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Sudan Tribune

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NBGS Governor bans electoral rally of independent candidates in Aweil

February 19, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The incumbent Governor of Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, Paul Malong Awan Anei, has on Thursday evening banned independent candidates from holding their electoral campaign rally scheduled to take place on Friday 19 in Aweil town without giving reasons for stoppage.

“Governor Malong Awan is in Juba and acted through his deputy in collaboration with director of police. All they microphones mounted on vehicles were removed and people who were making announcement were asked to stop and put behind bars,” said Honorable Deng Athian in Aweil town.

Similarly, Dr. Dhieu Mathok Diing Wol, one of the senior members of the independent group also said they were supposed to hold public rally today in Aweil town freedom Square, but the Director of Police Major General Akot Deng Akot and Deputy Governor Madam Josephine Moses have decided to stop the launching of a rally scheduled to take place Friday after the National Election Commission (NEC) wrote letters to concerned authorities including UNIMIS in Aweil.

“Akot Deng was sent by Madam Josephine Moses the Acting Governor to arrest Media Team who were sent out from Gen. Dau’s camp to pass information of the rally. The reason is still unknown” said Kuach Deng in an email sent to Sudan Tribune email.

At Maper Akot Aru resident, policemen stopped vehicles and seized the microphones and arrested the speakers Taban Abdulmunim, Paulin Thiep and the whole team but they were all released shortly after Gen Dau heard the news, he added.

“These intimidating behaviors have to be stopped and let democracy flourish in our state,” Kuach stressed.

More than 340 SPLM officials across the ten Southern Sudan states have declared their independent candidatures, accusing the Political Bureau of “undemocratically” handpicking mostly “unpopular” party officials as flag bearers for various constituencies. They argued their decision to independently contest was in the interest of the majority of the people at the grassroots.

SPLM Bureau disowned on Wednesday all the independent candidates after two days of extra-ordinary meeting in Juba. The Deputy Secretary General for Southern Sector, Dr. Anne Itto said the independent candidates were no longer part of SPLM and should no longer use the party slogans and logo during their election campaigns, saying they have already dismissed themselves.

Friday’s rally had been prepared in a way to have all the needed authorizations from the relevant authorities, the organizers said, adding the ban was not expected.

“This decision raised many questions whether the leadership in our State is ready for democratic dispensation at this crucial time of the CPA. The GOSS president must relieve those officials who are contesting to pave way for fair and just competition,” Kuach commented.

Dr. Dhieu further stated that Gen. Dau, a leader of the independent candidates contesting against SPLM nominee incumbent governor Malong, will make official compliant to the NEC and UNMIS this morning.

Major General Akot Deng Akot, director of police, denied having arrested members of the rally.

“I have only asked them through my officers to stop launching their political rally based on instructions I received from acting governor,” he said. “Also I have not received information of arrest; I only learned it from you now,” he added declining to say reason for stoppage of launching political rally as planned.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    NBGS Governor bans electoral rally of independent candidates in Aweil
    that is what they deserve whan they have been told not compited with their part met now it is in their colic pain SPLA/M oyeeeeeeeee very soon we will called death aganist the independant condidates soon on the street if they do not abandone their act

  • Salah

    NBGS Governor bans electoral rally of independent candidates in Aweil
    Well, SPLM should immediately declare victory today and install all it’s candiates into their respctive positions. What is the point of having elections if this is the way to conduct them?

  • Deng Wel Deng
    Deng Wel Deng

    NBGS Governor bans electoral rally of independent candidates in Aweil
    I am not longer seeing any credibilty of this independent candidates campaigning after having been disown by SPLM.

    The should have to either concede and join the SPLM or form a political part that will enable them to swift into power.

  • Dinka Boy
    Dinka Boy

    NBGS Governor bans electoral rally of independent candidates in Aweil
    yes, independent candidates must act on part line other they must be ban in the entire Southern States because their work contradicts the stakes of Southerners.
    Great job indeed.

