairs Norway
    7 Kuir Auer Manyiel Cult/Comm Norway
    8 James Kur Mourwel Information/Doc Norway
    9 Nyamac William Information/Doc Canada
    10 Dr. Jwothab Amum Ajak D/PLO. Admin & Fin. Australia
    11 Deer Marial Takping Information/Doc Australia

    I may sound like an idiot when saying lack of competent dip within the ministry is relevant for the deployment. Besides, as an individual its not surprising but rather tormenting to divulge in absurdity and hatred towards words such as [Tribalisms, Anti- plus all the vices in human life]. I am from Eastern Equatoria [Otuho] but never felt cheated for having no single person in the list because may be our fellows/ comrades think the people not within the list are incompetent. which is not the truth at all!!! I will therefore, cant’t buy your Idea of being not represented.

    Good luck in your endeavour to make this reversed.

  • Khent

    Nuer Youth depolore unrepresentative recruitment of South Sudan diplomats
    This article is well written, persuasive and speaks to the issue of the rampant tribalism that is afflicting South Sudan as a Nation-State- in waiting.

  • Atenymaker

    Nuer Youth depolore unrepresentative recruitment of South Sudan diplomats
    it has been long when many of us stopped commencing on this website. Axpecting that the triblism was fuel by Arab agents who have S.Sudanese influncial norms.
    We Nuers are jelious ever created on this world. If not why complained about ourselves and leave the other affected S.Sudanese community? The so called NYA needs spactrum on the political quo and face the law.
    The Nuer quest for more rights is compounded by the ever scarce resources in some of their areas such as the Lou. When it is dry season in Lou the human and the animals both suffer. They migrate to water points. Once there it is time to claim ownership and rights. That is one reason why there is much fighting at cattle camps. Water and grazing are the main resources that cause big problems between Nuer and Anyuak at Akobo also. Getting the chance to drink water and graze the cattle led to claims of unlimited rights. The Nuer fought hard to the point of claiming Akobo today just because of getting access to drink water in the first place. The Anyuak reaction to this is what the Nuer call hatred. At the border of Gambella, the Nuer do not seek water or grass. It is simply a lust to move to have new lands and experience the unknown regardless of consequences. Here again there is resistance. The Nuer call it hatred.
    The exodus of Nuer into Ethiopia as refugees and simple wanderers has been because of the civil war in the Sudan. This gave a big chance for the Nuer to exert unlimited rights to the point that they do not want to return to Sudan or back to the borders where they actually lived before the war. Refugees proper are in the camps, registered and monitored. They will return to Sudan in the ongoing repatriation process. There are those in the middle, the wanderers, who are neither refugees nor Ethiopian, but do not want to go away. They are claiming the right to live anywhere because land belongs to God. The Nuer who think they are Ethiopian are found in Lare and Jikou enjoying the local government. The wanderers are not accepted at Lare or Jikou. These are the trouble makers who ran away from blood feuds and now want to hide around the Anyuak villages with their guns. Yet they do not stay like people hiding from trouble. They kill the Anyuak because it is a right to live here. They exercise the unlimited rights and there should not be an opposition to it. There is an assumption that some if not all were sleeping cells of recruits of Thwath Pal waiting to strike Gambella when the time arrives.

    Can we reverse and live in harmony,peace,prosperity?

    Gatluak gatnyiel
    Man of facts

  • Atenymaker

    Nuer Youth depolore unrepresentative recruitment of South Sudan diplomats
    it has been long when many of us stopped commencing on this website. Axpecting that the triblism was fuel by Arab agents who have S.Sudanese influncial norms.
    We Nuers are jelious ever created on this world. If not why complained about ourselves and leave the other affected S.Sudanese community? The so called NYA needs spactrum on the political quo and face the law.
    The Nuer quest for more rights is compounded by the ever scarce resources in some of their areas such as the Lou. When it is dry season in Lou the human and the animals both suffer. They migrate to water points. Once there it is time to claim ownership and rights. That is one reason why there is much fighting at cattle camps. Water and grazing are the main resources that cause big problems between Nuer and Anyuak at Akobo also. Getting the chance to drink water and graze the cattle led to claims of unlimited rights. The Nuer fought hard to the point of claiming Akobo today just because of getting access to drink water in the first place. The Anyuak reaction to this is what the Nuer call hatred. At the border of Gambella, the Nuer do not seek water or grass. It is simply a lust to move to have new lands and experience the unknown regardless of consequences. Here again there is resistance. The Nuer call it hatred.
    The exodus of Nuer into Ethiopia as refugees and simple wanderers has been because of the civil war in the Sudan. This gave a big chance for the Nuer to exert unlimited rights to the point that they do not want to return to Sudan or back to the borders where they actually lived before the war. Refugees proper are in the camps, registered and monitored. They will return to Sudan in the ongoing repatriation process. There are those in the middle, the wanderers, who are neither refugees nor Ethiopian, but do not want to go away. They are claiming the right to live anywhere because land belongs to God. The Nuer who think they are Ethiopian are found in Lare and Jikou enjoying the local government. The wanderers are not accepted at Lare or Jikou. These are the trouble makers who ran away from blood feuds and now want to hide around the Anyuak villages with their guns. Yet they do not stay like people hiding from trouble. They kill the Anyuak because it is a right to live here. They exercise the unlimited rights and there should not be an opposition to it. There is an assumption that some if not all were sleeping cells of recruits of Thwath Pal waiting to strike Gambella when the time arrives.

    Can we reverse and live in harmony,peace,prosperity?


    Gatluak Gatnyiel

    Man of facts

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