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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Taha in Juba to discuss elections with SPLM leadership

By James Gatdet Dak

January 31, 2010 (JUBA) – The 2nd Vice President of the Republic of Sudan and Deputy Chairperson of the dominant National Congress Party (NCP), Ali Osman Mohamed Taha arrived Juba on Sunday to discuss with the SPLM leadership issues to do with the upcoming April elections in the country.

Sudan 2nd  Vice President Ali Osman Taha (L) and South Sudan President Salva Kiir (R) in Juba, January 31, 2010 (SUNA)
Sudan 2nd Vice President Ali Osman Taha (L) and South Sudan President Salva Kiir (R) in Juba, January 31, 2010 (SUNA)
Taha immediately after his arrival held a closed door meeting with the First Vice President of the Republic and Chairperson of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), Salva Kiir Mayardit and the Southern Sudan Vice President and SPLM’s Deputy Chairperson, Riek Machar.

It was widely expected that the meeting would discuss the request by the NCP which urged the SPLM to withdraw its candidate for the position of the President of the Republic and endorse the ruling party’s candidate, the incumbent President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

This week the NCP has endorsed Salva Kiir’s candidacy for the President of the Government of Southern Sudan, saying it will not nominate any candidate to contest against Kiir and urged the SPLM to reciprocate.

The meeting would also discuss how to resolve the issue of the controversial population census results despite the NCP’s earlier position to suspend discussions on the issue until after the April elections.

Sudan official news Agency (SUNA) quoted Kiir as saying that that the discussions tackled the issue of peace, disputed law packages, SPLM boycott of elections in South Kordofan and other electoral issues.

The SPLM leader called for conducting the elections in a peaceful manner and to make it exemplary of Sudan’s move towards peace, unity and development.

Taha stressed that it is not true that the NCP has suspended talks with the SPLM stressing that the dialogue will continue adding that there is willingness on both sides to reach an understanding

The two parties had earlier agreed in principle to increase the number of seats as a resolution to the controversy over the census results which put Southern Sudan population at eight million and consequently affected the region in the distribution of power at the national level.

Machar, who also heads the SPLM team that negotiates with NCP the implementation of the CPA, had earlier announced that NCP had rejected the SPLM proposal to increase the seats for Southern Sudan.

He also added that NCP had also refused to amend some sections of the laws which would guarantee free and fair elections.

He described his recent Khartoum meeting with Taha as “disappointing” and said he would brief his party’s leadership in Juba to recommend what measure to take next.

However, Taha’s travel to Juba on Sunday might be a change of mind and reverse on his party’s earlier decision to suspend discussions on the matter.

SPLM wanted more seats for the South in the National Assembly in order to make it possible to block any future attempt to amend the constitution by the future elected national parliament which might affect the gains of the CPA in the South or the conduct of referendum itself.

Southern Sudan officials have observed that NCP has recently become more intransigent after learning that the SPLM had distanced itself from forging an alliance with it during the upcoming April elections.



  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Taha in Juba to discuss elections with SPLM leadership
    We Southerners were not complaing about the candidtacy of Bashier, and why NCP compliant about the presidency of South.
    Shut up! we are not going to going to listen through your noise. Our hero Yassir Arman is our Presidency candidate running against Bashier.

  • Gatmi raan
    Gatmi raan

    Taha in Juba to discuss elections with SPLM leadership
    Dear: all the Readers

    It would be a mounumental blunder for the SPLM to abandoned and not endorsed its peace partner (NCP). lets face it, the powerful card we got to fend off any opposition from international community such as UN or AU right now is (NCP) which its head is already on the record of saying he would be the first to reconizes the South Sudan independence. Now UN is talking about confederation which was removed from 1955 constitution of a future state. that started the 1955 mutiny and triggred a 17 years war afterwards. I don’t want to hear even anything close to such arrangements. Anything short of South Sudan complete independence would be a trigger of a deadly war almost immidiately. elections would be a waste of time if it comes to that point.!!!!!!!!!

  • Kuer Dau Apai
    Kuer Dau Apai

    Taha in Juba to discuss elections with SPLM leadership
    No-Matter Somewhats Measures, Still It Doesn’t Make Sense!! In a common-sense of human policy, all the campaigning-parties and laterly contest for presidential candidacy could be willing and ready to win the election, therefore, one party won’t have a say nor propose other party to readjust their nomination so that to be defeated. At this time, we need to examine, the tricks that may be made by the NCP to cheat the SPLM party

    The SPLM choice, is within the scope of winning the election that is now putting NCP to panic. NCP dream is foreseeing the high chnaces of lossing the election.

    By law, a supervisor can not order his manager of the company unless when in a messed situation. How comes that Mr. Taha seem to be ordering his Master-second vice president of Sudan. The meeting was wrongly schedulled, suppossed to be only Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Taha meeting and laterly Bashir and Kiir if any doubt. Thank all by Kuer Dau Apai from Australia

  • M.Cool.J

    Taha in Juba to discuss elections with SPLM leadership
    Dear readers,

    Are we really forced to sign an unsave deal? Are we to sign a deal with a person who is not that trustworthy? We must be mad then!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That the SPLM should reciprocate things? How?
    My dad fought for nothing I see very clearly.He wasted his energy and resources.That deal is very dangerous aand evil!!!

  • Gatluak Latjor
    Gatluak Latjor

    Taha in Juba to discuss elections with SPLM leadership

    Now it is getting real, Mr Arman can win the support of the norhern political parties to save the sudan from falling apart. But will this minority Arab sudanese in the power give the power to the majority sudanese ?

  • Time1

    Taha in Juba to discuss elections with SPLM leadership
    Give NCP what they want if they will also give SPLM what they want.

  • Aturjok

    Taha in Juba to discuss elections with SPLM leadership
    It would be a HUGE mistake if SPLA withdraw Yessar Arman. The NCP are up to their usual games.


    Taha in Juba to discuss elections with SPLM leadership
    It is useless to hear that Yasir Arman is appointed to be a candidate to run a presidency seat against Omar Bashir. Where is Salva Kiir Miyardit or Joshua himself? Why do we like Arabs always to be in head of us all the times? Omar Bashir is the President of Sudan and Yasir Arman is going to be a president of Sudan too if incase he wins an Election from Omar Bashir hand.

    By the way, did Salva Kiir Miyardit mean that if Yasir Arman win the Election from the Northern Sudan Government, then he will still be in the same position as of the Vice President of Sudan and a President of Southern Sudan? Now, I see the reality on the ground. This mean that if Salva Kiir Miyardit run for a seat of Presidency and fail, then he will leave his seat vacant. So, that is why Salva Kiir Miyardit is trying to defense his seat because he don’t wants to loss his seat. It is a big shame if our leaders of Southern Sudan always rely on positions. How good is it if we said that Salva Kiir Miyardit is a President of Sudan instead of saying that he is a Vice President of Sudan and a President of Southern Sudan?.

    Lack of reasoning capacities and political experiences are the main fundamentals that affect our Southern Sudan Government System. It is better to have no leader in the Southern Sudan at all if we know that this will be the way in which our Southern Sudan will be. How are we going to remember the names of our Southern Sudan mrytrs who devoted themselves to die? After all, Dr John Garang, who is our Paramount liberator, die for no reason because his vision is become visionless. I’m really fate up for the way in which our leaders in Southern Sudan are trying to play their political campaigns.

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