Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Soldiers gun down one pastoralist in Yirol West

By Manyang Mayom

January 29, 2010 (RUMBEK) – A pastoralist bragging about his bull was shot dead on Thursday evening in Yirol West County of Lakes state by two soldiers of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).

The shooting occurred inside the town center’s market near a local lodge called Green View Hotel. According to an eyewitness, the pastoralist man was moving with his black stick praising his bull and the soldiers — two bodyguards belonging to Lt-Col Ngeth Job — came cross him and they ordered him to lay down the stick. But the man refused to lay down his stick. Thereupon, the two soldiers decided to shoot him in the chest and immediately the pastoralist died on the spot.

The deceased belonged to Pan-Angony of Luac (Atuot) section.

County Commissioner Agok Manyiel Dhieu confirmed that the incident happened at 6 p.m. inside Yirol West County market. He added that two bodyguards opened fire and shot dead one civilian over a row about laying down the stick. “These two soldiers are creating the same like what had happened on January 28, 2010 in Akot just by shooting at civilians without reasonable (cause),” he said.

The town is under curfew now from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. because cattle keepers were attempting to attack the SPLA barrack, seeking immediate revenge. “But I have spoken to all cattle keepers youth to stop feelings of revenge and I ensured them that the law will follow up this case,” said Commissioner Agok Manyiel Dhieu.

Lt-Col. Ngeth Job is a son of Yirol East County and is staying in Yirol West County on a private visit — both he and his two bodyguards who carried out the shooting are under arrest now in Yirol West County in SPLA military barrack, said the commissioner.

An initial investigation by county police suggested that Lt-Col Ngeth Job is not a member of the disarmament team garrisoned in Lakes state.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Soldiers gun down one pastoralist in Yirol West
    These two soldiers must be shot dead indeed.
    Why now they short innocent person who was happy with his black Bull.
    I was so sad for the death of this peaceful gentleman. He has nothing to do with the stick if those soldiers knows how you sing after your bull. This incident is like you short someone on the stage while dancing in the wedding ceremony or any other respected celebration.

    These two soldiers must be fire on squart if the incident was true.
    Stick is for dancing it is not for killing.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Soldiers gun down one pastoralist in Yirol West
    This is a very interesting issue. ladies and gentlement, the problem in South should never be blame on civilian, this is why I always blame GOSS leadership in every single matter. GOSS has poorly ruin our image and way of moving forward. This is an example of undiscipline soldiers who are still bringing the wild behaviours from bush to democratic progress. Civilian have rights to praise SPLA for the long struggle, it is their pride to single the name of SPLA wherever and whenever. Althought the article lack more information to the root cause of that incidence, I would still support the victim. It is uncivilise to shot unarmed individual, even if he insult you still you wouldn’t shot him. Shame on GOSS and his cockroach for such attempt.

    New Year Message continuous to inspire

    Time for tribalism has gone, its new year 2010 which is not a time to generalise tribe or community instead of one person. It is time to focus on the real issue far from tribal criticism, political party criticism, leaders criticism, and very far from abuses or insults. We should also debate far from abuses of any single commenter on ST forum, to myself I want to be a man of tolerance, peace, responsbility, respect, forgiveness, love, unity and courage . It is time to get serious and work for the betterment of my nation South Sudan Democratic Republic of Victoria, South Sudan should be call Victoria, because the long struggle is victory, CPA is victory, South Sudan liberation is victory, our insecurity will be a victory, election and referrendom are potential victories. South Sudan future source of hydro electricity power is White nile which has its source at Lake Victoria, unqestionable the name fits.

    I didn’t change myself because of pressure or whatsoever, it could be my 2010 resolution. Sometimes you don’t expect the public to pay their attention on you.Brave man conquers the fear like I did previously. However I come to realised that, I am not truly free if I am taking away and abusing someone else’s freedom of expression and speech, just as I am not free when my freedom is taken from me and been abused. This is why I finally come to reason that, me and the rest of concern Southerns will transformed South Sudan into a country that is not comfortable place for those who opposed to democracy, parliamentary law, parliamentary debate, independent and fair courts. For now lets start new year with fresh mind and positive ideas that will improvement the managment of South Sudan, childish comments must be ignored. Some individual comment aggressively when they are defeated in debate, this spirit must be abandon. We are here to play a game ie you get defeated or you defeat others defends on the article and the extend of your debate, but don’t insult people. This is my new year inspiring message to ST viewers, contributors, pseuds, readers and editor. Finally if you come across a mistake or opposing view, please address it with dignity.

    Equatorians Famous Big_Logic_Boy, finaly day for new message

  • maumau

    Soldiers gun down one pastoralist in Yirol West
    This is rediculous and unaccepted. Soldiers shooting civilian in the marked!!!. Killing these soldiers on firing squarde will not solve the problem but training and constant capacity building are the only long term solutions. Marshel laws have been established in SPLA, it must take action. Some times we blame the NCP for insecurity in the South, what can we say about this incident?. Are these soldiers traumatized, stressed or they simply don`t respect human value.


