Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Elections came make an ideal payback day

By Justin Ambago Ramba, MD.

February 19, 2010 — Those candidates who are aiming for offices for the second term should in fact receive more scrutiny than any. How many of us are eager to become audiences to ex-portfolio holders while they go over what they should have done but couldn’t? Should they be expected to do better if given a second term in office? Given their five years in office was enough opportunity to send their messages through. But without any tangible achievements on the ground and the absence of any services that can be attributed to them, no doubt reflects how inappropriate they have been.

On the other hand many of these ex-portfolio politicians are already associated with many cases of corruptions that captured headlines throughout the entire life span of the GoSS from 2005 to date. We have heard of countless false contracts on roads, on schools, and fresh issues as the embezzlements at the Nile Commercial Bank (NCB) and the Dura scandal.

The Dura scandal as a major famine looms….

Today as I write this article, over 5 million south Sudanese i.e. half of the total population are threatened with hunger due to lack of sorghum (Dura). Dura is our staple food and it is grown in huge quantities in many parts of the Sudan. There are mechanized schemes mostly in southern Kordofan, Gaderef and the Renk (south Sudan), where millions of hectares of sorghum are grown using rain water, yet half of the population in south Sudan are starving. Do any of the electorates ask as to where all these tons of sorghum end up?

We must know that the government in Khartoum with collaboration with its counterparts in Juba chose to export the sorghum to the Middle Eastern Arab countries as fodder for their goats, camel, donkeys and other animals while southern Sudanese starve in their millions. Can the GoSS in its moments of humanness not preserve the Dura produced in Renk, which is in south Sudan to feed its population of 8.0 million before satisfying the hunger of the foreign camels and donkeys or the greed of the northerners for hard currency?

It is indeed sad that the food shortage in south Sudan has been exploited by some officials in the GoSS. A big population in Warrap, Northern Bahr Ghazal, Jonglei and some parts of Eastern Equatoria are also made to starve as a result of nepotism by the President who appointed incompetent ministers of Finance from his own backyard.

These ministers one after the other turned corrupt and embezzled public funds in millions of US dollars. The latest was the $ 2.0 billion USD grains saga which every south Sudanese is quite aware of, but for reasons left to autopsy, all those involved from the top leadership to the least in the network are all now seen actively campaigning for a second term, as if to make sure that the 5 millions threatened with famine must surely die.

Who will arrest the impunity when leaders are only ears and eyes but no hands on the job….

In the Sudan tribune that came out on Wednesday 29, July 2009 Mr. Isaac Vuni reported that when the grain scandal was presented for debate at South Sudan Legislative assembly there were a total of 90 legislators in attendance and GOSS present ministers were: Martin Elias Lomuro of south Sudan minister pleaded for further investigation parliamentarian affairs, Dr. Luka Monoja Tombekana of cabinet affairs, David Deng Athorbi of finance and economic planning, Madut Biar of postal services and Telecommunication, John Luk Jok of Energy, Industry and Mining, Hon. Peter Abdurrahman Sulle of Cooperative and rural development.

A certain lawmaker urged that the South Sudan government should probe correctly in the case. He also asked why some of the assembly staffers are involved in the grain deals and rightly warned that such level of corruption could divide southern Sudanese, and do doubt it has.

This is now the moment of truth and we would want to hear from those ministers and the MPs as to what has become of this mega scandal? Are the culprits still at large while our own people starve to the death in a vast area of south Sudan? Will our corrupted politicians be sincerely looking forward to get votes from these hunger wasted and skin on bones or rather living skeletons, in the forth coming elections? Man can at times be really greedy to the extent that their acts hardly reflect any of the known humanity.

Our people still continue to suffer even when peace is officially supposed to have returned to south Sudan. President Kiir did what he could do best and on more than one occasion he tried to recycle the same corrupted cabinet in a bit to please his friends at the expense of the suffering masses; unfortunately that one didn’t pay off. Many events have happened which warranted purging at a large scale, but that never happened.

However it would be wise enough if the ex-portfolio holders don’t have to waste their time in any unnecessary campaigns because our people have had enough time over the last five years to discern what was all but mismanagement and have reached the verdict of not competent on the government. Even the tribal chiefs, who recently received new cars, are not fools to understand what it signifies. Their own fates lay with the masses not with any of these incompetent and corrupted leaders who in their last attempts to impress only prove to the whole world that they can go at length just to bribe their ways back to power.

The coming elections shouldn’t become a wasted opportunity over exaggerated partisan points of view. There is a real need to weed our political, executive as well as the legislative institutions. There are individuals out there who are known to the people as nothing but rotten. They must not be allowed to get back into the public offices and from these elections onwards the people must keep control over the politicians that they hire. As you vote them in office you can also vote them out of it, the moment they fail to impress.

