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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Residents flee a Unity state area fearing retaliatory attack

By Ngor Arol Garang

February 7, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Hundreds of residents of Biemnhom County, in the southern Sudan state of Unity, have started fleeing the area as speculations of possible clashes by Messeriya pastoralists and local police continues to capture attention of local authorities.

On Thursday February 4, some eighteen people were killed in clashes between southern Sudan army and cattle herders from Misseriya tribe in the Unity state. The SPLA said the northern Sudan pastoralists attacked a garrison in a village near Bentiu, capital of the state.

“They are leaving the area to avoid being caught up in the cross fighting in case of uncertainties as two parties are being rumored preparing for retaliatory attack,” said Deng Miyen, an administrative officer in the area.

Deng said an increased movement of local residents is being seen in the areas which were recently attacked by Messeriya nomads because of fear about possibilities imminent clash between the two sides.

According to him, at least 378 families from Biemnhom and its surrounding have left the area on Saturday seeking protection from local police.

The areas which saw massive movement include the northern part of the county largely inhabited by the newly returned internally displaced persons from northern states following return operations organized South Sudan government in collaboration with International Organization for Migration and other partners.

However, local authorities are reported to have deployed thousands of security forces in the area following speculations that members of Messeriya pastoralists are planning to carry out attacks in the coming days.

Sources from the area reportedly said the recent attacks were part of retaliatory attack for December clash between police and members of Messeriya pastoralists.

The December 2009 clash erupted between members of Messeriya and local police after local authorities asked the Misseriya herders to cross Kiir River unarmed, a move that the pastoralists resisted.

The official spokesperson of the SPLA, General Kuol Deim Kuol, said Messeriya gets backings from Sudan armed forces saying the attackers are often well-trained and equipped.

How and where can a mere cattle keeper gets AKM 47, RPG and other sophisticated weapons to fight entrance to grazing and water points, he posed. It is government of Sudan under ruling national Congress party, he said.

An accusation Hassan Musa, a leader of one of the messeriya section in Muglad denied saying they don’t receive any military supports from government forces.



  • James John
    James John

    Residents flee a Unity state area fearing retaliatory attack
    You guys are shit……………Can someone comfort to me that, Is there only tribes in Southern Sudan are Dinka only????? Who care if they want to fight there in their land up to them.

    Southern Sudan Have States, so if the Unity States can not control there States then that is up to them. nor else they should sell all there cattle to avoid trouble if not let them keep Quite.

    For all ur information they’re is some smartest tribes in Southern Sudan and forget about the Dinka or whatever they called them self.

  • [email protected]

    Residents flee a Unity state area fearing retaliatory attack
    Its seems to me as the beginning of South North war is hindering againt,and this is exactly the way of Khartoum government since 1960s, when they expelled civilians of the same Biemnum county today from Ngol which is the area of Hgilig today to the current Biemnum, that was called Pan Ajanga before the name of Biemnum was applied to it. So i urge the government of Southern Sudan to take it seriously to defense the area well, because it is well planned by Khartoum government to use the name of massyria, and that is the war of oil its begun to clear the areas of Southern residences who are habitat people around higilig, for the up coming bordering implementation strategy in 2011, as they obviously are refusing to implement the bordering issue to now.
    I repeatedly ask our government to be more vigilant not to be fool around by Khartoum government.


    Residents flee a Unity state area fearing retaliatory attack
    Dear Southern Sudanese people, I have been commenting all the time about Ruweng that we Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County, we are in a serious problems. We Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State, we have been facing a brutality living in all corners. By the way, what will be the real solution if BIMENOM COUNTY of Dinka Ruweng is under attack again? Since 1982, Ruweng Land has been in a bad situation. I hope this should be the time for Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State in order to be free if what the so call CPA is achieved. Last few months ago, the war emerged in Weraghoor Swamp killing two people and wounded one person. On February 10, 2008, our three leaders from Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County and Six soldiers were killed by Arabs in Heglig(TOOR ALIINY). Then again, the war erupted again in GOLI, the village of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State. Then on last February 06, 2010, war took place again in GOLI for the other second time.

    This is exactly what I said that Dinka Ruweng people of Biemnom County will never be in a good sharp if the SPLM/SPLA doesn’t acknowledge the problem of Dinka Ruweng of Biemnom County since they are living in border with Arabs, Dinka Jok of Ngok-Abyei and Dinka Panaruu as well as Nuer.Dinka Ruweng has never been known since some other communities are not sure about the people who are called Ruweng. Now, the reality come up and those who call themselves Ruweng will name themselves again. War will never stop if the problem of Dinka Ruweng is concealed. SPLM/SPLA is silent and they are supposed to work seriously with the problem of Ruweng.

    In 2008, Heglig(TOOR ALIINY), the area of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State, was annexed by Deng Alor to the Northern Sudan. This is a big problem because Deng Alor thought that he will have a chance of taking Heglig(TOOR ALIINY) to Abyei. Dear brothers and sisters, the problems of Dinka Ruweng People of Biemnom County was been existing since the time when SPLM/SPLA never took up arms. In 1969, Arabs started occupying Ruweng Land. Then in 1980, the Regime under the Late Former President Jaffar Nimeiri sent their troops to Biemnom County in Unity State and kill the Paramount Chief of Dinka Ruweng Mr CAMILO KUOT KUR KUOT.

    Ruweng Land have never been stabled since Arabs destroyed the people of Dinka Ruweng Community because of Oil in Heglig(TOOR ALIINY). Now, if the Arabs came to GOLI village of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County and then to Weraghoor Swamp and KIIR RIVER(KIIR RUWENG or KIIR-KOU), so what left? Dinka Ruweng faced a number of many allegations from their neigbouring communities such as Dinka Panaruu and Dinka Jok of Ngok-Abyei who want to seize Ruweng Territory land like Heglig(TOOR ALIINY). Dinka Ruweng Community in Unity State consists of SIX Chiefdoms or Clans: Here are they:

    These are the clans that make up what is call Ruweng nowadays in Unity State. Last month ago, we heard that some other communities such as Panaruu, Dinka Jok of Ngok-Abyei claimed themselves that they are Dinka Ruweng. Will the call themselves again that they are Ruweng? Now, the reality has revealed itself on the ground. We will see who are Ruweng. Number of segregations from different communities including Arabs have become useless indeed. Lord, save the people of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County.

    By Dharchep Miyar Dharchep from Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County in Unity State.

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