  • ayuairech

    Soldiers gun down one pastoralist in Yirol West
    very painful tactics waged on inocent civillians by these two soldiers , there was nothing wrong with a pastrolist passing in the town while praising his bull and spla soldiers who fought for more than two decades against arabs .civillians deserve respect because of the crucial contribution and role that they have played during the war.spla soldiers and police department in south sudan need to be given a short term training on how to handle civillians and to avoid any unnecessary beating of civillians before their verdict is approved by the law.

  • monyjang

    Soldiers gun down one pastoralist in Yirol West
    Manyiel Awet and his father Corruptions in Lakes State

    Mr manyiel, the father you claim to be a good leader is not a leader, he is a mad man who was traumatise in the battle of Amook Rual . since then he was not in his sound mind person and is proven by the fact that he catch the chicken every morning and hold it around on his head three times before he go out of his house. He is crazy and need to approach a psychiatrist to counsel him for his madness.
    When Daniel was an interior Minister in 2006, he recommended thirty (30) people from Cueibet by the name Mayath. These thirty people do not exist, he just made up Ghost names to get paid for and Nyidhuor Dau was Col. leading these ghost names. Its seem to be corruption done by the man you claim to be a good leader in Lakes State and Agaar community are just jealous of his successes.
    Also in 2006, Awet told Captain Mayek Mathik that you must not go to my house, there are thirty people already in my house and I don’t want one more person to make it thirty one. In fact this person was his in-law and Daniel denied him going to his house because he could not afford to accommodate one more person. How can you claim such a person to be a good leader? Awet is not a leader rather than an old man who counted his visitors of Cueibet and could not afford accommodation of just one more person. Mr Manyiel, these are just few points that has shown your father is not a leader, he is a mad man who cannot afford to even manage his own family not the whole Lakes State community you claimed to be well look after by your father.
    Awet and Corruption.
    Mr. Manyiel, let now go to the worse chapter of your father. First, I congratulate your father for his corruption which has earned you a house of $4 million in NSW Sydney and I know you must be very proud of your corrupt dad. As you know in this Country, you can get such a luxury house after a long time of hard work and you must thank your dad for the property you have earn without being sweat.
    Daniel was given 60,000 USD to improve roads within the town of Rumbek and instead of doing the project of the road the money was given for, Daniel change the project from road to Demolition and just use $60,000 for his personal expenses. This was the first failure of the man you are claiming Agaar Community are jealous of his successes.
    Second to that, some individuals’ members of Agaar Community brought their own private companies and these private companies have to pay 60% taxes to SPLM Party. These companies paid 33 million Sudanese Pounds equivalent to 15million USD. Again your father quickly made a decision to transfer money to his family in Australia by which you are now enjoying such a luxury home of no pain to you at all.
    Thirdly, your father stolen 30 cows from Agaar community and headed to Eastern Lakes State Yirol. These cows were confiscated by Deng Athorbey and he eventually got away with these cows.
    Fourth in December 2007, you Manyiel and other members of Daniel Awet family had a trip to Sudan. When you arrived Rumbek, your father did not realise that you are his family and welcome you in his own expenses. Instead, he straight away went to the department of Taxation and collected the available cash for the day for your welcoming. Being a governor does not mean you can use public money to welcome the visitors of your own expenses. Your fathers use Lakes State money because he cannot afford your welcoming on his own.
    In march 2007, Daniel was suppose to informed the public that your outdated money is to be deposited back in the bank in exchange for new currency. Unfortunately your father was damn enough to understand the value of money that it can be recycling for future use. What he did was an announcement that any member of the public who is holding the old Sudanese Pound currency should come to Rumbek square centre. The public were excited for announcement they thought that their old currency will be exchange by the Government for new currency. In presence of the public Daniel set the fire and deposited the money on fire instead of the Bank. One man from Wulu community had died from heart attack due to the result of his money being burn. Thank God that your father is in Sudan where there are some people above the Law. Your father would have been charge for the death of that man if the legal system were in place. These are just the few points I want to mention, but the failures of your father can even make up a whole book. Your father is clearly not a leader rather than a mad man who need a counselling.
    Finally, I am not blaming you Mr. Manyiel I know how sad you are to lose a corrupt man like Daniel Awet in power. This position of Governorship is the post your father would have died without achieving and I highly advise you Mr Manyiel to approach a group of Counsellors’ for counselling as you are nearly to put on the shoes of your father madness.
    Mr. Manyiel thanks God that you have shown your true colour at your age and Agaar community will take notice of it. You will read even more about your family next time.

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