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Sudan Tribune

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Warrap caretaker pledges peace for better electoral campaign

By Ngor Arol Garang

February 20, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — General Salva Mathok Geng, the newly appointed caretaker governor for Warrap State, pledged his commitment to promoting peace for better electoral campaigns in the area.

Speaking from Juba, he said SPLM has been working tirelessly in recent weeks trying to resolve issues affecting the party and South Sudan as a whole. “We need credible election results through fair and equitable campaigns with other political parties.”

“As caretaker governor I pledge my full support to the promotion of peace, security,
democracy, good governance and the observance of human rights in the area, he said.
He also said expecting governors from neighboring states take the same position on issues of our common concerns such security.

Warrap shares the longest common border with four states– Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Western Bahr el Ghazal, Unity and Lakes– that they have despite tribal conflict and cattle theft maintained close relations and co-operation in various areas of mutual interest.

However Aweil and Warrap have special relationships particularly in culture, local languages and communications, immigration of cattle, borders and security including local trade.

Through these understanding and cooperation, the two states have managed to resolve a number of issues and commended the state governments for its positive attitude towards maintenance of peace and harmony especially along the common borders.

There have never been regular fights and cattle theft at the areas bordering Aweil and Warrap unlike Warrap with other states such as Lakes and Unity states, he said. Indeed Mading Aweil are historical and peaceful community to live with, he pointed out.

General Mathok further reiterated that members of his home state which is also the home state to incumbent president of the government of South Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardut enjoys warm relations in geographical, historical, socio-cultural, political and economic areas with Mading Aweil people.

Earlier, General Mathok said encouraged all neighboring states continue to co-operate in promoting peace and security stressing supports for various initiatives aimed at bringing sustainable development in the region.

He said he accepted presidential appointment as caretaker governor and will go to the state with nothing harmful but to exert every effort to explore ways and means of strengthening existing relations among the states.

“While serving as caretaker governor, I will ensure that specific areas to be paid immediate attention are identified; he said adding that there is need for the region to identify appropriate investment ventures which can benefit people in the region.”



  • Gatwech

    Warrap caretaker pledges peace for better electoral campaign

    Salva Mathok as a care-taker governor in Warrap state? What an incompetent administration of Salvatore Kiir Miyerdit. This guy mishandled SPLA administration with millions of soldiers’ money disappearing into unknown or known pockets. How will he handle civilian administration he doesn’t even know any thing about. These so-called care-takers are just there to help rig the elections and collect the left over spoils……

    Will there be elections really???

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