Dr. Justin Ambago Ramba, M.B, B.Ch, D.R.H, M. He can be reached at either [email protected] or [email protected]. All the articles of the author are available at www.nilebuffalo.com and blog http//ussp-news.blogspot.com


  • braveheart

    Elections came make an ideal payback day

    How come your party and its members (if there is one at all) are not running for any public office in southern Sudan?

    Or are you just barking like a dog from abroad?


  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    Elections came make an ideal payback day
    Ambago Ramba,

    What is this guys always talking about?

    First of all, your narrative against Goss can not help your wish at the moment. In deed, you might be Lam Akol in your frequent writing on this net.

    I don,t know why you like to talk against the South Sudan always while failing to award the South Sudanese fro the greatest effort that they achieved through the barrel of guns,which brought 50% share of revenue to the South.

    Why you don,t compliant about SPLM before when there was no money. Obviously, people like are you will end up the traitor in the South Sudan for sure latter, i am sure about your intention of traitor behaviors.

    What are you talking about really?. Sorghum!.

    That why always said that your likes are always after money! food! and that was the reason your bahaviors is full of betrayal.

    If you are acompaign manager for SPLM-DC(Lam Akol) as was said by Dr Lupai ,then go ahead peacefully yet you must stop talking shit against Goss at this critical time, wait 2011 please.

  • Peace Lover
    Peace Lover

    Elections came make an ideal payback day
    Dog Justin Ambago Ramba, MD which stand for Mad Donkey,

    Of course there is a famie for donkeys that why the Arabs buying the (Dura) to feed their donkeys like yourself. WOW

    How come such a person like you blaming the GOSS for the hunger before blaming yourself. How much did you contributes for the citizens of southern Sudan except your contribution on the internet from aboad with barking like a dog. In fact your’e really a dog.

    Population are threatened with hunger due to lack of SORGHUM (DURA). I know why you talked of DURA, because i know you personally, you are those who like to swim in the pool of drinking. You missed drinking did you?

    Dog Ambago,

    Stop calling people in the south to gives you wrong information. I myself in the working boader of Nadapal, people from KENYA are entering south Sudan to buy food, imagine. Dogs like you keep blaming the government of not doing enough rather then blaming yourself.

    If your families who told you that, than take the blame for yourself because of your nature of laziness, and they should regret to raised you to become a dog rether than human.

    Please your families again and asked them about WESTERN UNION, if they know about thenasked them again what that for?

    Because the real southerners are helping their people, they have contributed for the south of that small sum of amounts they sent to their families rather than blaming the GOSS for that.

    I know people like you whose spent their entire time on the internet instead of working to help your people.

    Those people below are the most lairs DOGS on the internet, they pretended themselves as the most greater writers but in facts, even the real DOGS are laughing for them. They are:


    Few to mentioned, but there are of them. Those who always like to comments against souther interest. You can know them through their supports to the CANDIDATES of AMBAGO, OKUK, KISANGA, WANNIS, MACHAR, …………………………….and DOG AKOL.

    Mr. DOG. AMBAGO,

    I knew you long time ago, your those who always happy if food are there, remember when we was in the school at time. You always talked about food that talking about school matters and today you proof it through you writing. Hungry DOG!

    My advice to you and your IDIOTS DOGS is that; leaved SPLM alone to deal with southerners. Stop writing your rubbish about SPLM. You have to understand that we need to respect this slogan SPLM. SPLM liberate us and will still continue to do so!

    Let just wait for 2011 when we gets our dreams, then from there you can form million of party no one will care about it. Thank SPLM now you able to write, before can you write those rubbish? Your ass will be torture by the NIF/NCP/DC dogs chasing party.

    SPLM is our party for right now if like it or not. Keep writing from aboard like dog barking while SPLM are moving.

    Shame on you IDIOTS DOG HUMARBAGO for turning against your own people unless you are ARABS in black clothes.

    Time is coming to kill traitors of southern Sudanese like and alkies! MARK MY WORDS. Even our bullet can reach you aboard. Start digging your grave.

    Take care!

  • Aturjok

    Elections came make an ideal payback day
    Although I always disagreed with Mr. Ramba on many occasions, I found this article to be fair and balance.

  • Time1

    Elections came make an ideal payback day
    Dr Ambago

    It is time for you to catch up with your fellow USSP member in Sudan Mr clement.

    Clement realise th at the onyl way to bring all this good ideas to south sudan is by being on the ground.

    All southerners should dedicate to their country and contribute by being on the ground, contributions through internet or news is also not bad.

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