  • Thyinka

    NBGS Governor bans electoral rally of independent candidates in Aweil
    This is not a good sign for SPLM if they want to preach democracy in Sudan. Give people a chance to choose whoever they like to represent them. People must be given a chance. There must be a level playing field for all candidates.

  • babadit

    NBGS Governor bans electoral rally of independent candidates in Aweil
    Look at such undemocratics moves in NBS, it that is the situation in the State then SPLM should also Stop Mr.Ojetuk the incumbent government from constesting using government assets, Vehicles,systems,Maize ceareals that is ment to sold to those affected by huger to facilitates his campaign.
    SPLM official who decided in the political bureau did not think of the positve and negative implication these may cause on the future generation.


  • Gatwech

    NBGS Governor bans electoral rally of independent candidates in Aweil

    You guys are beating the drums of what you will regret pretty soooooooooooooon!!!

    The 1991 blessed year brought you the idea of democracy, yet you don’t know how to implement it…

    The 1991 blessed year championed for you self-determination to independence of the South, yet you don’t know how to peacefully and in unity reach it…

    Now you have lied to the people of South Sudan that you are for democracy, and instead want to implement democrazy or communism…

    You know what, Salva Kiir will NEVER be sworn in as the next and first ELECTED president in the South.

    Mark my words…

  • Pwad Achob
    Pwad Achob

    NBGS Governor bans electoral rally of independent candidates in Aweil
    Oh God!!!! what a lunatic and unprofessional behaviour from uncivilized decision makers in Aweil. Where are we heading with this undemocratic and unpatriatic treatment of independent candidates? Are they not sons of southern sudan?

    What gave SPLM/A a right to deny others a political pratice in the south? Did they buy the land of southern sudan from people to claim its ownership?

    It is unfortunate that south is slipping away from our very eyes because our current leaders do not understand the consequences of their actions.All southerners can carry arms if the question is using force and military tactics to achieve the goals.

    They must understand that if chaoes break up in the south there will be no civilized people to come to our help and rescue us because we do not deserve any help.We have ruined it by ourselves.

    What a shame!!!!!!

  • Gatwech

    NBGS Governor bans electoral rally of independent candidates in Aweil
    My cursed cousins,

    Caretaker, caretaker, caretaker,……this is the worst code signaling imminent events. Ahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…….History is repeating itself.

    The next government will be formed by somebody else. Remember that Garang left a caretaker government.

    Greedy Dinka orphans with poor states. You can quack, hiss, meaw and even fart, but the reality will remain true. You are disgrace to South Sudan as the World Bank says.

    If it were not because of Nuer oil in their states that feeds you like orphans, you would have abandoned South Sudan and rushed to refugee camps in Kenya and Uganda like you did to Itang during the hunger crisis in Dinkaland.

    Where would you get the 8 billion dollars which you are scrambing over shamelessly like greedy orphans if the Nuer states of Unity and Upper Nile do not feed your poor buts.

    Shame on you. The good thing is that Ngundeng predicted that your leadership will NEVER smell independence of the South. You end in 2010!!!

    Garang died during his caretaker government in 2005 after getting crazy and wanting to cause chaos in the South. God intervened immediately! Do you remember the state caretaker governors during Garang’s death?

    Well, Ngundeng doesn’t like the word ’caretaker’ system in the South which makes leaders go crazy. You will see what he will soon do to Kiir during this caretaker governors period. History is repeating itself, fools!!!

    You have touched the wrong button, ahahahahaaaaaaaa……..

  • Pwad Achob
    Pwad Achob

    NBGS Governor bans electoral rally of independent candidates in Aweil
    Hi Dinka boy,

    I do not know how old are you? But it seems to me that you are just still a baby in the way you comment and write about issues of concern to all southern sudanese.Do you know that things can go bad behond our control if we keep on behaving in lunatic way
    as you behave.
    Southern sudan is land for all.If you do not trust people and I do not have a reason to believe so then you are in trouble.We are beginning to understand the motives of SPLM/A and you will see in the near future how things will turn around.Two or three jetfighters over Juba town will make you understand the results of your lunatic behaviour.

    I do not want to waste time with you on this website.

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