Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLA emphasizes commanders were reshuffled not dismissed in shake-up

February 1, 2010 (JUBA) – The SPLA General Headquarters has changed some units’ commanders, not asked them to step down, the army’s official spokesman said in response to a report carried Saturday that several senior generals may be retired by South Sudan’s president.

SPLA Spokesman Maj. Gen. Kuol Deim Kuol
SPLA Spokesman Maj. Gen. Kuol Deim Kuol
The Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) official spokesman Maj-Gen Kuol Deim Kuol said that the Southern Sudan President 1st Lt-Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit, who is also serving as Commander-In-Chief of the SPLA, did not order the departure of senior commanders.

“This is a story written by an enemy of peace – there is nothing like retirement being discussed by SPLA – what happened is just normal issue in the military. In Division 4 and 5, the SPLA General Headquarters has changed some units’ commanders. It is a normal issues that happens in all militaries,” said the spokesman.

Sudan Tribune had reported that Major General Gatduel Gatluak, popularly known as Gatduel Nyakuai, who was previously the overall commander of Division 5 in Lakes state has been redeployed to Unity state to command Division 4. Major General Charles Lam has been transferred from the General Headquarters in Bilpam, 3 miles away from Juba, and redeployed to command Division 5 in Lakes state to replace Major General Gatduel Gatluak. It is not yet confirmed whether other anticipated retirements will include General Paulino Matip Nhial, who is currently in Unity state.

Some information about redeployments and planned retirements had even been announced on the official state radio in Juba, Southern Sudan Radio. There are also indications that the commanders who will be redeployed are not the same commanders that he planned to retire.

But Maj-Gen. Kuol emphasized replacements and denied dismissals: “We replaced each Division commander with a new commander from a different division – we are replacing commanders with his other colleague commander and they are not retired,” he said. Rotating commanders is a longtime characteristic of higher echolons of the South’s former guerilla force.

President Kiir was absent from the normal weekly Council of Ministers last Friday, which was chaired by Vice President Riek Machar in his stead. This was reportedly due to Kiir continuing with meetings at the army headquarters. But the SPLA spokesman downplayed the intensity of Kiir’s string of security meetings, saying that this is normal and he goes every Thursday to a barracks to listen to military discussions, as well Friday in the South Sudan Council of Ministers, and Saturday in the Southern Sudan Security Committee meeting forum. He affirmed that in that sitting on Thursday, they have not discussed any retirement as reported by the “enemy of peace.”

SPLA Spokesman Kuol also discussed salary issues for SPLA soldiers, saying the SPLA budget had been delayed waiting approval from the South Sudan’s parliament. “The issue of how they are going to supply various SPLA units is a normal issues having no connection with Salva Kiir’s alleged dismissal of SPLA unit commanders,” he said.


Manyang Mayom in Rumbek contributed to this report.


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    SPLA emphasizes commanders were reshuffled not dismissed in shake-up
    I say it before that the article is asuspicious one.
    Nuer were the one who compose that article because there pro-Arab mentality still there. And that is why they assume the retirement of that old pro-Arab militia leader.

  • Gatwech

    SPLA emphasizes commanders were reshuffled not dismissed in shake-up

    So you were lying that you have information about the mass retirement of officers. Where is your other colleague, the Dinka Dominated SPLA who bragged about retiring Lt. General Paulino Matip? Ahahahahaaaa…

    Guys read my yesterday’s comment to the article being referred up there. I told you that this retirement cannot happen unless decided under the influence of 50 bottles of whisky drunk first. Ahahahahahaaaaa…..

  • M.Cool.J

    SPLA emphasizes commanders were reshuffled not dismissed in shake-up
    Dear readers,

    That is damn and bullshit!!!! Bringing that loose-talk man called Gatduel Nyakuai. That is just a plan made in the house by Kiir and his friendsThat was meant to ruin Unity State.

    I saw something like retiring Paulino Matip.If you people have never seen that old man in his real colours then do it .

    Kuol Deim could not even mention something like”enemy of peace” when they are the very people who go against peace coining all these plots agains some Nuer commanders and Generals.

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